Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC

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Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC
Price: 11.18 SAR 0.9% Market Closed
Market Cap: 10.1B SAR
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Intrinsic Value

The intrinsic value of one Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC stock under the Base Case scenario is 10.76 SAR. Compared to the current market price of 11.18 SAR, Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC is Overvalued by 4%.

The Intrinsic Value is calculated as the average of DCF and Relative values:

Intrinsic Value
10.76 SAR
Overvaluation 4%
Intrinsic Value
Worst Case
Base Case
Best Case

Valuation History
Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC

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Very Attractive
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Stock is trading at its lowest valuation over the past 5 years.

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Valuation History Unavailable

Historical valuation for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC cannot be conducted due to limitations such as insufficient data or other constraints.

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11.18 SAR
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Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC
Market Cap
10.1B SAR
Jul 14, 2008
Saudi Arabia
Market Cap
10.1B SAR
Jul 14, 2008
Company Overview
Business Segments
Economic Moat
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How accurate were the past Net Income estimates
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How accurate were the past EPS estimates
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for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC?

How accurate were the past EBIT estimates
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What is the historical Revenue growth
over the last 5 years for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC?

What is the historical Net Income growth
over the last 5 years for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC?

What is the current Free Cash Flow
of Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC?

Discuss the annual earnings per share (EPS)
trend over the past five years for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC.


Balance Sheet Decomposition
Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC

Current Assets 1.4B
Cash & Short-Term Investments 120.4m
Receivables 50m
Other Current Assets 1.3B
Non-Current Assets 5B
Long-Term Investments 933.9m
PP&E 4.1B
Intangibles 2.5m
Other Non-Current Assets 34.4m
Current Liabilities 3B
Accounts Payable 1.9B
Accrued Liabilities 453.8m
Short-Term Debt 480m
Other Current Liabilities 166.8m
Non-Current Liabilities 2.4B
Long-Term Debt 2.1B
Other Non-Current Liabilities 369.5m

Earnings Waterfall
Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC

10.6B SAR
Cost of Revenue
-8.2B SAR
Gross Profit
2.4B SAR
Operating Expenses
-1.9B SAR
Operating Income
482.7m SAR
Other Expenses
-77.1m SAR
Net Income
405.6m SAR

Free Cash Flow Analysis
Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC

Last Value
3-Years Average
FCF Margin
Conversion Rate
Fundamental Scores

Profitability Score
Profitability Due Diligence

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC's profitability score is 63/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

Exceptional 3-Year Average ROE
Exceptional ROE
ROE is Increasing
Positive 3-Year Average ROIC

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC's profitability score is 63/100. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

Solvency Score
Solvency Due Diligence

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC's solvency score is 38/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Average Altman Z-Score
Long-Term Solvency
High D/E
Short-Term Solvency

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC's solvency score is 38/100. The higher the solvency score, the more solvent the company is.

Wall St
Price Targets

Price Targets Summary
Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC

Wall Street analysts forecast Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC stock price to rise over the next 12 months.

According to Wall Street analysts, the average 1-year price target for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC is 12.69 SAR with a low forecast of 10 SAR and a high forecast of 15.75 SAR.

Price Target
10 SAR
11% Downside
Price Target
12.69 SAR
14% Upside
Price Target
15.75 SAR
41% Upside
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Dividend Yield
Dividend Per Share
Growth 3Y
Growth 5Y
Growth 10Y
Dividend Safety Score
Shareholder Yield

Current shareholder yield for Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC is .

Shareholder yield represents the total return a company provides to its shareholders, calculated as the sum of dividend yield, buyback yield, and debt paydown yield. What is shareholder yield?

Shareholder Yield
Dividend Yield
Buyback Yield
Debt Paydown Yield
What is the Intrinsic Value of one Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC stock?

The intrinsic value of one Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC stock under the Base Case scenario is 10.76 SAR.

Is Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC stock undervalued or overvalued?

Compared to the current market price of 11.18 SAR, Abdullah Al Othaim Markets CompanySJSC is Overvalued by 4%.

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