Weyerhaeuser Co

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Weyerhaeuser Co
Price: 30.07 USD -1.89% Market Closed
Market Cap: 21.8B USD
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Weyerhaeuser Co
Investor Relations

Weyerhaeuser Co., with roots stretching back to 1900, stands as one of the largest private owners of timberland in North America. Founded by Frederick Weyerhaeuser, the company has amassed an impressive portfolio of timberlands, spanning across millions of acres primarily in the United States. This foundation allows Weyerhaeuser to operate at the core of the timber industry, managing these lands with a sharp focus on sustainability. The company ensures that it replenishes the resources it harvests, thus maintaining a long-term balance between conservation and commercial forestry. This meticulous stewardship is not only environmentally commendable but also strategically ensures a continued supply of raw materials for its diverse operations.

The company's business model is multifaceted, revolving primarily around three main segments: Timberlands, Wood Products, and Real Estate, Energy & Natural Resources. In the Timberlands segment, Weyerhaeuser leverages its vast acreage to harvest timber, which it either sells or uses internally. The Wood Products division then processes this timber into a wide array of products such as lumber, plywood, and engineered wood, which are core components in construction and manufacturing. Meanwhile, the Real Estate, Energy & Natural Resources segment capitalizes on undeveloped lands for real estate projects, mineral extraction, wind, and other renewable energy projects, diversifying the company’s revenue streams. Through this integrated approach, Weyerhaeuser not only maintains substantial control over its production process but ensures profitability across different market cycles.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Travis A. Keatley
Senior Vice President of Timberlands
No Bio Available
Ms. Denise M. Merle CPA
Senior VP & Chief Administration Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Andy Taylor
Vice President of Investor Relations
No Bio Available
Mr. Adrian M. Blocker
Senior Advisor
No Bio Available
Mr. Brian K. Chaney
Senior Vice President of Wood Products
No Bio Available
Mr. Fred Dzida
President of Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd
No Bio Available
Ms. Elizabeth L. Baum
Senior Director
No Bio Available


220 Occidental Ave S