Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc

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Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc
Price: 74.22 USD -1.34% Market Closed
Market Cap: 2B USD
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Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc
Investor Relations

Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc., a stalwart in the consumer products industry, orchestrates a diverse portfolio that touches nearly every facet of everyday life. Rooted in Middleton, Wisconsin, this multifaceted enterprise thrives by harnessing an array of well-known brands within its operating segments: Hardware & Home Improvement, Global Pet Care, Home & Garden, and Home and Personal Care. Each segment serves a specific niche but collectively they aim to offer reliable solutions to enhance consumers’ lives. The company adeptly combines its vast distribution network with a commitment to product innovation, ensuring its offerings remain relevant in an ever-evolving market. From door locks and plumbing fixtures to pet supplies and household insecticides, Spectrum Brands navigates a sea of customer expectations with products imbued with quality and reliability.

The company's strategy pivots on a well-entrenched business model hinged on brand strength and global distribution. By meticulously investing in its trademark brands, Spectrum Brands garners consumer trust and loyalty, which is pivotal in driving sales across a plethora of retail channels. The enterprise monetizes through direct sales to retailers like Home Depot and Walmart, which account for a significant portion of its revenue stream. Moreover, Spectrum Brands continually adapts to consumer trends, particularly focusing on sustainability and digital transformation to bolster its operational efficiency and market presence. By leveraging economies of scale and its proficient supply chain operations, the company maintains competitive pricing while ensuring robust cash flows, thus securing its standing as a formidable player in the global consumer goods arena.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. David M. Maura C.F.A.
Executive Chairman & CEO
No Bio Available
Mr. Jeremy W. Smeltser
Executive VP & CFO
No Bio Available
Mr. Ehsan Zargar
Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
No Bio Available
Mr. John Pailthorp
President of Global Pet Care
No Bio Available
Mr. Javier Andrade-Marin
President of Home & Garden
No Bio Available
Mr. Faisal Qadir
Vice President of Strategic Finance & Enterprise Reporting
No Bio Available


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