Great-West Lifeco Inc

Intrinsic Value
The intrinsic value of one
stock under the Base Case scenario is
Compared to the current market price of 52.33 CAD,
Great-West Lifeco Inc
Undervalued by 38%.
The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

Valuation History
Great-West Lifeco Inc
Fundamental Analysis

With rising interest rate uncertainty, Great-West Lifeco’s large fixed-income investment portfolio could experience market volatility that compresses margins and undermines its ability to generate stable returns in its core insurance and retirement businesses.
Great-West Lifeco’s diverse geographic footprint and broad product range across insurance, retirement, and asset management position it to capture growth in multiple markets, mitigating region-specific economic headwinds.

Balance Sheet Decomposition
Great-West Lifeco Inc
Cash & Short-Term Investments | 10.7B |
Insurance Receivable | 5.4B |
PP&E | 1.1B |
Long-Term Investments | 234.3B |
Other Assets | 550.6B |
Wall St
Price Targets
GWO Price Targets Summary
Great-West Lifeco Inc
According to Wall Street analysts, the average 1-year price target for
is 54.97 CAD
with a low forecast of 48.48 CAD and a high forecast of 63 CAD.
Current shareholder yield for GWO is
Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?
The intrinsic value of one
stock under the Base Case scenario is
Compared to the current market price of 52.33 CAD,
Great-West Lifeco Inc
Undervalued by 38%.