EPR Q2-2023 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

Europris ASA

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Europris ASA
Price: 64.5 NOK -0.69% Market Closed
Market Cap: 10.4B NOK
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Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

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PÃ¥l Wibe

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Europris Presentation for the Second Quarter and First Half Year 2023. It's mid-July, and it's not many people in the room, but I greatly appreciate those who have turned up. And I also thank Kanagi for hosting today's presentation.

My name is Espen Eldal, and I will present the details today together with CEO, Stina Byre, who will give more information about the financials and IR officer, Trine Englokken, who will manage the Q&A session at the end of the presentation. You may type in your questions on the web as we speak, and you can also ask questions here in the room at the end of the presentation.

Let's have a look at the highlights for the second quarter. I'm very pleased to see that we gained sales growth in a very competitive market. Sales grew by 4.3%, with a like-for-like growth of 1.1% for the Europris chain.

As expected, the gross margin declined from a record level last year, but the gross margin was still above the pre-pandemic levels with 44.5% in the quarter. I know we report quarter-over-quarter, but sometimes it's worth taking a look at the longer lines and the bigger picture.

And overall, Europris is very satisfied with the progress we have made over the past years. Sales have increased and established at a significantly higher level than before, while we, at the same time, have increased our margins. Going back to the second quarter, I have to admit it has been a little bit mixed quarter. But after a very slow start in April, we saw growth and improvements in profitability and sales both in May and in June. So a positive development in the quarter. The sales growth itself has been driven by inflation and the volume has been reduced. This is also reflected in operating expenses, but we have adjusted the variable cost according with the volume decline, and that resulted in a slightly lower OpEx to sales ratio in the quarter.

EBITDA ended at NOK 531 million, a reduction of 9.8%. At the end of the quarter, we completed the refinancing, securing the financing of Europris for the next 2 years, plus an option for additional 2 years. I was very pleased to see that the competition among the banks was hard. And at the end, we actually had to say no to banks that want to finance us. And I think that is a strong signal from the banks in a very tough market.

Let's also have a quick look at the highlights for the first half year. Total sales growth of 7.9% and 5.7%, excluding the acquisition of Strikkemekka. Gross margin of 44%, down 2.5% points, but still around 2% points above the pre-pandemic levels.

OpEx-to-sales ratio slightly down from last year. EBITDA was NOK 842 million, and net profit was NOK 331 million. We have a solid financial position with net cash and liquidity reserves. So NOK 1 billion at the first half year.

Let's also have a look at the markets. I think it's fair to say that we are experiencing a very mixed retail market at the moment. The market figures for June are not yet available, so we share the data as of May. And total retail grew by 1% point. But it's a fairly mixed market, as I said, and the various retail segments are experiencing the change in consumer behavior differently.

The winners are those who offer essential goods at low prices. Grocery has the highest growth. And for media, we can see that within the grocery sector, the consumers flock around the discount concepts, while the supermarkets are losing market shares.

We also see from the media that the market losers are those who offer discretionary items and high-value ticket items. And Europris is in the variety retail segment, which grew by 2.3%, while Europris had a growth of 3.9% per May. I believe that Europris concept with a broad product range with a focus on consumables, low prices and strong campaigns is a good fit in today's market and set to perform quite well.

Now I will leave the stage to Stina to talk more about the financial details.

Stina Byre

Thank you, Espen. I will then take you through the financials for the second quarter. Group sales were NOK 2.3 billion, up by 4.3% or up by 2.7% if we exclude for the acquisition of Strikkemekka. The Europris chain had a like-for-like sales growth of 1.1%, where an earlier Easter and 1 less sales day had a negative impact. After a slow start in April, sales performance improved in May and June, and we also saw higher footfall to stores.

Consumers remain cautious about investment purchases. And for products with a price point above NOK 1,000, we saw a sales decline of 3.9% compared to a sales decline of 25.1% last year. These sales only constituted 6.6% of chain sales. And as this development was expected, the organization had turned its attention towards lower-valued seasonal items. And here, we saw sales growth. Overall, the sales growth was higher for consumables than non-food.

Total e-commerce sales were NOK 176 million, up by 20% or down by 2.6% if we exclude Strikkemekka. The Lekekassen Group had sales growth from continued good performance in both Sweden and Denmark. In Norway, sales fell behind last year, but the decline was lower than in the first quarter. Sales in Strikkemekka also fell behind last year. And where Europris.no is concerned, we have narrowed the product range available for online shopping based on customer sales and search history. For selected categories and defined seasonal range, the aim is that the majority of this assortment shall be available for online shopping.

The gross margin was 44.5%, down by 3.7 percentage points from the record levels last year. A lower gross margin was expected and is still above the levels before the pandemic. There has been price competition, especially for consumables, paired with higher input costs. Price pressure in the market easing somewhat from May, and we saw a smaller margin decline throughout the quarter. There was campaign activity to support volumes of higher-valued seasonal items. And combined with a negative cost effect on seasonal carryovers from last year due to the old freight agreement.

There was an unrealized loss of NOK 8 million on hedging contracts compared to a gain of NOK 20 million last year. And as explained in the financial presentation for the first quarter, calculation differences are now booked in the quarter they occur and not at the time of inventory accounting and NOK 20 million was booked due to this in the second quarter.

OpEx was NOK 497 million, up by 3.6% or marginally up if we exclude for Strikkemekka. The OpEx development was positively impacted by a reduction in variable cost elements following the lower volumes. And we also had lower costs for transportation to stores than we did last year. The OpEx-to-sales ratio was 25.1%, slightly lower than last year.

EBITDA was NOK 531 million, down 9.8% from the record levels last year, and this development was impacted by the lower gross margin.

I will here comment on the figures for the first half. Cash from operating activities was NOK 208 million compared to negative at NOK 8 million last year. And this improvement was explained by a less negative change in net working capital than last year, largely as a result of the inventory development.

Last year, the inventory had -- and that was negatively impacted by increased purchase prices and had a negative cash effect. As we entered this year, we had excess volumes of seasonal summer items in stock. And at June 30, this had normalized with a corresponding positive cash effect.

The net change in cash was negative with NOK 593 million compared to negative at NOK 603 million last year. And this year, the group acquired the remaining 33% of Lekekassen for NOK 212 million.

Net debt was north of NOK 4.2 billion. And if we exclude lease liabilities, it was NOK 1.6 billion. The financial position remains solid with cash and liquidity reserves of NOK 1 billion. And the group has completed the refinancing, as Espen said, securing facilities for the next 3 to 5 years.

So to sum up, the inventory situation has been normalized. The financial position is sound, and we have completed the refinancing.

And with that, I will hand it back to Espen.

PÃ¥l Wibe

Thank you, Stina. I'll give a short update on some of the strategic initiatives we are working on. And we talked before about the focus on category upgrades and seasonal products as very important. And we see in this quarter that, that had a positive impact on sales.

And as Stina just told you, we have seen a decline in sales of high-value items, but the focus we put on accessories and low-value seasonal items has really paid off. And I talked about this before, Europris is a very flexible concept. And we are able to shift focus according to the changes in consumer behavior and the demand in the market.

And already last year, we saw a shift in the consumer behavior, trending away from the high-ticket items towards lower value items and consumables. So this year, we planned differently. We planned the season with sales of accessories, lower-value items. We scaled down the purchase of high-ticket items and the reward has been higher sales, of course, of the low-value seasonal items, as Stina said, but also we have a normalized inventory. So the inventory is back to normal, and we have cleared out all the old stock. So that was a good job. Well done. And it's important that you manage these seasons in a good way, and we have done that this year.

Another important asset to the Europris concept are the category upgrade. And that is important to drive sales growth, but also to improve the customer experience in the stores. And in the second quarter, you see that the recently upgraded categories are those who really drive the sales growth with the growth way above the chain's average.

Laundry and Cleaning was upgraded in the first quarter this year, while Toys was upgraded in the fourth quarter of last year and both categories are performing extremely strong in the second quarter. The growth in Toys clearly demonstrates that the assortment we developed together with Lekekassen has really been positively received by our customers. And that is very pleasing for us to see because taking in Toys into our stores was 1 of the key reasons behind the acquisitions of Lekekassen, and it really shows that we -- by acquiring an online specialist in Toys, we have managed to lift the impressions and also lift sales and customer satisfaction in the physical stores of Europris.

DIY and Pet was upgraded in the third and the first quarter of last year and continued to show a very positive development.

I talked about the Customer Club also several times, and the membership base is increasing, and we are now getting close to 1.4 million members. And the club is actually becoming a very important driver of traffic to our physical stores. In the second quarter, we have tested, on a fairly large scale, more personalized newsletters, and we see that, that drives both the opening rates and the click rates.

And to reach non-members, we have also scaled up the digital marketing. I'm not saying that this physical leaflet is going to stop in the near future, it's still an important tool, but we are preparing for a future where all marketing will be digital. And then the Customer Club is very important to, we have that reach in the market.

If we look on new stores, we opened 2 new stores in the second quarter, 1 at Dombas and 1 in Hamar. And I myself, I was born in Hamar. So it was a great pleasure for me to be present at the store opening together with Maria Solsvik and her brilliant team of dedicated personnel at the store, and it really had a good opening. Both stores has open time, settling themselves in their markets. And we have planned 7 stores. We have that in the pipeline now for the coming years, and 3 of those are subject to planning permissions.

In the second quarter, we also did 2 store relocations and 3 store modernizations.

One new addition to the strategy that we presented on the Capital Markets update in December last year was the theme about acting responsibly. And that is an important part of our new strategy, and we are even putting now even more focus on sustainability. We have applied for science-based targets, and we have committed ourselves to 0 emissions. And in that connection, we are now strengthening the sustainability team with 2 more positions. I'm sure that this will help accelerate the sustainability work in Europris.

But we're also working with reducing emissions in our own supply chain. And together with Maersk, we have replaced fossil fuel with biofuel for the deep sea transportation between Asia and Europe. And that will actually reduce those emissions by 90%. And I think this is a very good proof that working together with our partners, we are able to achieve more than we could do alone. We talked at the CMD that we're working on sustainability demands that we work together with other partners like we have presented them, we worked with domestic distribution together with ASCO and now we are doing that with international freight together with Maersk. And this is really showing that, together we can actually achieve something.

We're also working on improving the recycling rates, both in the stores and at the head office, and we have good progress on that. And we also started the project to reduce the packaging material and the waste we have from that in our own supply chain. So a lot of focus on supply chain at the moment to reduce emissions in our own value chain.

It's time to summarize and also have a quick look at the outlook. I think we have delivered another strong quarter and the momentum we have gained over the recent years are maintained.

Sales has established on a higher level. We have taken market shares and over time, we have also increased profitability. We see that Europris concept is strong in the current market. The consumers and media pays high attention to price at the moment and we expect that household finances will remain to be under pressure following the hiked interests and also higher inflation followed the weak Norwegian currency.

All of this should be supporting for Europris concept with a broad range of consumable products, low prices and very attractive campaigns.

With that closing remark, I think I will invite Stina back on stage, and we will open up for questions.

Eirik Rafdal

Eirik Rafdal from Carnegie. A couple of questions from me. I think if we can start almost to the end of the presentation. You showed some interesting data on the category updates that drive above average growth there. Sorry, some trouble with the microphone there.

Eirik from Carnegie. Espen, you showed some interesting data on how the category updates drive above average growth rates. Could you say anything about your plans for category upgrades now going forward in this climate?

PÃ¥l Wibe

We have several in the pipeline. We have basically planned for the next 3 years. And we'll tell which categories when we are ready. We have not disclosed any yet, but of course, this is a very planned and systematic work.

Eirik Rafdal

And also, I note that there's nothing on the city stores in the slide deck here today. Could you give an update on how these have performed in Q2?

PÃ¥l Wibe

We have opened 1 new store at Grensen just before Easter, so it has completed in the first quarter. We have to admit that, that start has been a little bit slower than expected, but the other stores are performing well. So I think what we have seen with city stores is that they actually need some more time to settle than actually the stores in the more rural areas. If you open the store at Setermoen, everybody knows that Europris is coming to town. So it's big news. If you open 1 at Grensen, it actually takes months before the people that pass through everyday, they realize it's a new store there.

Eirik Rafdal

Perfect. And lastly, I think 1 for you, Stina. Could you give any details on the terms of the refinancing either in absolute terms or relative to the former terms?

Stina Byre

Yes, we have relatively set slightly improved commercial terms.

Trine Engløkken

Thank you. Then we have some questions from the web. The first 1 is [indiscernible] SEB. Can you please elaborate on the OpEx development this quarter, which seemed to be low and what should we expect going forward?

Stina Byre

We are, of course, impacted by inflation and the collective agreements. But we work continuously to ensure that we work where we can when it comes to the cost base. And we saw in -- as you saw in the quarter, lower volumes have also had a positive impact. And the transportation to stores was more expensive last year. So we expect that unless the fuel prices rise again, that should have a positive effect. But I think we -- you shouldn't expect necessarily that we can keep costs at the same rate, but we do work to take a good development in costs wherever we can. So we are impacted by higher costs, but work where we can.

Trine Engløkken

And the second question from [ Hokkon. ] Tokmanni recently acquired Dollar Store in Sweden. Will this impact the Europris process?

PÃ¥l Wibe

Yes. First of all, I would like to congratulate Tokmanni on the acquisition. I think it's good news for them. And of course, also good news for the collaboration we have with them on sourcing. It brings more volume to the partnership. It will not have any impact on the Europris transaction that is totally different from that perspective.

Trine Engløkken

[ Martin Wesco, ] DNB. What is the mix on organic growth between volume and price?

Stina Byre

We have slightly -- the basket overall is slightly higher where volumes are down, but prices are up.

Trine Engløkken

You comment that the gross margin pressure eased from May. How was the development in gross margin year-on-year from May and June relative to last year? Can you quantify how much of the gross margin pressure that was due to seasonal campaigns?

Stina Byre

The gross margin, the decline was smaller throughout the quarter. So it was a positive effect. It was tougher, both for consumables and non-food, but it was tougher for consumables. And I forget if there was something more in the question there that I did not answer. Long question.

Trine Engløkken

Yes, this is a long question. Can you quantify how much of the gross margin pressure that was due to seasonal campaigns?

Stina Byre

I can't give an exact figure, but as I said, it was the price competition for consumables hit the hardest, but we did have higher volume -- higher campaign share on -- for -- to ensure that we did have a volume of the higher seasonable -- higher-valued seasonable items so that we would get a good inventory situation. And we are definitely on track to that. So I think we have made good decisions when it comes to this dynamic. It's a challenging environment and the organization is continuously working on this balance between pricing campaigns and margin.

Trine Engløkken

And the last one, in your discussions with lenders, when you did, some of our prices developing year-on-year?

Stina Byre

It's a mixed picture. Of course, there are a lot of costs that the market needs to still take out. But if we look more towards Asia especially, then prices are -- it's a positive development. But of course, the weak NOK does not help. So it's a mixed picture how it will affect us in total.

Trine Engløkken

And that was all of the questions for today.

PÃ¥l Wibe

Thank you.