Cheniere Energy Partners LP

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Cheniere Energy Partners LP
Price: 63.94 USD 0.39% Market Closed
Market Cap: 31B USD

Net Margin
Cheniere Energy Partners LP


Net Margin measures how much net income is generated as a percentage of revenues received. It helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained.

Net Margin
Net Income

Net Margin Across Competitors

Cheniere Energy Partners LP
Glance View

Economic Moat
Market Cap
30.9B USD

Cheniere Energy Partners LP stands as a significant player in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry, uniquely positioned on the energy markets’ complex chessboard. Founded as a limited partnership, it operates with an acute focus on the development, construction, and operation of LNG terminals. At the heart of its operations is the Sabine Pass LNG terminal strategically located in Louisiana, one of the first major natural gas exports facilities in the United States. This facility is pivotal, housing multiple liquefaction trains that convert natural gas into liquid form for easy transportation across the globe. By harnessing burgeoning shale gas production domestically, Cheniere Energy Partners plays a crucial role in meeting the world's energy demands, exporting LNG to a diverse range of international markets. The company generates revenue primarily through long-term contracts with creditworthy buyers, ensuring steady cash flow and reducing exposure to spot market volatility. These contracts are generally set up as take-or-pay arrangements, meaning customers pay for the capacity whether or not they utilize it, thereby offering Cheniere a reliable income stream. Additional revenues come from commodity trading activities where the company takes advantage of price differences in the international gas markets. This structure not only secures consistent revenue but also positions Cheniere Energy Partners as a significant contributor to the diversification and globalization of energy supplies, aligning well with the global shift towards cleaner energy sources.

CQP Intrinsic Value
52.47 USD
Overvaluation 18%
Intrinsic Value
What is Net Margin?

Net Margin measures how much net income is generated as a percentage of revenues received. It helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained.

Net Margin
Net Income
What is the Net Margin of Cheniere Energy Partners LP?

Based on Cheniere Energy Partners LP's most recent financial statements, the company has Net Margin of 23.7%.

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