Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp

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Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp
Price: 5.2 CNY 0.97%
Market Cap: 36.7B CNY
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Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp?
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Gross Margin
Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp


Gross Margin is the amount of money a company retains after incurring the direct costs associated with producing the goods it sells and the services it provides. The higher the gross margin, the more capital a company retains, which it can then use to pay other costs or satisfy debt obligations.

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Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp
Glance View

Market Cap
36.7B CNY

Nestled in the bustling industrial hubs of China, Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp. has carved a niche for itself in the dynamic world of semiconductors. This firm is a vital cog in the expansive machinery of electronics manufacturing, specializing in fabricating integrated circuits that power an array of consumer electronics, automotive, and even aerospace technologies. Their operations thrive on utilizing state-of-the-art lithography techniques and advanced process nodes, which are critical to producing high-performance, energy-efficient chips. The company excels in contract manufacturing or foundry services, drawing upon an intricate network of skilled engineers and robust production facilities. This allows them to transform raw silicon into intricate microchips that lay the foundation for modern technology. The financial backbone of Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp. is largely built upon its ability to cater to the ever-growing demand for semiconductors across a plethora of industries. Revenue flows in from contracts with a multitude of global electronics giants who seek their expertise in delivering cutting-edge chipsets. By consistently staying ahead of the technological curve, the company not only fulfills its clients’ immediate production needs but also offers them a conduit for innovation, thereby fostering long-term partnerships. This client-focused approach is underscored by flexible production capabilities and a keen eye on quality assurance, ensuring that the chips produced not only meet but often exceed industry standards. Through a careful balancing act of strategic partnerships and relentless innovation, the corporation has positioned itself as a pivotal player within the global semiconductor supply chain, drawing substantial revenue from service contracts and custom manufacturing engagements.

Intrinsic Value
4.55 CNY
Overvaluation 12%
Intrinsic Value
What is Gross Margin?

Gross Margin is the amount of money a company retains after incurring the direct costs associated with producing the goods it sells and the services it provides. The higher the gross margin, the more capital a company retains, which it can then use to pay other costs or satisfy debt obligations.

Gross Margin
Gross Profit
What is the Gross Margin of Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp?

Based on Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics Shaoxing Corp's most recent financial statements, the company has Gross Margin of -4.9%.

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