Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd

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Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd
Price: 1 330 JPY -0.45% Market Closed
Market Cap: 3.7T JPY
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Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd
Investor Relations

In the bustling landscape of Tokyo, where skyscrapers punctuate the horizon, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. emerges as a key architect of urban evolution. Established in 1941, this real estate titan has deeply entrenched itself in Japan’s infrastructural fabric, orchestrating a seamless blend of tradition and modern innovation. Mitsui Fudosan’s primary activities span across property development, leasing, and management, creating vibrant spaces that range from luxuriant residential complexes to sprawling commercial hubs. Its comprehensive business model is fueled by the strategic acquisition and development of properties, along with astute asset management, allowing the company to capture a substantial share of Japan’s real estate market.

Diving into its revenue streams, Mitsui Fudosan operates through a diversified portfolio that includes office buildings, retail facilities, logistics centers, and hospitality assets globally. The company actively engages in a cycle of development and sales for residential properties, while simultaneously investing in long-term leases for its commercial projects. This dual strategy ensures a steady, robust cash flow balancing short-term gains from sales with recurring rental income. Additionally, Mitsui Fudosan capitalizes on its property management and services operations, offering comprehensive solutions that enhance the appeal and functionality of its developments, further fortifying its position as a linchpin in the realm of urban real estate.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Takashi Ueda
President, CEO & Representative Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Atsumi Kanaya
Executive Officer and General Manager
No Bio Available
Mr. Yousuke Seko
Managing Officer & GM of General Administration Department
No Bio Available
Mr. Shingo Kawabata
Investor Relations Contact
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Mr. Satoshi Hironaka
Chief Operating Officer of Real Estate Solution Services Division
No Bio Available
Mr. Makoto Tokuda
MD, Senior Executive Managing Officer & Director
No Bio Available
Motoyasu Kato
Executive Managing Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Yugo Ono
Head of Investor Relations & Managing Officer
No Bio Available


Mitsui Main Bldg., 2-1-1, Nihombashi Muro-machi