Sedana Medical AB (publ)

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Sedana Medical AB (publ)
Price: 9.12 SEK -4.5%
Market Cap: 906m SEK

Net Margin
Sedana Medical AB (publ)


Net Margin measures how much net income is generated as a percentage of revenues received. It helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained.

Net Margin
Net Income

Net Margin Across Competitors

Sedana Medical AB (publ)
Glance View

Market Cap
906m SEK
Health Care

Sedana Medical AB is a medical technology company, which engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of medical devices and drug development for future projects around AnaConDa. The company is headquartered in Danderyd, Stockholm. The company went IPO on 2017-06-21. The company develops, markets and sales medical devices and conducts drug development for future projects around AnaConDa technology. The AnaConDa technology delivery enables of volatile anaesthetics to invasively ventilated patients. The products portfolio comprises disposable medical devices AnaConDa for administration of volatile anaesthetics, AnaConDa syringes, FlurAbsorb charcoal filters for removing halogenated hydrocarbon anaesthetic gases, different lines and connectors which can be used to connect the FlurAbsorb filter, adaptors, among others. The Company’s main shareholders are board members, Linc AB and Magiola Consulting AB.

SEDANA Intrinsic Value
12.72 SEK
Undervaluation 28%
Intrinsic Value
What is Net Margin?

Net Margin measures how much net income is generated as a percentage of revenues received. It helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained.

Net Margin
Net Income
What is the Net Margin of Sedana Medical AB (publ)?

Based on Sedana Medical AB (publ)'s most recent financial statements, the company has Net Margin of -6%.

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