Kameda Seika Co Ltd

Kameda Seika Co Ltd
Kameda Seika Co., Ltd. engages in the manufacture and sale of rice crackers and snacks. The company is headquartered in Niigata, Niigata-Ken and currently employs 3,362 full-time employees. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in manufacture and sale of rice crackers and snacks. The firm is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of rice crackers and premium rice crackers for supermarkets, convenience stores, mass retailers, theme parks, and department stores. The company is also engaged in the storage and distribution of rice crackers and raw materials, and other food products manufactured by other food manufacturers. The company is also engaged in the production, process and sale of agricultural products, and the sale and maintenance of automobiles. Main brands include Kameda no Kaki no Tane, Kenbutsu, Usuyaki, Age Ichiban, Potapota Yaki, Tsumami Tane, and Teshioya.