SVIK Q1-2020 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

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Earnings Call Transcript

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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the Studsvik First Quarter 2020 Conference Call. [Operator Instructions] I must advise you that this conference is being recorded today.And now I would like to hand the conference over one of your speakers today, Camilla Hoflund. Please go ahead.

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Studsvik interim report for the first quarter 2020. Let me introduce myself, Camilla Hoflund, CEO of Studsvik. And with me, I have Claes Engvall, CFO.But first of all, let me start to deeply apologize for our delay today due to technical issues to start the conference.Anyway, today, we will walk you through the Studsvik report for the first quarter 2020 and also share our updated view of COVID-19 situation.Next page, please. Please let me start with a brief introduction of Studsvik. Studsvik is a company with a very strong characteristic, mainly in the nuclear industry, providing services to customers represented by the utilities, fuel vendors, international research organizations and regulators. We operate on a global market and have a strong international footprint. Our offerings cover several areas of the fuel and reactor life cycle from new build creation, decommissioning to sign on disposal research. One of our key initiatives has been to expand beyond nuclear into a new segment, medical isotope production.So if you please turn to Page #3. Let me share the CEO view in brief. The year has started stable for our company. And so far, the impact of COVID-19 has been limited for Studsvik. In the quarter, we continue to see improvements from our initiatives last year, such as cost savings programs, restructuring of organization and commercial negotiations. We have profit improvements in all business areas compared to same period last year, and the major improvements reported from the German operations.Going forward, we have the global uncertainty due to the COVID-19 situation. As for any other company, it's very difficult to foresee the long-term impact. And still, we know it will have an impact. We monitor the COVID-19 situation closely to adapt to any new circumstances or conditions to manage the people and operation forward in a safe way.During today's call, I will walk you through the group summary, COVID-19 impact and a more detailed update for each business area. After that, I will hand it over to Claes Engvall, that will walk you through the financial highlights and outlook as well as risks moving forward.Please turn to Page #4. Quarter 1 in summary. As already mentioned, we had a stable start of the year with an improved net sales and improved operating profit in all business areas. Our improvement program from 2019 shows expected outcome. The cash has developed positively in the period. As reported, the COVID-19 impact has been limited so far and is related to the German operation. As it is very difficult to foresee the long-term impact of COVID-19, we monitor the status closely to adapt to the upcoming change in conditions.If you turn to the next page, I will share a comprehensive COVID-19 assessment with you. Peoples health is our highest priority, and we apply the national regulations and recommendations. Management are tracking the situation closely to be able to adapt to the operations when needed.Impact of quarter 1 has been limited to German operations, where we have about 80 to 90 employees that temporarily have been sent home from customer sites. This is about 25% of the total number of staff in Germany. The employees are expected to be back at the customer sites in June, and we are getting financial support from the German government in the meantime.The Swedish site is still in full operation. We have a large number of employees worldwide working on remote. Our main risks going forward are an increased number of temporary shutdowns in Germany, a shutdown on the facilities in Sweden, delay of new orders due to restricted travel policy, and of course, we work to mitigate business delays, orders by working on the most big sales activity. We all hope and look forward to the day where things start to be stable and back to more normal conditions, the post COVID-19 day. That day will come even if we have to be patient right now.Please turn to Page #6. Studsvik offers high-value services for the global nuclear industry to support safety and efficiency. Following our mission statement, we create customer-focused solutions to complex problems, using our proven ability to innovate. Now moving forward, there will be a more detailed reporting from each business area.Please turn to Page 7, Fuel and Materials Technology. A stable start on the quarter, where we managed to compensate for delayed transport and fuel projects from Halden. In the period, we have performed planned maintenance work in the facility, including internal waste campaign that occupies staff and hot cell capacity.The ramp-up for medical isotopes will be delayed to early 2021. The reason is the irradiation of sources from third-party test reactor that will not be ready for delivery to Studsvik until end of this year. This is very disappointing as we are ready with the production line in our hot cell. Studsvik has an open and forward-looking dialogue with our customer, Elekta. The concept has seen improvement in the irradiation of sources, production of hot cell and final installation in hospital. Therefore, we believe this would be a beneficial business for both partners when Studsvik has the possibility to ramp up the production early next year.Studsvik is adjusting the plan for hot cell and will be able to partly compensate the medical isotope project, with other projects and new orders expected.The business area has a strong pipeline, and a few examples. The Norwegian government, NND, Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning, has officially stated that they aim to sign a direct contract with Studsvik, core value about NOK 150 million over 13 years. The scope includes several fuel transports and treatment of the fuel in our facility. Although we have not yet received the order and the contract has to be approved by [indiscernible] in Norway, we expect to sign the contract in quarter 3.There is a second step officially stated by the Norwegian government, about NOK 1.5 billion. Studsvik has a great opportunity and are well positioned for this possibility. However, we expect the order will be placed 2, 3 years from now, and there will also be competition on the market. Again, we are very positive and would like to be a part of this growth as it would be a good baseline for hot cell for more than 20 years. Within the business area, Fuel and Materials Technology, we also work on the geographic expansion and that is progressing. And we hope to sign a new order within fuel or water chemistry during this year for the Asian market.Turn to Page #8, Waste Management Technology. The net sale is lower compared to last year due to the reduction of loss-making business. The utilization for engineers are high in Sweden and has improved in U.S. at the end of the period. The sales activities for new technology license sales have slowed down due to the COVID-19 and travel restrictions, but we do our best to keep up the work on remote with market and BD activities.Please turn to Page #9. For Scandpower, a stable start of the year, with improved net sales and EBIT. We can see an increase for engineering services, compensating for the delayed business in China. The business area has a strong pipeline on a broad geographic market, although there is a potential delay for larger license sales due to COVID-19 and travel restriction.On the other hand, China is expected to open up again and we can continue with our business and sales activities.Please turn to Page #10. Finally, the German operation. A strong result for the period following improvement program performed 2019. The business area managed to deliver a slightly positive result even with the negative impact of SEK 3 million due to the COVID-19, and the temporary employees sent home at the end of the period.In quarter 2, we expect a negative impact of SEK 7 million due to COVID-19, and perform regular work at the nuclear power plant. Still, the customers have indicated a ramp up again from June and the planned revisions will require increased number of staff again. We estimate our employees to be back at the customer site from June if things do not get much worse with COVID-19. As we have full order book, we foresee a full utilization in quarter 3 for the German operations.Now I would like to hand it over to Claes Engvall for the financial status.

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

Yes, hello, and thank you for joining. I would like to start with some financial highlights. As you can see, we have a quarterly EBIT of SEK 3.5 million. And as we said it before, we have no items affecting comparability.Within the group, since some time back, we have a very, very strong focus on cash and working capital. A little bit more about the activities we are performing. And we are also aiming in a good response all throughout the organization when it comes to focus on cash and working capital. I would also like to give a follow-up from our last financial conference in February on the appeal of the bank guarantee. That was turned down by the court of appeal. We have prepared and send in a new court case, with new legal information and legal facts. And we are still positive on getting a positive result from that process. However, we have other financial options in place to mitigate any risks if we see a negative answer from the court.Just like Camilla said, the quarterly impact from COVID-19 situation is SEK 3 million. We have done a lot of financial precautions to prepare for the future. Even though what you can see right now, there is a limited impact on our organization. But we are still prepared for lost times in that [ content ]. We are in preparation.So please turn to Page #12. I would like to draw to your attention a couple of highlights on the report. First of all, we made a substantial improvement year-on-year on the quarterly results. Last quarter 2019, we had a loss of SEK 18.6 million, very much driven by the problems we have in Germany. And today, we can report a profit of SEK 3.5 million. We have a free cash flow development, which is also very positive, corresponding period last year, minus SEK 33 million. And today, we can report a free cash flow of SEK 24 million. And I will give you a little bit more flavor also on the free cash flow. And that has also helped us improve then the net debt-to-equity ratio, which we have taken down. And now we have this on a level of 17.4%, which is an improvement close to full year when it was at 27.4%. So those are the main items I would like to draw to your attention.So please turn to Page #13. Looking then at the good development year-on-year, like I said before, it was very strong development. We improved the financial results by SEK 22.1 million. The bulk of the improvement derived from Germany. During 2019, we worked a lot with price negotiations. We have increased the utilization rate within the organization. We have rolled out cost-saving initiatives. And we have worked with stabilizing management and a lot of different issues have been addressed in the German organization. So we're very, very happy to see that we are on track, on plan and that we can see a nice development in the financial numbers. When it comes to Waste Management Technology, we did a major reorganization in that part of the business last year. We discontinued with the loss-making part of the business and focus the business on the profit-making parts. And here also, we can see that we are on track according to our plans. We can also report an improvement of SEK 3.6 million.And then just like Camilla said, Fuel and Materials Technology and Scandpower had a good and stable start of the year. All in all, quarter versus quarter, an improvement of SEK 22.1 million.Please turn to Page #14. The cash flow. Yes, like I said before, we have a very good development in the free cash flow, mostly it's derived from changes in working capital. And here we have rolled out a comprehensive program in the different business areas, they are addressing them together with corporate area for improvement when it comes to working capital. We have also been quite successful in the German operations in lowering the working capital level. And also, which is more of a periodical issue that we normally receive the maintenance payments from our customers in Scandpower in the United States in the first quarter. So those 3 activities really helped us to improve the free cash flow in the organization, and which has also helped us to strengthen the total available cash, which now amount to SEK 92 million as compared to full year when it was at SEK 66 million. So the cash flow and the financial position are the same thing.Please turn to Page #15. The financial outlook. Yes, like Camilla said, there's a lot of uncertainties regarding the corona and the COVID-19 development and the risk for potential business delays. We can only say that we are just like any another company. We are monitoring the situation on a very regular basis. We have plans in place, including financial plans with different scenarios. And of course, we will come back and give you more updates on the next earnings call.Then looking at the financial outlook then for the different business areas, starting with Fuel and Materials Technology. Just like Camilla said, we have a delay of the Elekta deliveries due to the deliveries of material from a third-party supplier. That will roughly affected about 7% of the order value. And as noted, if you remember, the order value is around SEK 400 million, you can do the math how much money it cost and the impact of sales price this year. But just like Camilla said, we have other business opportunities, that, to a large extent, can compensate the loss of -- in the delay of the Elekta order this year. Then comes to the Fuel and Materials operations. We are expecting them to continue to be stable. Our hot cell in our operation is still running. We don't have any sicknesses due to COVID-19 and operations are on normal level.Scandpower, also going forward, they are managing the situation to a great extent working from home. We don't have any sick staff. We expect the business to continue to be stable. And also, we see our signs of China is starting up again, which means that we can start-up our businesses in China, which is a very, very important market for us. When it comes to Waste Management Technology, we can confirm that we are on track towards the SEK 10 million year-on-year improvement in front of us last year. As you can see from the numbers, we are starting now to see we improved also in the EBIT numbers. We are on track.And in Germany, as like we said previously, we are also on track when it comes to the improvement programs and also on track even though we have the COVID-19 situation. So we feel that we can still meet the target even if we have the COVID-19 situation. However, if the situation were to worsen, and of course, it might be some revision, but we feel that we have a good start of the year in operations and think that it's going to pay off. Also mentioning Germany, I would like to highlight that we are in the plans and are expecting quite soon to start to see financial compensation for some of the staff from the German government. Just like most governments in Europe, they have released programs in place. And we can benefit from these -- through these programs. So -- but that's already also be 7 SEK million. So that's a net number. But we are getting some compensation from the German government.Please turn to Page #16. Other potential risks, you have seen this before, concerning trade conflicts, very much related then to U.S. and China relations. And also issues concerning export controls. Just like we stated previously, we don't expect to have any items affecting comparability planned for this year. We are expecting that the cash level we see in the beginning of the second quarter, that's would be the peak of the year, and we will see a somewhat decrease towards the end of the year. And then also the investment level following a year of heavy investments in the Elekta project, now we are on a clearly lower level for 2020.So that concludes our presentation. So on behalf of me and Camilla, I would like to thank you very, very much for joining and listening. And I would like to turn over to the operator and open up for any questions. Thank you.


[Operator Instructions] And the first question comes from the line of Stefan Knutsson from ABG.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Congratulations on a good report. My first question is regarding the COVID-19 situation. And you mentioned that you have risks of delayed orders. Is this risk equal in all the segments? Or does any segment run higher risk of this?

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

I would say, one area which we have highlighted is within Waste and Materials Technology. One of the reasons is that in the U.S. organization, some of the customers who don't have access to technical platforms, we can share with them. It's difficult to communicate remotely during COVID-19 times. So that's more of a practical issue that delays things.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Okay. Perfect. And we can continue on the Fuel and Materials Technology and the Norwegian order. Is it a done deal from your side? Or do you need any permission also before a potential signature?

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

We have a dialogue with the Swedish authority. So we are in -- and they know about this deal, and there are some papers that we need to do when this will be ready to go, but that's more on kind of regular basis for us.

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

So basically, we don't foresee any new permits or anything.

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

No. No new permits.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Okay. Perfect. And how about the investments in infrastructures in order to fulfill this obligation? Is there a need for that given that you received this order?

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

Any investments needed would be part of the order. And there are no main investments or larger investments for this NOK 150 million.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Okay. Perfect. And is it evenly distributed over the 13 years that you mentioned?

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

I would say that it's more heavy in the start. So the first couple of years, the work will be more intense than towards the end of the period.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Perfect. And can you also elaborate something about a potential contribution to EBIT? Is it a high-margin business? Or is it in line with the segment as a whole? Or can you say anything?

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

Even though we are positive on receiving the order, I think it's too early to comment on any potential margins before we even sign the contract. So let me get back to that later on when we have actually signed the contract.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Okay. Perfect. And then I also wonder, how does this -- if you receive this order, can you -- will this put you in a better position to receive orders from other countries with the same need?

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

Every country has, of course, their own needs and regulations. But of course, this is a very good reference, and we do have some other opportunities that we are talking about, too, with other countries' customers, where it could be a very good reference, for sure.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

How does the demand look like for this kind of service in Europe, for example?

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

It's very individual for each country and very individual for each facility and owner. So it's very difficult to say anything generic.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Okay. Perfect. And then my last question is on Scandpower. You mentioned that the Chinese market starts to open up again. Have we seen the worst COVID-19 effect in the segment? Or do you expect equal negative impact from U.S. in the second quarter?

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

No, the impact we are foreseeing financial-wise in the second quarter is the ones we went through where we said we still own the big impact on account of the German operations. We don't really foresee any negative impact on the Scandpower operations in Q2.

Stefan Knutsson
Research Analyst

Okay. I'm just -- on top of my mind, I know that the situation in U.S. has worsened quite a lot in April here, and that's why I'm asking about the Scandpower business.

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

But it's a very relevant question, and let me clarify that. A lot of our staff within the Scandpower business in U.S., they are now working remote from home and home offices, and they continue to do work and support our customers remotely.


[Operator Instructions] And there are no further questions at the moment. So please go ahead.

Claes Engvall
CFO & Secretary to the Board

Okay. Then we would like to say thank you for joining this telephone conference. I hope you find our presentation helpful. And again, we are very, very sorry for the delay due to technical issues with the start of the conference. If anyone missed the beginning, the complete conference will be uploaded on our home site. If you can look at it and listen to it again. So again, thank you very much for joining me and apologize on the delay.

Camilla Hoflund
CEO & President

Thank you.


That does conclude our conference for today. Thank you for participating. You may all disconnect. Speakers, please continue to standby.