PENN Entertainment Inc
Intrinsic Value
The intrinsic value of one PN1 stock under the Base Case scenario is 25.12 EUR. Compared to the current market price of 15.94 EUR, PENN Entertainment Inc is Undervalued by 37%.
The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:
Valuation History
PENN Entertainment Inc
Fundamental Analysis
PENN’s abrupt transition away from Barstool Sports to an ESPN-branded wagering platform risks alienating existing customers and driving up re-branding expenses, challenging near-term profitability.
By partnering with one of the most recognized names in sports media, PENN can leverage ESPN’s massive audience to accelerate online wagering adoption and gain substantial market share in both existing and emerging markets.

Revenue & Expenses Breakdown
PENN Entertainment Inc
Balance Sheet Decomposition
PENN Entertainment Inc
Current Assets | 1.2B |
Cash & Short-Term Investments | 706.6m |
Receivables | 256.8m |
Other Current Assets | 191m |
Non-Current Assets | 14.1B |
Long-Term Investments | 86.2m |
PP&E | 9.7B |
Intangibles | 4.1B |
Other Non-Current Assets | 232m |
Free Cash Flow Analysis
PENN Entertainment Inc
USD | |
Free Cash Flow | USD |
Earnings Waterfall
PENN Entertainment Inc
Cost of Revenue
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses
Operating Income
Other Expenses
Net Income
PN1 Profitability Score
Profitability Due Diligence
PENN Entertainment Inc's profitability score is 43/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.
PENN Entertainment Inc's profitability score is 43/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.
PN1 Solvency Score
Solvency Due Diligence
PENN Entertainment Inc's solvency score is 22/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.
PENN Entertainment Inc's solvency score is 22/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.
Wall St
Price Targets
PN1 Price Targets Summary
PENN Entertainment Inc
Current shareholder yield for PN1 is .
Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?
The intrinsic value of one PN1 stock under the Base Case scenario is 25.12 EUR.
Compared to the current market price of 15.94 EUR, PENN Entertainment Inc is Undervalued by 37%.