MCOV B Q1-2019 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

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Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for standing by. Welcome to today's first quarter 2019 results presentation conference call. [Operator Instructions] I must advise you that this conference is being recorded today, Friday, the 3rd of May 2019. I would like to hand turn the conference over to your speaker today, Fredrik RĂĄgmark. Please go ahead.

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

Hello, and good morning, everyone, and welcome to our first quarter report announcement 2019. We very soon celebrate our 2-year anniversary as a listed company on the stock exchange, and I think it's very, very pleasing to be able to start this year with such a strong result.Our top line revenue growth increased from already strong levels last year to 23%, and it's a long time ago since our company had plus 20% revenue growth. So I think that's notable, of which about 2/3 being organic. So very significant top line growth. Over the 8 quarters we now have been listed, we have grown 41% revenue, and of which some 75% being organic growth. So indeed, I think the historic organic growth track record on which we listed the company has carried on and even increased. Run rate wise, you see first quarter, EUR 200 million. So run rate wise, we're running at EUR 800 million, which is already now a 19% growth from full year 2018. And there's plenty more to come for 3 quarters yet to go. So very, very positive start.EBITDA grew at 24% up to EUR 27.5 million and a 10 basis point expansion. We also introduced a new alternative performance measure, which is EBITDAaL, so EBITDA after leased costs, so really to try to reflect the historic measure that we used. And that measure was up 28% to EUR 18.5 million also, and margin expansion was some 30 basis points. Also, the established financial profits target that we have, the organic adjusted EBITDA grew 18.7%. So that's just spot on in our 18% to 20% established target.We had very strong operating cash flow, up 76%. Joe will speak more about that in a second. Our Healthcare Services team and division had outstanding growth of 28% and some 18% organic growth. So again, I think a very strong reflection on the trading conditions, both in our integrated employer-paid business as well as the fee-for-service developments that we have underway.You'll recall we had some headwinds last year in our Diagnostic Services business that started to come back in the fourth quarter. And we had really, now in the first quarter of the year, seen a very, very strong comeback there, with 19% top line growth for the Diagnostics team, of which plus 70% being organic growth. So really, really good.The Neomedic acquisition in Poland that we announced sometime back has now received competition clearance, and we expect to close that during the month of May, so rather shortly. Also another very important strategic acquisition that we did that we just closed shortly after the New Year being the Klein genetics lab in Munich, and we've had very good integration work and developments in that acquisition during the first quarter of the year. So overall, indeed, very pleased with how this year has started.If we then look at a bit more detail on the Healthcare Services division. And as you'll recall, the first quarter is typically the quarter in this business or in this segment where we have the lowest margins because of the way that actually quite a lot of health care is being consumed in our funded business in this quarter. So mention very strong revenue growth to plus EUR 100 million.It's notable to see that this is the first quarter ever as well where both our segments have revenue of plus EUR 100 million. So organic growth, 18%, as already mentioned. It's notable to see here the second bullet. And you'll recall that in this division, some 60% is our funded integrated model where the employer is paid. And the other short of 40% is the different fee-for-service lines of business, for example, dental. And this quarter, the fee-for-service component contributed 55% of the absolute growth.So that's actually very significant, not because the prepaid funded business is not doing well, it's growing very nicely, but that's a good illustration that all of these different fee-for-service businesses that we are pushing investing in is really starting to become noticeable in the total picture. One example that we speak about quite often is our dental business in Poland, and you see that grew a very strong 71% versus the last -- or sorry, the first quarter last year. So indeed, very significant.EBITDA was just north of EUR 11 million, up 26%, a slight margin contraction versus last year, some 20 basis point. Now if you look at the alternative performance measure here where we add back the leased costs, that is up some 38%, which you really should interpret in a way that we are running our business in a much more efficient way over the rather wide range of leased space that we operate.The member growth was some 14.5%. So indeed, a strong member growth quarter as well, to just a tad above 1.2 million members. So a strong start for Healthcare Services.On the Diagnostic Service side, also good top line growth, 19%, of which organic being 13%. Significant growth on EBITDA, some 26% up with just short of 21% EBITDA margin. The alternative performance measure, also strong growth, 27% up and 16.5% margin on that alternative measure. Again, plus 100 basis point margin expansion on both of those measures that's really driven by principally the resumed performance in our German lab trading business, following the weakness in the second and third quarter last year on the back of the price reforms that you remember.We reported a good stabilization in the fourth quarter, and the first quarter this year has really carried on that trend. We've also had good mix effects from the integration of the Klein genetics laboratory in terms of our German genetics business. We've also seen very, very good development of our German clinics projects you see. We had some 16% revenue growth in the German market in our clinics business, which is very significant, not to be underestimated in the German market.And that really flow -- did flow through in very nice margin and profit pickup, with some 60% growth in the EBITDA, up to EUR 2.4 million or just short of 16% margin. And also, on the alternative performance measure, we were above 10% margin. And that result, actually, more than doubling versus the prior year. So very significant.Then the other main markets in Diagnostic Services also traded very strongly at Romania and Ukraine. In Ukraine, we had actually significant currency pickup as well on the back of the Ukrainian currency strengthening. And so overall, a strong picture across Diagnostic Services.Briefly on our Indian venture. So the MaxCure hospital business that you recall, we still do not consolidate as we don't control that yet. So the effective ownership now is 45.1%. We have completed the share restructuring process. We continue with the -- with good progress, I should say, to -- with the construction of 2 cancer centers, 1 in Hyderabad and 1 in Nellore that will open sometime during the second half of this year.Revenue-wise, it was about EUR 16 million in MaxCure, some 18% local currency growth. So remind you again, this is a hospital group with now 11 hospitals operating. You see the most recent one, Nashik, in the state of Maharashtra, on the picture there to the right. And that is off to a very good start, having now operated some 4 months or so.On the fertility side, volumes are picking up nicely. The volume of fertility treatments, it ranges from 220 to 250 a month currently. And that is more than a doubling on the same period last year. So -- and already now, this business in India, although it is still loss-making as we keep on developing that quite strongly, it already makes up about 40% of our group total activity in fertility.So with that introduction and overview, I hand over to Joe to talk a little bit about the specific financials.

Joe Ryan
Chief Financial Officer

Thank you, Fredrik. Just having a look quickly at the key financial data. We've added on to this the EBITA margin for the segments Healthcare and Diagnostics, for your information, to try and give you a little bit more insight.In terms of -- for the earnings per share, you can see that this is down EUR 0.046 versus EUR 0.06. A large part of that reduction despite the very strong numbers that Fredrik had just been -- gone through is the -- the reduction in that is due to the other income we recognized in Q1 2018 in respect to revaluation of the options that we have on our Indian positions. And that itself was some EUR 0.025. So if you strip that out, then we've had very good growth of about 31% in terms of the EPS, which is a reflection then of the strong operating profit growth and the flow-through of that to the net line.So just reiterating that, that's a quarter we're very -- I'm happy with the results. I think Fredrik has given a very good summary of the performance there, and I don't think -- okay, you can look at it any other way then see that as very strong. We're very happy with it.Now this is the results of the work that we've been doing last year, the investments we've been doing and the development work we're doing. And now we've moved on in terms of the investments we're doing now where we're looking forward to the growth of 2020 such as the dental, inpatient areas, the blood drawing points that we're putting on and working on over this year to expand the business.So we've brought in, in terms of the acquisition update, with Dr. Klein down in Bavaria, just outside Munich, consolidated that for the quarter. We paid EUR 25.3 million for this, and we'll see synergies coming through particularly in the second half of the year and through into 2020.In the acquisition that we announced previously in Ukraine for lab, this is going very, very slowly. Yes, it's sort of increasingly unlucky that we're still -- what will happen, it doesn't really have such an impact for us. The Ukrainian underlying business is doing fantastically strongly in there, and we don't think it's going to have any real impact that's going to hurt us whether it happens or not.The Neomedic acquisition, we have approval for this. We expect to consolidate that in mid-May. So the consideration that we'll pay there will be around just north of EUR 70 million. So that will be a good acquisition and fit into our Polish lineup of operations and work very well in terms of integrating with our clinical business in the south of Poland.Just moving on. So we have adopted the IFRS 16 in respect to the leases. We have applied a full retrospective application for that. So we had restatement release which we did in a separate call in respect to that. So all of these numbers that you see have been fully restated to comparatives. That's why we haven't really spent any time talking about IFRS 16. We also then did the IFRIC 23 restatement and applied the adjustments, the opening balance, for the start of the year, which was a EUR 1.9 million impact in terms of retained reserves.As I mentioned earlier, in terms of the earnings per share, other income was low in this quarter compared to the prior year quarter. We had this one-off revaluation with the Indian options, so there's no rule-out movement in respect to that for this quarter. And as I said, there's about EUR 0.025 of the profit earnings per share that we had back in Q1 in the comparative quarter.Net interest cost has gone up on the back of IFRS 16. So we had EUR 2.4 million net, EUR 2.7 million interest charge and EUR 0.3 million income. And of that charge, EUR 1.5 million was related to lease charges, EUR 1.4 million last time around. So you can see that the underlying interest is EUR 1.2 million, and we have EUR 1.3 million last time around.So also within the -- although we show net foreign exchange gain for the quarter, within that, we have a loss of EUR 300,000 in respect of the lease revaluations during the IFRS 16 call. I mentioned that, that will be a feature going forward, will be volatility in respect to foreign exchange impact of our foreign exchange denominated leases on our balance sheets, mainly in Poland and Romania, where we have euro-denominated leases, and we need to mark those to market every quarter. And that resulted in a EUR 300,000 loss for the quarter, mainly coming out of the weaker currency in Romania.Note our net operating cash flow, very good, EUR 28.8 million, EUR 22.7 million last time around. So happy with that, good development in there. The working capital was quite benign, and we had been -- some EUR 5.1 million of tax payments. Normally, it's a higher quarter in terms of tax payments in Q1 as we settle the prior year and start to make new interim payments for the current year.We have, in terms of the tax rate, projected 27%. We had for the full year an effective tax rate of 23% last year for 2018. But when you strip out these revaluation incomes that were recognized in respect of India, that came up to more like about 29%. So we're expecting this to come down to around about 27% this year, and that's what we're providing for currently.In terms of equity, that's grown up to 320 -- just short of EUR 322 million from EUR 317 million. That also takes account of the opening balance restatement of EUR 1.9 million for IFRIC 23 in respect with uncertainty for income taxes.Net financial debt, this has increased to EUR 243 million from EUR 218 million. And if you look at the ratio of -- on an LTM basis to EBITDA, that's gone up to 2.5x leverage level. Within that, that is then the increase of about EUR 15.5 million for our lease liabilities since the end of the year. And within that, about half of that increase in lease liabilities is in relation to acquisitions when we've consolidated on the balance sheet. So some EUR 6.7 million is pickup of lease liabilities which are recognized within acquisitions. And then rest is then just lease extensions and some new leases.It goes up pretty quickly. You sign a 10-year lease, you're going to end up with EUR 1 million to EUR 2 million coming on for each new lease into -- onto the balance sheet. So it moves quite quickly when we start to expand. I expect to see that number expanding as we continue to grow the business and as we continue to add new premises. And we're always going to see that number lease liability level expanding.Net financial debt, excluding lease liabilities, which is more akin to how we expressed our leverage previously before IFRS 16 and more in terms of -- in relation to the covenant levels that we have with our external debt. This was EUR 102 million versus EUR 93 million. So that's gone up a little bit. And if you look at the ratio on an LTM basis to EBITDAaL, a metric which is more in line to the previous EBITDA, then you see that as being 1.6x leverage, which was the same as we had at the end of the year. So our leverage in terms of that level has remained static.We have increased our debt facilities to EUR 300 million from EUR 200 million. We did that now just in the New Year. And the same terms as we had previously, the same lending banks. And we have also now, after the quarter end, extended the maturity of that by another year. So that's through to June 2022.So just coming on to recap in terms of our financial targets. Growth, very strong there. Our organic growth, 15.4%. So we're north of that target there. And if you look on a full year basis, we've more than already achieved pretty much our full year targets, if you do it on a run rate basis.If you look on our profit, our EBITDAaL growth, which is similar to the previous EBITDA levels, that is 18.7% on growth. There's around about EUR 0.5 million difference in terms of lease acceleration in respect of EBITDAaL versus how we would have reported under the old standard. So under the old standard, the EBITDA level would have been a little bit higher.But on the new measure, at EBITDAaL, there's this 18.7% growth, so within the -- our target levels. And if you look at our capital level and on -- we're on a 2.5x leverage, including lease liabilities to EBITDA. And excluding lease liabilities compared to EBITDAaL, then we're on a 1.6x level, the same as year-end.Thank you. And so I hand over to...

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

Thank you, Joe. And now I think we are open to take any questions the audience may have.


[Operator Instructions] And the first question is coming from the line of Carolina Elvind from Danske Bank.

Carolina Elvind

So I have a couple of questions. The first one is on the M&A pipeline. So you've made a lot of acquisitions during the year. How do you see the pipeline going forward? Will you be able to keep up the high pace?

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

So shall we answer them one at a time? Okay. Yes. So we start to your first question. We are -- yes, there's never going to be exactly a straight line of acquisitions happening quarter by quarter, but we are certainly very busy on developing our pipeline. So you should expect to see us being busy on M&A as we go forward.And the -- clearly, the more acquisitions we have done, the more of the work also being focused on successful integration. So a lot of work is going into that. And now with Neomedic's closing in a few weeks, so it's -- we're conscious to find that right balance to ensure successful integration and going after additional deals. But the short answer is we will remain active on M&A.

Carolina Elvind

Okay. And then also a question on the MaxCure. So where are MaxCure now in terms of numbers of beds? And where is it in terms of capacity utilization?

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

Well, the 11 hospitals, they're just sort of just short of about 2,000 beds. So 1,700, 1,800 somewhere number of beds. And the capacity utilization is a little bit tricky because you sort of need to look at -- and overall capacity utilization won't necessarily tell you that much because it depends on where is the particular location. But if you want to have one overall number, it probably is in the sort of 60 percentage range somewhere in terms of overall bed capacity utilization.

Carolina Elvind

And then also because you talked about the Polish dental operations and high growth, how large is that operation in absolute numbers?

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

It's about 5% of segment revenue.

Joe Ryan
Chief Financial Officer

And growing.


[Operator Instructions] There are no further questions at this time. Please continue. Sorry, we have a question again from Carolina Elvind.

Carolina Elvind

I just realized I forgot to ask you about the next steps in MaxCure. Where is it now?

Joe Ryan
Chief Financial Officer

Yes. When we end up consolidating MaxCure, probably Q4, I expect that's probably going to have something like about EUR 26 million, that sort of order of money in terms of net debt that will come on. So that will mean that, that will probably have a small effect of pushing up our net debt, our leverage level but not be anything of any significance overall.

Carolina Elvind

Yes. And what's the interest rate on that step?

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

Yes. Pretty high. So we haven't got a pickup for this quarter. So the net profit was pretty much around about 0, so we haven't got any pickup in terms of net profit for the -- for our participation. So we're running around about somewhere between, depending on the particular loan line, anywhere between 10%, 11% and 12% in terms of debt interest cost. We will look, once we bring that on in terms of restructuring that debt, to bring that cost down. So we'll work on that when we bring it in as a fully owned -- when we consolidate it in as a subsidiary. So that's something we'll work on.

Carolina Elvind

Yes. And do you still expect to consolidate MaxCure by mid-2019?

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

No. Probably more like about Q4 '19 will be when we would take control of the investment. We have a shareholders' agreement, which stipulates that the other parties are in control at the moment, even though we have the largest shareholding block, 45.1%. But we expect that, that will go through the 50% level. And then under the shareholders' agreement, we would become the controlling party. We expect that, that will probably happen in Q4 this year.

Carolina Elvind

So starting from Q4 or during -- in the middle of Q4?

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

During Q4, yes. So we'll pick up -- not a full quarter in Q4, but we will consolidate that in.


[Operator Instructions] There are no further questions at this time. Please continue.

Fredrik RĂĄgmark
CEO & Director

So that's it, yes? No more questions? All right. Okay. Well, then we say thank you for participating in our earnings call, and we look forward to, if not before, hear you, see you again on the phone at the end of July for our second quarter announcement. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our conference for today. Thank you for participating. You may all disconnect.