Stock Screener

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Prebuilt Screeners
Sensibly Priced Quality
High-quality companies, which at the same time are priced in a manner that provides reasonable value to potential investors.
Profitability Score
greater than 70
Solvency Score
greater than 70
Intrinsic Valuation Base Case
undervalued by more than 0%
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Significantly Undervalued
Companies whose market price is at least 40% less than their intrinsic value.
Intrinsic Valuation Base Case
undervalued by more than 40%
Market Cap
greater than $1B
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Magic Formula
Companies earning a high return on invested capital and trading at a low EV/EBIT multiple. Created by famous value investor Joel Greenblatt.
Current EV/EBIT
less than 10
Current ROIC
greater than 30%
Market Cap
greater than $50m
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High Growth
Companies that have shown significant revenue growth in the past and are expected to maintain or increase their growth rate in the future.
Historical 5Y Revenue Growth
greater than 30%
Estimated 3Y Revenue Growth
greater than 30%
Market Cap
greater than $50m
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Stock Screener

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a stock screener?

A stock screener is a digital filter for the stock market, helping investors sort through thousands of stocks by applying various financial and qualitative criteria. This enables investors to narrow down a vast universe of stocks to those that meet their specific investment requirements, whether they're looking for undervalued stocks, high dividend yields, or specific industry players.

How do I use the stock screener?

First, you need to select the universe filters. This stage is about narrowing down the vast array of stocks to a more manageable and relevant set. Choose from various filters like stock exchanges, country of company headquarters, industry sectors, and market capitalization. These filters help you focus your search on stocks that match your broad investment interests, creating what's known as your 'investment universe.'

Once your universe is defined, the next step is to apply more specific filters to find stocks that meet your precise investment criteria. The stock screener offers a wide variety of such filters, allowing you to delve deeper into the specifics of company performance and valuation, tailored to your individual investment criteria.