Marimekko Oyj
Marimekko Oyj
Marimekko Oyj engages in the provision of textile business. The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Etela-Suomen and currently employs 409 full-time employees. The firm specializes in the design and manufacture of clothing for men, women and children, interior decoration products and textiles for kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom and office, tableware, as well as bags, purses, computer and phone cases and other accessories, such as jewelry, hats, scarves and ties. The company operates an online shop, as well as over 130 stores and shop-in-shops in the North America, Northern Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Furthermore, the Company is a parent of Keskinainen Kiinteisto Oy Marikko, Marimekko AB, Marimekko GmbH, Marimekko North America Retail LLC, and Marimekko UK Ltd, among others.