SBB B Q4-2022 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget I Norden AB

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Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget I Norden AB
Price: 7.325 SEK -1.55% Market Closed
Market Cap: 12.1B SEK
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Welcome to Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget Q4 Report 2022. [Operator Instructions]Now, I will hand the conference over to the speaker; CEO, Ilija Batljan. Please go ahead.

Ilija Batljan

Great. Thank you very much. My name is Ilija Batljan and welcome to the call with Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden or SBB. SBB, we are the largest owner of social infrastructure in Europe. And at the first slide, you see some of our buildings. Among others, we are the largest owner of social infrastructure for public education. You see on the slide, one of our preschools. And you also see one of our buildings that is used for apartments for elderly people. So we have a strong position in working together with Nordic municipalities to deliver social infrastructure.This morning, we -- before announcing our report, we also announced that the Board is investigating if we should IPO one of our subsidiaries, Sveafastigheter. Sveafastigheter has a unique portfolio of assets in the Stockholm region. And total number of apartments within Sveafastigheter will be 5,000 or more than 5,000. And on top of that, they have building rights for 4,900 apartments.We will also move our ownership in [ Heba Fastighets ] to Sveafastigheter. In that way we create largest Stockholm focused rent-regulated platform. And those of you that are visiting Stockholm model, living in Stockholm, please visit some of the properties from Sveafastigheter. And you will get -- you will see that they have been doing a great job. And that is why they have also been awarded different architecture prices. And their focus on sustainability has been acknowledged many times.So Sveafastigheter SEK 15 billion total asset value. SBB's share of that is SEK 8 billion. Some of the buildings from Sveafastigheter, you can see on this slide. And as I mentioned before, award-winning architecture with cutting-edge technology and being able to deliver the new buildings throughout cycle and having also strong demand for rent-regulated residentials.So that was one of the points that we emphasized in priorities from the Board related to situation and our focus to continue to deleverage and continue to strengthen our balance sheet. We also, as a part of Board's proposal for dividend, Board is proposing dividend of SEK 1.44 per Class A and B shares and SEK 2 as usual per Class D shares. But Board is also proposing that we will launch the DRIP dividend or opportunity for our shareholders to reinvest the dividend and the shareholders that -- so shareholders will have opportunity to choose either to reinvest the dividend or to receive dividend in cash.Reinvestment is, we have seen in among others, our partner, Brookfield is having this program in Canada. And we see this as an additional opportunity for our shareholders to compound and continue to get value from the business.Great. Let me now focus on earnings capacity that we are presenting at the end of the last year. And despite doing a large amount of divestments and being probably the most active company in the space, divesting assets, strengthening the balance sheet, we are delivering very strong earnings capacity.And you can see that the expecting operating profit of SEK 2.8 per share and earnings capacity SEK 2.11 per share. On top of that, you can add that we are getting income from our projects portfolio in terms of the building that will be finished during the year. And those are delivering SEK 275 million in extra income -- in extra net income next year, which is corresponding to SEK 0.19 per share so in total earnings capacity for 2023 SEK 2.3 per share.We also illustrated at lower side of the slide, earnings capacity showing effect of minority interest. And as you can see, after minority interest, we should be able to deliver SEK 2.2 per share plus SEK 0.19, as I mentioned before, so SEK 2.2 per share all in. So strong earnings capacity for 2023 and basically strong effect from increased income from inflation that we already get in the beginning of this year and that will be seen in our results in -- when we present Q1 numbers.When we've presented priorities, the last quarter, we were very clear that our priority is to [Technical Difficulty] to divest assets and also to divest share of joint ventures in Q4. We divested joint ventures for SEK 2 billion. We also divested 49% in SBB EduCo for SEK 2.9 billion in cash plus earnout of SEK 1.2 billion.Another important point is to continue to work to diversify our financing. And last year we were doing our first U.S. private placement. We were also issuing in Schuldschein market. And in November last year we did a large repurchase of our bonds, but also EUR 150 million of our hybrids.Another point that we emphasized in Q3 last year was that we are -- we will distribute a residential company to our shareholders. And that has been done in record time. It was announced and delivered in 30th of December last year and listed at First North Growth Market 10th of February this year. That transaction decreased SBB's exposure to secure financing with SEK 7.4 billion.And the last point, as we also mentioned and has a priority in Q3 was that we are focusing to take in minority investors with long-term institutional capital that will work together with us to develop our assets. And we announced 30th of November, we announced a transaction with Brookfield. And also there, we did close the large part of that transaction 18th of January this year.And it is always good having a good base that we have delivered on the priorities that we have announced during the last year. And the priorities that the Board is presenting in -- for this year are including, among others, investigation about IPO of Sveafastigheter.As I mentioned before, we are also continuing to strengthen our balance sheet through disposals. Right now we are in dialogue of disposing SEK 6 billion of assets to further strengthen the balance sheet. We have a great cooperation with Brookfield. And we are doing together strategic work to look for future growth in Europe.We used to emphasize that sustainability is core of our business. We have the highest rating in -- among our peers from Sustainalytics. And we have very clear track to become climate positive by 2030. And actually, just a few days ago, we also started our first solar park that has been built last year and that will produce 10 GWH electricity; which is 5% of our total consumption. So if you are driving at E18 in Sweden, close to Hallstahammar, you can see beautiful partners delivering SBB green energy.And the last point, given that we had the announcement last year about JM. The Board wants to be very clear in message that they see JM as a strategic investment in line with SBB strategy of owning unique and attractive assets.Highlights from the fourth quarter. As we have said before, we do think that ability to adapt is what is differentiating the winners. We have shown through 2022 and also through fourth quarter, our ability to adapt a strong focus on our core business.If you look at our NOI yield, if you look at our operating surplus, the net operating surplus, you will clearly see that we have strong delivery from our core business.Our net operating income is highest ever of 2022. We have -- continuing to have high interest coverage rate of 3.9x and also strong increase in cash flow. And that is actually you more focused on core business, you stronger increasing cash flow. And you can see that our cash flow has increased 42% year-on-year 2022 to 2021.78% of our gross debt has a fixed interest rate. Our longest debt is the lowest price. And we are using cash coming in to repay short-term debt. And that is also why we focused the latest repurchase of the bonds on the short-term.But the most important point here is actually #5. And that is that we have shown, both during pandemics, but also in 2022, in a challenging market that we have a unique liquid assets and we use that fact to be committed to continue to strengthen our balance sheet.As you already know, our assets are in the most populated regions in the Nordic countries, 79% is located in major cities and university cities. And we are having a relatively high net initial yield for this kind of -- for this kind of low-risk assets of 4.2% and a very long contract lease or average lease length with our tenants; that is increasing 10 years.Looking at key ratios for the fourth quarter and in comparison to the fourth quarter 2021. We are increasing our rental income despite divestments with 9%. We are also, as I mentioned before, increasing cash flow before changes in working capital. We have lower profit from property management. But that is basically related to unrealized losses in currency. Adjusted profit from property management is increasing. And as I mentioned before, strong net initial yield and strong ICR of 3.9x despite increasing interest rates.In the end of 2022, we are still having outstanding cash that has to be paid to us from committed divestments of SEK 10.5 billion. The largest part of that is coming from Brookfield and SEK 6.6 billion have been already paid in 18th of January this year. And that means that reported LTV ratio is decreasing heavily after that cash comes in. And here you can see on the pro forma illustration showing that LTV is going down from 49% to 45%.Net operating income, our rental income is landing -- our rental income is landing the year at SEK 7.4 billion for all year and net operating income for all year, SEK 4.9 billion, 66% surplus ratio. And this is a message of strength in a quarter where we still -- we are consolidating Neobo and having a large share of residential apartments that were fully affected by increase in energy prices, we are delivering 60% net operating surplus in Q4 and 66% for all of 2022.So this is one of the strongest delivery comparing to our peers and particularly controlling for that we had a large share of residential income during 2022. Rental income increased by -- on a like-for-like basis by 4%. And that is 1.2% or 120 bps over -- 120 bps over base inflation from 2021, which is strong delivery, given that our -- main part of our income is related to inflation. And on top of that, we own rent-regulated residentials.Profits from property management, as I said before, we have on a yearly basis a strong profit of property management of -- excluding translation losses in currency, SEK 4.4 billion. And taking into account translation losses of EUR 1.9 billion, then we are landing at SEK 2.4 billion.So as I mentioned in the introduction, our core business is continuing to have strong delivery. And given the divestments and restructuring that we have done during 2022, we should be able to show continuing strong delivery in Q1 this year.On profit before tax, here is where you can see that we have been doing large cleaning in 2022. We are having decrease in changes in value with SEK 4.5 billion, which is one of larger decrease basically related to rent-regulated residentials.We also are taking through the P&L according to our IFRS some kind of realization results on distribution of Neobo. We are dissolving goodwill after property sales. So all of the goodwill that has been on the other part of portfolio, including building rights have been dissolved or have been written down. And also sales are leading to that some part of the goodwill that is within deferred tax has been dissolved.We are over the line also continuing to write down JM stake despite that JM is both increasing the dividend and having strong buybacks. And we are also taking a hit on values of financial instruments. So that is how to say, part of the story that our core business is delivering strong profit and strong cash flow and we are doing large noncash write-downs.If you look at our debt, as I mentioned in the introduction, we have a unique long debt portfolio with a relatively long maturity of almost 4 years. We also have a large expected inflow of cash from divested assets. It's not only expected, it will be done and the first part of that has already been done.And given the cash coming in from the Brookfield transaction, will be continuously used to repay bonds. However, right now, we are having final discussions with Swedish banks on refinancing and some new financing of SEK 12 billion. We are also seeing that the bond market is slightly trying to take the first steps also for the Swedish real estate and we think that is good. And however, our focus is still to fulfill what we have said last year, to continue to strengthen our -- to continue to strengthen our balance sheet.Then I will try to summarize what I just presented to you with a few main points. The first one is we announced this morning, in line with the Board's priority that we are investigating IPO of Sveafastigheter, unique Stockholm-based residential portfolio with a large focus on sustainability. We do have in that portfolio SEK 8 billion on equity value attributable to SBB shareholders. And if we choose the IPO, then the plan is to deliver on this in the first half of this year.We are fulfilling our continued disposal plan and are in dialogue regarding disposals of SEK 6 billion on the book valuation and that is also in order to further strengthen the balance sheet.Number three, we have started our partnership with Brookfield. And we are working together to and will work together to have a strategy for future growth in Europe. And we think that Brookfield as our partner is the right step when taking SBB in Europe to grow together with Brookfield.Number four, we are -- we think that JM is developing well. They are a unique and attractive asset. And the Board has concluded after strategic overview that this is a strategic investment in line with SBB strategy of owning unique and attractive assets.Number five, we are continuing to focus on core business, which is, in our case, social infrastructure and where we, in some places, in order to support municipalities, are complementing with rent-regulated residentials.But as I said before, we feel that there are strong needs for social infrastructure. We feel that we have very good cooperation with our municipalities. We feel that SBB with a stronger balance sheet is also important for municipalities in order to support their needs for social infrastructure.And finally, the Board is announcing that they will propose to -- they will propose to Annual General Meeting, a dividend of SEK 1.44 per Class A and B shares and SEK 2 per D shares. And both share classes will have opportunity to reinvest instead of taking dividend in cash, to reinvest into new Class B shares. So that means that all share classes, both Class A and B, but also Class D shares will have opportunity to choose instead of getting paid dividend in cash to get -- or to reinvest in new Class B shares.Great. I will stay there. And please speak for the questions.


[Operator Instructions] The next question comes from [ John Wong from Kempen ].

Unknown Analyst

Over the past quarters, you've been conducting sales to strengthen the balance sheet. And like you said, tying just into the decision to increase the dividend, does this imply that you're happy with where the balance sheet sits right now?And to that, should we expect further sales beyond the Sveafastigheter spin-off and the SEK 6 billion of disposals in discussion?

Ilija Batljan

Thanks, John. And as we said, we are actually still waiting or at the end of the last year, we were still waiting to get in SEK 10.5 billion in already committed cash that we have sold properties for. And first, SEK 6.6 billion we get in mid-January. So this SEK 10.5 billion also combined with both eventual. As we said, IPO at Sveafastigheter and those divestments that we are in process with will together deliver one of the strongest strengthening of balance sheet ever seen in real estate in this short period of time.So with this, we feel that we will be ready for the next step, having strong balance sheet and ready also to use, how to say financial strength of our partner, Brookfield, to proceed with growth.

Unknown Analyst

And maybe on the Sveafastigheter spin-off, if I understand correctly, it's an IPO of secondary shares. Will there be any primary issue tied to this transaction?

Ilija Batljan

Sveafastigheter is having very low LTV. It is actually, I think, on a consolidated basis, around 30% or less, but we have not decided yet. We are in the process. This is a unique Stockholm-based asset. And we will do what is the best for SBB and for the company.

Unknown Analyst

And then last one on, one of the comments you made in your report. You mentioned that you expect to secure new financing in the bond market already this year probably if the conditions improve. What would the use of these proceeds be? And you say would that be for refinancing bond maturities in 2024? And if so, is that already included in your forward-looking earnings capacity?

Ilija Batljan

No, it is not included. And that is more of the comment about what we are seeing in the market because you had like last part of 2022, where the Nordic bond market was frozen. And now in the beginning of this year, we have seen some openings. And we think that is good that that market is start to open.


The next question comes from Fredric Cyon from Carnegie.

Fredric Cyon

Starting off with the project. Those have not been added to the earnings capacity, if I'm not -- if I correctly understood. And you also guided towards a contribution from those projects during the coming 3 years of about SEK 470 million. Out of those SEK 470 million, how much do you expect to be completed in 2023?

Ilija Batljan

Fredric, I didn't hear the last part of your question. How much of this SEK 475 million?

Fredric Cyon

Yes, the question was out of the SEK 470 million in NY that the projects are expected to generate, how much of that is expected to be completed within the next 12 months?

Ilija Batljan

SEK 275 million.

Fredric Cyon

Okay. Perfect. And then moving over to the…

Ilija Batljan

I mean that is on NOI basis. So that is our pure earning of SEK 275 million.

Fredric Cyon

And nothing of that has been added to the earnings capacity?

Ilija Batljan


Fredric Cyon

And then, moving over to the deal volume of SEK 6 billion that are being discussed. When do you expect to come back to the market and give us some indication of when that's completed? And second of all, what kind of assets is it? And is it multiple deals or is it a larger portfolio deal?

Ilija Batljan

It is multiple deals and we are expecting to close that in the first half of this year.

Fredric Cyon

And then moving over to the loan extensions. There is a volume of SEK 12 billion that you discussed. How much of that is prolonging existing facilities? And how much is new facilities?

Ilija Batljan

It is a combination. And the larger parties prolonging existing facilities, but it is also new facilities.

Fredric Cyon

And then my final question is related to the book value. You took a hit in the fourth quarter, although minor. What is the book value today of the JM stake

Ilija Batljan

The book value today that we have at the book of JM is largely -- slightly above SEK 6 billion. Now we have a write down both in Q3 and in Q4.

Unknown Executive

We have a question from an unregistered number.


Please state your name and company.

Unknown Analyst

This is Neeraj here from Barclays. My first question is around S&P rating. So despite all the disposals and deleveraging efforts, S&P still kept the outlook on negative. What do you think will be required more to make progress on that rating efforts, rating side?

Ilija Batljan

I think that S&P has been clear in their messaging that they want us to see that we have received cash. And I think when we report Q1 numbers, that will be very clear that we have received cash and that our LTV is decreasing. But in this report, I think there is another important message that I think that S&P should appreciate. And that is that we are delivering very strong ICR because in the market where we have a low risk asset, ICR is when the interest rates are increasing ICRs issue. But we are showing that we are delivering strong ICR of 3.9x.

Unknown Analyst

My second question is regarding your pro forma LTV calculation on Page 10 of the slide. I see that you're reducing the total assets by SEK 10.5 billion as well. But if I remember correctly, you plan to fully consolidate the EduCo, right? So technically that shouldn't reduce your total assets?

Ilija Batljan

Yes, it should, that is a very good question. Thank you for that. That will -- that is reducing total assets because we will -- when the cash comes in, we will repay the debt. So that is why it is reducing in the calculation.

Unknown Analyst

And sir, my final question, where do you see your final pro forma LTV to be like after all the disposals you have made and the disposals you are planning of SEK 6 billion and the listing of the subsidiary? Where do you see yourself in terms of target LTV to in terms of strengthen your balance sheet?

Ilija Batljan

We see that on our reported level, we will be around 40% and on the S&P level around 50%. So that is where we are targeting and that is what we think that we see what we should be able to achieve.


The next question comes from Markus Henriksson from ABG Sundal Collier.

Markus Henriksson

Just one question for me. It's regarding the dividend reinvestment plan. I wonder how does it work technically, is there a discount to the new B shares? Or will they be swapped at the current spot market price? Anything that would be helpful here would be very, very helpful.

Ilija Batljan

Markus, usually, we are having now that we'll follow up to the Board's, that we'll follow-up the Board's proposal with lawyers and experts working to prepare this in exact way. But usually that has been done in some other countries has been that you, for example, take the record date and 4 following days. So you use like 5 days average share price. So that is how usually it has been. And sometimes company have like 1% or 2% discount like an extra for the shareholders. But work on that is done. But usually, it is paid on the average price on 5 or more days, including record date.


Please state your name and company.

Unknown Analyst

This is [ Paul Gorrie at Thames River ]. Just checking, you can hear me okay?

Ilija Batljan

Yes, almost, please just be slightly more loud.

Unknown Analyst

I'll speak a bit louder. There we go. I had a quick question on the valuation decline in the quarter. I think you said that most of it related to the residentials. Can you just give us splits or any more color as to how much of the kind of 2.5% quarter-on-quarter.

Ilija Batljan

If I can just give you for all of the year, we are reporting SEK 4.5 billion. Of those SEK 4.5 billion, it is like SEK 3.7 billion, SEK 3.8 billion that is coming from residentials. And then we have SEK 6 million, SEK 7 million that are basically related to the newly built or projects for social infrastructure. So all in all, social infrastructure has been stable during the year. And we see actually now a large demand for social infrastructure, but there are no assets so you can buy.

Unknown Analyst

But just in the fourth quarter specifically, can you give me the figure for the residential, the sort of quarter-on-quarter percentage decline?

Ilija Batljan

In the fourth quarter, we had a total of SEK 3.5 billion in decreased valuations, half of that have been residentials. And then we have like half of the rest is coming from projects and newly built community service properties.

Unknown Analyst

And the reason I asked was Neobo reported obviously this morning and wrote down the resi, by, I think, 8% quarter-on-quarter. And obviously, they used to be SBB properties. But it seems like they've taken a bigger hit on their residentials than you have just based on that.

Ilija Batljan

Neobo's valuations are done within SBB valuation process.

Unknown Analyst

Yeah, so this should match, but they were down 8%?

Ilija Batljan

It is within the same process. Actually it is us that have delivered material to the values. And we use only external valuations. So we are not doing any how to say, we are not -- our valuations of all properties also including Neobo properties are coming from external valuations.

Unknown Analyst

But they were down 8% and you also down sort of 4% or 5%. So are they much lower quality? Is that the differential?

Ilija Batljan

You can never -- it can also be that some of the properties have not closed the rental negotiations and so on and so forth. So it's always very difficult to do it on one quarter when you have external valuations every quarter.


There are no more questions at this time. So I hand the conference back to the speakers for any questions from the web.

Unknown Executive

We have received a few questions from the web. And the first one is the following. Can you please clarify, will the DRIP involve new B shares being issued? Or are these B shares purchased on the open market?

Ilija Batljan

We have not, as I said before, how the DRIP will be fully structured. We will call back with that in connection to Annual General Meeting.

Unknown Executive

And then the next question is when you're putting out Sveafastigheter on the market, will existing shareholders have preference to sign up for the introduction?

Ilija Batljan

We have not decided yet about IPO. We see that it's important for us to show these unique assets that we have. And the Board has chosen to do investigation and eventual details will come going forward.

Unknown Executive

Thank you very much, Ilija. Please, can you now sum up? Thanks.

Ilija Batljan

Thank you very much. And to sum up, we think that our core business is delivering strong profit from our property management. We are delivered according to disposal plan. And we are continuing to focus to strengthen our balance sheet and both ongoing divestments and IPO or investigation about IPO of Sveafastigheter are part of that process. So we think that we have strong, unique collection of assets that are at the end of the day, government backed. And we look forward to continue to create value for our shareholders and our creditors.Thank you very much, and thank you for listening.

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