SAGCEM Q2-2024 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

Sagar Cements Ltd

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Price: 229.4 INR -0.33% Market Closed
Market Cap: 30B INR
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Sagar Cements Reports Strong Recovery in Q2

Sagar Cements has rebounded with its second quarter showcasing a recovering trend. Revenue rose to INR 587 crores, a significant 24% increase year-on-year, and a 9% improvement from the previous quarter. EBITDA soared to INR 60 crores, indicating robust growth from INR 6 crores in the same quarter last year— a staggering 955% uptick. The company credits this to vigorous housing and infrastructure demand, enhanced pricing, and higher volumes. Margins, too, have improved to 10% from the prior year's 1%. Even though the company incurred a loss of INR 11 crores, it's a marked improvement from the loss of INR 44 crores in the year-ago quarter. Sagar Cements expects this positive trend in margins and profitability to continue, propelled by lower input costs and an uptick in volume due to initiatives such as increasing the use of green power and electric trucks.

Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

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Manish Valecha

I would now like to hand over the call to Gavin Desa of CDR. Over to you, Gavin.

Gavin Desa

Thank you, Manish, and thank you for the introduction. Welcome, everybody, to the call. We'd just like to add that as some statements made in today's discussions may be forward-looking in nature and a note to this effect was stated in the con call invite sent to you earlier. We trust you have had a chance to go through the financials and the communication center along with it.

I would now like to request Mr. Sreekanth Reddy to commence with his opening remarks. Over to you, Sreekanth.

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. Thank you, Gavin. Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Sagar Cements earnings call for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2023. Let me begin the discussion with a brief overview of the market in terms of demand and pricing, post which I will move on to Sagar-specific developments.

Overall, we have seen demand remaining more or less steady across the regions during the quarter. Volumes as well have remained buoyant amidst good demand from housing and infrastructure Pricing, which was somewhat soft during recent times has seen some improvement across specific regions towards the end of the quarter. [indiscernible] prices as well have been somewhat benign, although we did witness some spurt in fuel prices during the quarter. Utilization levels as well remain elevated, reflective of on-ground demand that coupled with lower input prices, should result in better profitability and margins for the industry. Going ahead, while the visibility with regards to demand and volume offtake remains high, sustained improved pricing environment is needed to help counter the vagaries of the input and freight costs.

Let me now move on to our quarterly performance. We have seen good recovery during the quarter. Profitability in the previous quarter, as many of you may recall, was impacted by low volumes owing to maintenance shutdown and high inventory costs. Volume growth during the quarter was aided by a steady demand in housing and infra projects. Pricing environment, as mentioned earlier, was better on a sequential basis. Higher volumes and better realizations resulted in revenue of INR 587 crores during second quarter, as against INR 475 crores during the corresponding quarter of last year and INR 540 crores during the sequential previous quarter, higher by almost 24% and 9%, respectively. EBITDA for the quarter stood at INR 60 crores as against INR 6 crores generated during Q2 FY '23 and INR 31 crores garnered during the sequential previous quarter, higher by almost 955% and 97%, respectively. Margins for the current period stood at 10% as against 1% reported during the corresponding period last year and 6% during the sequential previous quarter. Profitability and margin improvement during the quarter was largely on expected lines, as mentioned earlier. Q1 EBITDA was impacted by lower volumes and higher fuel inventory costs. We expect the margin and profitability trend to continue into the second half, owing to benign input costs and better volume growth on account of ramp-up of both Andhra Cements Limited and our Madhya Pradesh and Odisha plants. Also, our strategic initiatives towards increasing the share of green power, usage of electric trucks and reloaders and increased usage of alternate fuels bodes well for rationalization in operating costs over the medium to long-term period.

In terms of key operational activities, as mentioned earlier, our efforts are directed towards improving the overall efficiency and ramping up the utilization levels of our recently acquired or commissioned units. Jeerabad and Jajpur units are performing as per our expectations, and we believe we will be able to achieve 80% utilization level for Jeerabad and an EBITDA breakeven for Jajpur during the current fiscal. We are also positive of retaining our volume guidance of over 6.2 million during this fiscal.

Average power and fuel cost stood at INR 1,626 per tonne as against INR 2,062 per tonne reported during Q2 FY '23. Freight cost for the quarter stood at INR 848 per tonne as against INR 797 per tonne during Q2 FY '23. As mentioned earlier, we have seen some moderation in fuel and freight costs on a sequential basis. Loss after tax for the quarter stood at INR 11 crores as against loss of INR 44 crores during Q2 FY '23.

From an active operational point of view, Mattampally plant operated at 62% utilization while Gudipadu, Bayyavaram, Jeerabad Jajpur and Dachepalle operated at 87%, 60%,65%, 26% and 22%, respectively, during the quarter. As far as the key balance sheet items are concerned, the gross debt as on 30th of September 2023, stood at INR 1,533 crores, out of which INR 1,305 crores as long-term debt, the remaining constitutes the working capital. The net worth of the company on a consolidated basis as of 30th September 2023 stood at INR 1,628 crores. Debt equity ratio stands at 0.8:1. Cash and bank balances are at INR 152 crores as of 30th September 2023.

In summary, we believe that our efforts towards cost rationalization, better product mix and presence across established and fast-growing markets position us well to create value for our stakeholders.

That concludes my opening remarks. We will now be glad to take any questions that you may have. Thank you.

Manish Valecha

[Operator Instructions] The first question is from Shravan Shah.

Shravan Shah

Are you able to hear us, sir?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, Mr. Shravan.

Shravan Shah

Sir, the third first question is, you mentioned 6.2 million volume that we are looking for this in -- in presentation, it was 6 million. So just correct me and also help me how are we looking at in terms of the third quarter and the fourth quarter volumes. So last time we talked about 1.8 million in third quarter and 2 million in kind of a fourth quarter.

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. Mr. Shravan, the small downward revision from 6.4, we revised it to 6.2. I think there is a typo in the presentation. We believe that we should be achieving close to 1.75 million in Q3. This is taking into account the election notification in Telangana. And at the same time, we are targeting at doing 2 million by -- for the Q4, Mr. Shravan. So that would be the breakup between both the quarters. So we did close to around 2.5 million for the first half. We are targeting at growing around 3.7 million to 3.75 million for the next half, Shravan.

Shravan Shah

Yes. Yes. Got it. Second, sir, in terms of the pricing. So if you can help us in terms of the -- from Q2 average. So now so we understood that in East also, that is close to INR 50, INR 55, the kind of a price hike got absorbed in [ September ] and in South also INR 30 to INR 50 price hike is going on. So -- just wanted to understand, from Q2 average, how are the prices in East and South, particularly, till whatever we have taken.

Sammidi Reddy

No, I think rather than talking about Q2, let me talk of the exit prices from September to October. Of course, in South, the price increase, we could realize only from the second week, though we initiated price increases in the 4th to 5th of October, but the real price increases started for us only during the second -- from second week onwards, Mr. Shravan. Hyderabad, we have seen almost INR 35 for that kind of an increase. I would not call a exit of September alone, but from middle of October, we could start looking at a INR 35 increase for that. We are looking at Vizag almost the price increase is around INR 35 to INR 45. Bangalore, we have seen around INR 20 to 25 per ourself. Chennai, we have seen INR 40 to INR 45 per Sholapur, we have seen INR 20. When it comes to East, this we could see from end of August itself, we could see almost INR 30 kind of an increase from September to October. And October, we could only get an additional INR 5 over that time line. Indore, one of the markets that we have seen yes, we have seen a plus INR 15, kind of an increase in past.

Shravan Shah

Sir, Indore, you said or how much?

Sammidi Reddy

Plus 15, sir. It is from exit of September into the October or at this point of time, we have seen a plus INR 15 hike.

Shravan Shah

INR 50?

Sammidi Reddy

INR 15. 1-5.

Shravan Shah

1-5. Okay. Okay. Got it. So now, sir, if you look at in terms of what we were looking at EBITDA of INR 400-odd crores for this year...

Sammidi Reddy

I think that is achievable, Mr. Shravan. So our outlook, we are very clear that we should be very close to that now.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. So just trying to further understand that because in the first half, we did INR 91-odd crores. So we need INR 310 crores kind of a number for -- in second half.

Sammidi Reddy

Only 2.7 million, sir, we are talking of around INR 800 to INR 850 on a very conservative scale. Given the operating leverage that we have and the current fuel price trends, which we believe current fuel prices might remain more or less flat in our case with the relation jump, we are looking at around getting INR 800 only per tonne on an average for ourselves.

Shravan Shah

Okay. For the second half, we are looking at INR 800 to INR 850 kind of numbers. That's great. Second, on the expansion plans last time we have talked about 3 plants that we are having and maybe we'll be sharing the details in this con call. So from currently 10 million to 12 million, so 0.75 in Andhra, 0.25 in Gudipadu and 0.5 in Jeerabad. So any update on that in terms of

Sammidi Reddy

We are just waiting for the clearance from our investment committee, which we should have over the next 15 days clearance. As soon as we get the clearance, we'll be happy to revert back.

Shravan Shah

But broadly, that number will remain in

Sammidi Reddy

This number would remain -- the target is to reach to 12 million by end of FY '25, for which we need to initiate as soon as possible. So we are just waiting for approval from our investment committee to share it with all of you.

Shravan Shah

And even for the date also though it has increased by close to INR 120-odd crore in 1H, we were looking at 1,200, 1,250 kind of a net debt for next 2

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, I think on the debt would remain committed to not crossing on the gross side at INR 1,500 crore, and on the net side, somewhere around INR 1,250 crores to INR 1,300 crore, we would not lose those numbers either way. We are committed to keep that number stay there even the growth

Shravan Shah

Okay. And lastly, on the CapEx, 1H, we have done INR 130-odd crores. So how one can look at for this year at least?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, we only have the maintenance CapEx, Mr. Shravan. So we -- at this point of time, that is the only upward we have, and that is what we have committed to spend. As we have mentioned, Mattampally went to a very deep shutdown because after 15 years, [indiscernible] went through some modifications to handle much higher foot of alternate fuels and he also demanded some maintenance. So that is the only CapEx that is earmarked for the next 6 months. But for the medium-term kind of a CapEx for which we are awaiting for the investment company to approve. We would only do the maintenance

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Rajesh Ravi.

Rajesh Ravi

Sir, am I audible?

Sammidi Reddy


Rajesh Ravi

Sir, my question pertains to, first, the margin guidance which you gave for full year and this is second half around INR 850 versus INR 360 achieved in H1. So what are the cost levers are you looking at out of this INR 450, INR 500 improvement in second half, how much of this would be cost driven? And fuel prices apparently seems to have bottomed out. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, Mr. Rajesh. I think in our case, it's a combination of operating leverage. As we have mentioned, we could only operate for -- we only sold 2.5 million for the first half where we intend to sell close to 3.7, that itself should add INR 100 to INR 150 overall cost reduction on the operating side. We don't expect major changes to happen on the power and fuel from what we have achieved in the Q2. The reason is obvious that the pet coke and coal prices what went down aggressively actually came back from 100, again, they came back to 140 to 150 kind of dollars. So we don't expect things to be a lot more different, but we may have to review at this point of time, we do have inventory all the way to middle of Q4. But with the geopolitical issues that is happening in Middle East, we would want to keep track of it. But having said that, our costs, we expect remain flat. The balance will come from the realization jump and the -- and we -- as mentioned, the breakeven at both the EBITDA breakeven at both and Dachepalle have already happened. So even the scenario, we definitely expect the margins to improve, to more than double, Rajesh from the first half.

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. So this versus Q2, the 400 extra margin that you're looking at out of which around INR 150 is operating leverage driven and rest INR 200, INR 250 you're looking at from realization improvement?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, sir. I think that conservatively is our estimate. So I...

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And sir, this Andhra, what is the current clinker and cement capacity, 1.8 and 1.65?

Sammidi Reddy

So the current Andhra's capacity is to tune of around 1.85 million is the clinker capacity, and 2.25 million is the grinding, Rajesh.

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And this -- you're expected to take this to 2.3 clinker and 3 million in grinding.

Sammidi Reddy

3 million grinding by FY '25, sir.

Rajesh Ravi

So 1.85 clinker will become 2.3, and 2.2 grinding will become 3 million tonnes by next.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Pratish Chera.

Unknown Analyst

Sir, the incremental 450, 500, which you are mentioning, isn't it a bit conservative considering that even if one takes INR 25 back that it shall be the INR 500 extra EBITDA per

Sammidi Reddy

So that is gross, sir, you have to remove the GST sir. GST is not you're calculated...

Unknown Analyst

So you're taking at the gross level. Okay. That was my clarification. And the volume that you mentioned in the -- for the full year is how much, sir?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, we are talking about 6.2 million, sir?

Unknown Analyst

And you have got 2.5 in the first half, right?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, sir.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. And what's your peak debt after the expansions?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, we are talking about 1,500 on a gross side

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Amit Murarka.

Amit Murarka

So on Andhra Cement, I was just checking the numbers. So the EBITDA per tonne seems to be same as Mattampally but with a lower realization. So just to understand, like how come -- is it lower cost? Or could you just explain those numbers a bit better?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. It's a more operating leverage, Mr. Amit, because at Andhra, we could produce more clinker. So there was a sale of clinker along with the sale of cement. So the operating leverage helped us to have a better margin in Andhra for the last quarter Mr.

Amit Murarka

Sure. So the sales volume that you have mentioned of I think, 90.95 million tonnes. So that would include clinker or not?

Sammidi Reddy

No, that doesn't -- usually doesn't include clinker.

Amit Murarka

And how much was the clinker sale there?

Sammidi Reddy

No, that was one-off because as mentioned, Mattampally was on the maintenance. So we shifted some of clinker, but it's safe to assume that it would be a combination. I would not say included at this point of time, again, depends dynamically on the market conditions, Mr. Amit. On the overall revenue, it is, but on the sales number, we are sticking to the cement sales

Amit Murarka

Okay. Okay. Understood. Okay, fine. And -- but still like the EBITDA that is mentioned there, like could you just give a sense about how much of that EBITDA was from clinker sales just to kind of understand the cement numbers better?

Sammidi Reddy

See, I think [indiscernible] what percentage of EBITDA is from clinker sale, right, Mr.

Amit Murarka

Yes, right.

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, I think you should take it half, half, if I'm not mistaken, in, but we will revert back to you on the specifics on that.

Amit Murarka

Got it. Got it. And like the capacity utilization then was about 40-odd percent, right? The cement utilization in the quarter, like based on the 2.25 million tonnes?

Sammidi Reddy

You're talking numbers or...

Amit Murarka

No, this is Andhra. Again, Andhra, I'm talking about.

Sammidi Reddy

See, Andhra, see clinker utilization was slightly more than the cement utilization Mr. Amit. So we also had to shut down because we couldn't handle the clinker beyond a point. So we had to take a forceful shutdown. Let us give the full year number because the first half, as you know, only the Q2 was the full -- reasonably operated kind of a quarter. August month, we actually were very near to clinker 85% at clinker level utilization, Mr. Amit. But that was only for August, not for October -- not for September. So it is fluctuating because we couldn't handle the excess inventory, so we had to take a post shutdown there. So that may not truly reflect the operating rates for the first quarter. Full year, our target is to achieve around 0.75 million. I think we are keeping that target for the cement sale at 0.75 million from Andhra for the full year.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Shravan Shah.

Shravan Shah

Sir, just to clarify, sir, when we are seeing Andhra 2.25, so that includes the Vizag...

Sammidi Reddy

No, sir, it doesn't include Vizag

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. And then -- and regarding the Vizag Lancel, anything -- any update or...

Sammidi Reddy

We have time as clarified last time we are talking about 18 months, so out of that 3 months is done. So we believe that we should conclude some transaction well within those 15 -- coming 15 months.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Not even even a broader range in terms of the market value. So you...

Sammidi Reddy

We are still getting the government -- we are work in progress. So we we completed only a small portion of this or probably out of 4 steps, we completed only 1 step. So we have 3 more steps to complete. Once we complete 2 or 3 steps only then we will start engaging with potential buyers, because the smoke of conversion and everything we are trying to keep it for ourselves. Before that, we need to get the land records and everything structured and then convert the land and then seek the government permission for potential sales. So these are all the steps that are involved. We only completed the record bookkeeping and everything to be in order for us to proceed with the next 2 steps. So we will definitely take 15 months is what we stronglyh think. We are very happy to come back to you with the status on it once we have crossed each milestone, Mr. Shravan.

Shravan Shah

But broadly, ballpark, the ready reckoner would be a kind of a 2.5, 3

Sammidi Reddy

The ready reckoner, as we have mentioned earlier, yes, that remains at 4 crores per acre that remains. So that has not changed from earlier quarters. That ready reckoner is something which we are looking at the government. Government is yet to revise any of those ready reckoner rates.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Got it. And sir, or trade sale for this quarter was how much?

Sammidi Reddy

We should be close to around 65%. So there is a government component -- as you know, most of the governments are gearing up for the election. So there was the government component in the entire state. So trade is close to around 65%.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Okay. Got it. And the green sir, for this quarter was how much. Last quarter was 27%.

Sammidi Reddy

See, this time, it is very close to that number because the -- I think full operations, we will only be able to do it in the current -- in the second half, Mr. Shravan, because Mattampally was under maintenance. So that component remains reasonably close to that. So most of our inventory was used, so that would not have changed. So for the second half, we are talking of close to around 30%. So we should reach to that 30% second half

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay.

Sammidi Reddy

And even station generation just started. So that component also will get added up Mr. Shravan.

Shravan Shah


Manish Valecha

So Shravan, sorry to interrupt. Can I request you to please call back in the queue. There are other participants too.

The next question is from Mangesh Bhadang.

Mangesh Bhadang

Sir, a couple of questions from me. So firstly, any impact on demand after the price increases that were announced? And secondly, with the election dates being announced, do you feel that demand could turn out to be lower, which would actually drive pricing lower because of lack of demand?

Sammidi Reddy

Mr. Mangesh, our experience for the past 1, 1.5 decades, especially on this price to volume, there has never been a correlation, sir. So I cannot comment much. Secondly, demand definitely doesn't move with the increase in price. I think as mentioned previously in my earlier calls, too, the cement per se would not be a major cost component in any of the construction activities are the end users especially on the housing. If you look at low-cost housing, it is less 3%. So luxury housing, it is definitely less than 1%. But most of the infra projects, it is less than 5%. So given the impact of cement costs in the end-use I don't think the the price of cement would be influence in a big way the demand. Usually, it will be keen jerk reaction to slow down just in case if it surges up, but this increase is not that steep for demand to really contract. In Telangana, of course, the election schedule for 2 states where we are present is for Madhya Pradesh and Telangana. Telangana the government influence on -- the government consumption is limited. So we have not seen any major contraction so far. Madhya Pradesh, we are watching so we would be in a much better situation to comment on the election schedules influence on the demand probably a couple of weeks later. As we speak, so far, we have not seen any shrinkage,either because of price increase or because of the election announcement.

Mangesh Bhadang

That is helpful. Sir, secondly, on the Andhra cements expansion. So during the expansion, do we have to take a prolonged shutdown from this facility? And if that is so, when would that be?

Sammidi Reddy

Sir, see, this we are building a brand-new creator in parallel, so it doesn't demand a major head-down. At the best, it might need a 30-day shutdown, that is likely to happen 15 months from now. And that can be managed with the inventory management rather than a absolute break in the complete kind of dispatches It may not really influence the sale. To a certain extent, it might influence some cost-related issue 12 to 15 months from now, but not

Mangesh Bhadang

Understood, sir. And sir, lastly, if I may ask, any -- after the increase, have you seen the interregional sales, like now, basically the inputs from other regions increased in Andhra or other region?

Sammidi Reddy

No, fortunately, most of the contiguous regions, it's not the same, but kind of a price increase. So that would not really push volumes. But we are just 2 weeks into this, sir. So we will be in a much better situation to understand and revert back to you probably it would take another couple of more weeks before we could start getting to know the movement -- the interregional movements But so far, most of the contiguous reasons had similar kind of increases, typically doesn't prompt in a big way the changes in the interregional

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Sanjay

Sanjay Nandi

Sir, what has been the utilization for the clinker for this exit quarter of Q2 on the consolidated basis?

Sammidi Reddy

I think we are close to around 65% at a group level, Mr. Sanjay.

Sanjay Nandi

Yes. Okay, sir. And sir, last question is like what is the average holding on our inventory? Like did we book something when the price was

Sammidi Reddy

So we do it irrespective of the price. The time that we held back as it was a very, very elevated level, then was about 200 plus we -- but now we keep buying systematically. Our historical holding was almost close to 6 months that got revised to 4 to 4.5 months right now. So we are still because we believe there are any changes we may not be in a situation to get benefit out of it. So we have limited ourselves to 4 to 4.5 months

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Keshav

Keshav Lahoti

I just want to understand, Andhra Phase 2 was expected to start in H2. You more sounded like this year would be more of a maintenance CapEx only. So whether that would be delayed

Sammidi Reddy

Mr. Keshav, let me again for clarity sake, we are talking of maintenance CapEx at all the places. Investment is reviewing the proposal what we have circulated as far as Andhra is concerned. That if we get approval, we should kickstart at the earliest, but that may not lead to huge CapEx because its only in initial phase doesn't consume much more to do with the advances, Mr. Keshav. So that's not delayed. We are just awaiting for the investment committee to give the clearance. That's what we have committed. At this point of time, since we are waiting for the investment company to clear, we have committed only for the maintenance CapEx at the rest of places. Once the investment committees clears, we would be happy to come back to you in the their CapEx plans, but it may be very, very small for the current year. That should not delay the overall kind of CapEx spend because we are only going to pay 10% to 15% of the overall CapEx, the expansion or the modification CapEx, 10% to 15% is going to be the commitment for this quarter. That may not be much. That's what we have said, and that's what I'm trying to clarify

Keshav Lahoti

Understood. Broadly, the understanding is the CapEx would be something like INR 300 crores. So maybe INR 30 crores, INR 40 crores might be incurred in this year and balance next year. And this project will be completed by FY '25

Sammidi Reddy

I would like to stick to that. But since I'm waiting for the clearance, we will be happy to come back. So probably, we will be very happy to come back as soon as [indiscernible] any similar kind of a line as we have

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And Andhra clinker was like 1.65 what I remember, but today, you mentioned 1.85.

Sammidi Reddy

It is always 1.85. So grinding was 1.65. It was limited to 1.65. There was investment made by the earlier management itself of which they did not commission. We ended up commissioning that during the takeover and the ramp-up. So with that, the clinker capacity remains at 1.85, but the grinding from 1.65 moved to 2.25.

Keshav Lahoti

Understood. One last question from my side. What was the charge for sales volume in quarter 2? And are we on our target to achieve 40% utilization for this plant in this year?

Sammidi Reddy

So for the first half, the -- yes, we did close to around 0.14 million. Our target is to do 0.4 million. So I think we should end up achieving those targets at

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Kritika

Unknown Analyst

Sir, there was an announcement yesterday, some change to do with the resources and special as shareholders agreement, if you could draw more light on that?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. Krutika, can you repeat the question, please?

Unknown Analyst

So yesterday, there was an announcement wherein you referred a shareholders agreement with resources and there were some special mentioned. So [indiscernible] what exactly does that

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. See, it is pertaining to getting shareholder approval for entering into shareholders agreement with AVH who have been investor for over 15 years. So formally -- we are formalizing the relationship by entering into a shareholder segment with them.

Unknown Analyst

Formalizing as in what sense?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, there was never a shareholder agreement between Sagar Cements and AVH. So we are entering into a shareholder agreement with them right now. So they close to 19.8%. So we are getting into a shareholder agreement with them.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. And what special rights that the announcement that was for?

Sammidi Reddy

Sorry, I missed out your voice is very feeble.

Unknown Analyst

Yes. I'm saying what are the special rights that the announcement

Sammidi Reddy

There is nothing, it is exactly on a license and enter previously large investors like It's like appointment of nominee directors, and they see we are a listed company. So you know the these things are pretty clear. So it's more specifically getting -- formalizing the shareholders agreement with them.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Shravan Shah .

Shravan Shah

Sir, just to -- again, clarifying what's the current total grinding capacity? Is it 10.85, 10%

Sammidi Reddy

It is 10.85, Mr. Shravan.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Because it is actually not telling, so that is some

Sammidi Reddy

I'm sure there are some small gaps in this 10.85, Mr. Shravan.

Manish Valecha

[Operator Instructions] In the meanwhile a couple of questions from my side. So what is the current status in both in the ramp-up of both the plants, both in Dhar as well as in Jajpur?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. Dhar, our capacity utilization is up of 85%, Mr. Manish. So the run rate is very good except for the last couple of months where the season will be back, the run rate is up of 85% capacity ratio. As far as Jajpur is concerned, as you know, these prices have improved. And the merger is complete with both these events. We are ramping up the capacity utilization is near 50% in Jajpur.

Shravan Shah

And in terms of breakeven, we were...

Sammidi Reddy

We already broke even during the middle of last quarter itself at EBITDA level. So we are talking of Jajpur. Jeerabad, of course, it is more than breakeven. I think it is a So Manish, we are also very happy to announce that the government -- the Madhya Pradesh government approved the incentives. So it was 40% of the certified CapEx, which should have been INR 150 crores which is lower. So we -- it should have been 180. But since the cap is at INR 150 crores, so we got a assigned in for INR 150 crores incentive to be paid over 7 years. It will be equally paid at 21.5 kind of a number per year for next 7 years. So we did see the sanction of incentives also at Jeerabad plant. Mr. Shravan. .

Shravan Shah

Okay. So that's approximately like INR 200 a tonne in -- if we

Sammidi Reddy

Slightly more than that number.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Got it, sir. Sir, and in terms of -- from the demand perspective, can you give your usual commentary on state-wise demand outlook?

Sammidi Reddy

See, I think I would rather stick to the south demand would definitely be up in a very high single digit, which we stated. The reason why we are talking about a single-digit is election notification has come for Telangana. Even that scenario though we don't expect a major slowdown, but it would definitely impact the labor availability and all for some time. So given that scenario, we believe that the entire South, which so far has moved close to 12% to 13% for the first half. Yes, we believe it might -- we might end the year with a very high single digit or maybe very low double-digit kind of a number for South. Rest of all the other places, we believe like Odisha would be single digit, high single digit. Madhya Pradesh, we expect again -- from a double digit, we recalibrated to single digit again because of the election notification, Mr. Manish.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Sumangal Nevatia.

Sumangal Nevatia

Yes. Sir, I joined the call late. So if it is repeated, please excuse me. One is -- so on the Andhra cement, we are holding 95% holding. So what is our plan? I mean what is the compulsion as far as the regulation is concerned? And how do we plan to dilute over the next 1, 2 years?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, the regulation is for us to reduce it to 90% first, less than 12 months from the day of listing. That means we should reduce it by 5% before April '24. And within 3 years' time, we have to reduce it to 75 And we are gone by those regulations. So we would invariably fulfill those obligations at the right time, Mr. Sumangal.

Sumangal Nevatia

Okay. And any initial thoughts as to what is our preference in terms of root of valuation?

Sammidi Reddy

It is not to sell Sagar shares but to go for a capital increase as we are a growing organization. So we believe that there is CapEx and there is a requirement. So we generally don't go for a high -- very high leverage, so we would like to balance that. So our preference is to go for a capital increase at Andhra for this combined with the regulation. So that's clearly stated. Yes, we should initiate probably a 1 month, 1.5 months from now about looking at those options, at least we want to complete the first step first. So we should start the work pertaining to that for the next couple of months, Mr. Sumangal. We are more than hopeful to fulfill those things ahead of time from a regulatory compliance, Mr. Sumangal.

Sumangal Nevatia

Got it, sir. That's very useful. Sir, second question. I mean at a 12 million tonne capacity, what sort of maintenance CapEx should we expect? And next year, to reach to 12 million tonnes, what sort of CapEx broadly for FY '25 are we looking at?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. Mr. Sumangal pertaining to reaching to 12 million, the CapEx revert back to you, except for the maintenance CapEx, yes, we are awaiting for our investment committee to clear the CapEx plan. So we are expecting anything now. So as soon as we get, we would be happy to share that. From a maintenance CapEx perspective, when we reach to 12 million, sir, you should expect INR 50 crores per year on an average.

Sumangal Nevatia

Got it. Got it. And sir, last question, given that this year for Andhra, we'll be at less than 1 million tonnes volumes and with the capacity of more than 2. So next year, incrementally, could we look at another year of very strong volume, irrespective of a normalized year as far as industry is concerned, given very low utilization both at stand-alone and Andhra?

Sammidi Reddy

Yes. Mr. Sumangal, the current year, the outlook is to do 0.75 million from Andhra for the current year because we only started during the Q2. The operations generally started only in Q2 so we only had 3/4 on a year. Next year, we expect volumes to move to anywhere between 1.25 to 1.5 So we will be doubling Andhra from 0.75 outlook, our target is to achieve 1.5 million for next year. Mr. Sumangal. So that ties up along with the ramp up Jajpur. So rest of all the other assets, we believe that we should be doing very similar kind of a run rate given the next year is going to be a big election year, Mr. Sumangal, both in Andhra as well as in the central government and some of the operating areas, we do have the election. So given that scenario, we believe the other assets other than Jajpur and Andhra Cements to perform exactly like this year. We do expect volumes to slightly be more relative to this year from Andhra and Jajpur, Mr. Sumangal.

Prateek Kumar

Okay. Sir, ballpark, 7.5 to 8 is what we should pencil in for next year?

Sammidi Reddy

I would be around 7.5 million on the higher side.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Rajesh Ravi.

Rajesh Ravi

Sir, this incentive from MP government. This will be a capital subsidy or will it flow through P&L revenue?

Sammidi Reddy

It will go through P&L, Mr. Rajesh.

Rajesh Ravi

And this is irrespective of volumes or it is...

Sammidi Reddy

It has nothing to do with the volumes, Mr. Rajesh. It is to do with the CapEx, but structured in a way where it will go to P&L. So it is based on volume. This fixed INR 150 crores to be paid over 7 years. So it's going to be lump sum 21.5 kind of number for each year irrespective of volume.

Rajesh Ravi

And you will start accruing this Q3 onwards?

Sammidi Reddy

We should start accruing from the current year onwards.

Unknown Executive

No, no, Rajesh, we are going to account based on the receipt. So

Rajesh Ravi

Based on receipt, that's great.

Unknown Executive

Yes, whenever we are going to realize the money then we're going to

Sammidi Reddy

Only then we're going to...

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. Okay. There's no accrual you're following over here.

Unknown Executive

Yes. And for the disbursement, there is a limitation on the capacity utilization. So the limitation is that 70% capacity utilization. If suppose if it is below 70%, the proportionately they're going to organize the

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And that will be paid off later when the utilization

Sammidi Reddy

See 150 is fixed, it has to be paid over 7 years, so is that we have to operate a minimum at 70%.

Rajesh Ravi

And sir, this volume guidance, 6.2 first half we have 2.5 which you have done around. If I remove the Andhra, which is around 2.4 million and next 6 months, you're looking Andhra to volumes to contribute another 0.65 million. So ex Andhra, the remaining assets like the stand-alone, you are not looking any volume offtake?

Sammidi Reddy

Sir, we should be cautious in -- we stated that even before Mr. Rajesh, that the existing assets, we only factored in 2.5% to 3% kind of a growth. So that remains at that level. Given there is -- that's a small supplies that have come in to the regions that we operate. And the demand is likely to grow only in single digits. So we should be -- we have penciled in not much of a growth for the existing assets. The bigger ramp-up is happening both at Jeerabad as well as Dachepalle. In the coming second half, we are expecting a 1 million to 1.5 million be contributed by only these 2 units.

Rajesh Ravi

Yes. Okay, sir. And just one last question. when we see the stand-alone 3 or 2 subsidiaries performance where they have reported almost INR 700, INR 800 margin. Is it that most of the fixed cost is getting reflected in the standalone entity that would have also kind of benefited the other two

Sammidi Reddy

No, no, sir. I think what you should understand is the Mattampally, which is one of the largest in the stand-alone was for maintenance. So first half is one-off kind of an event that has happened in terms of -- so but for that, I don't think there is any anomaly in it. I think operating is across. So once we do better, I think the spread is going to be equally factful. Andhra is an exception because Andhra we had sale and cement sale, and most of the footprint areas of Andhra remains in a close proximity, so the realization is not higher. But for that, I think it is across very, very

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. So just one follow-up on this because if you look at this Andhra where such low utilization, they have delivered healthy margins. And when you're looking at much higher volumes in the second half, obviously, will have a better operating leverage. And

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, I think that is one of the reasons why we are talking of almost 3x the number for the second half compared to the first half

Rajesh Ravi

Correct. And the stand-alone where you had maintenance impact in the first half, even that should be

Sammidi Reddy

Yes, sir. I think this is what is making us very clear about the outlook when it comes to margin Mr. Rajesh, along with the realization increase, so we did factor around INR 100 to INR 150 to come from the operating leverage itself because we don't have any major maintenance issues or this thing that is likely to come up for the second half. So that itself should help us add up INR 150 on cost side or rather reduce INR 150 from cost side, which would add up to the margin. And the rest is what we are expecting from the Mr. Rajesh.

Rajesh Ravi

My thought was that would not be operating leverage of the cost benefits would be much higher given that both the

Sammidi Reddy

Sir, we are in cement. So I need to be cautious because we need to factor many things. And we are into the election year. So any notification or any of that -- and at the same time, geopolitical issues would always impact the power and fuel, which is very, very sensitive to those events.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Vishal Periwal.

Unknown Analyst

Now cement demand seems it has been strong, and now we have taken industry-wide the price hike has also happened. Historically, given your past experience has both these things gone parallelly for a consistent period of time or one comes off like after a brief strong seasons.

Sammidi Reddy

Sir, again, I have to go back and give you a historical kind of impact. Over the last 13, 14 years, since the South supply has been 2x of demand, we have seen price increases, coupled with reduction in demand. Sometimes we have seen price increases with increasing demand. So we have seen various permutations and combinations, sir. There is never a one single rule that was applicable. But there were instances where price increase was coupled with increase in demand. So nothing can be ruled out in a

Unknown Analyst

Okay. So for absorption of the price hike, typically, you will wait for how many weeks to say that, okay, things are sustaining?

Sammidi Reddy

Two weeks, typically, we have to wait for the 2 weeks, sir, which we just completed. So that's what makes us think that this price is at least would sustain in the present shape. Although this hike is not the highest, I don't think we are at such a high price that we have seen in the past. And most of the people are excited with this price increase. But I think this price increase just manages most of the cost from small single-digit EBITDA margin, I think we will be reaching to 15%, sir. But the real requirement is up of 18% EBITDA requirement for all of us to survive and service the stakeholders. There is a gap. So we believe that prices still have to move up, but we have to -- since the last 1.5 years to 2 years, we have -- we struggled to increase the price, so we would want to go cautious on these issues. And coupled with the election, if this current price increase sustains, it will give some relief, but this alone is not enough. It should go up further by, in our view, another 2% to 3% is for the industry to have a reasonable margin for it to sustain and service all its stakeholders

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Shravan Shah.

Shravan Shah

Sir, this incentive on the MP first to clarify, do we have any other incentive apart from MP which we currently are booking or likely to get?

Sammidi Reddy

Sir, we only book on receipt. We have quite incentives that needs to come. So none of them are booked like especially in Andhra and Telangana we have close to INR 75 crores to INR 80 crores of receivables from the government as incentives, but that has been due for more than a decade. So till we receive, we generally don't book. So other than this INR 150 crores is available from Madhya Pradesh. That also is due over the next 7 years

Shravan Shah

Yes. And there, just to clarify, we are looking at close to 0.4 million tonne volume this year.

Sammidi Reddy

Sorry, no, in Madhya Pradesh, we are looking at 0.8 million, the target is to be 0.85 million. So I think we should be fulfilling the targets there in Jeerabad. So we wait for the first half. We did more than 0.37. So for the next half, also, we are looking at slightly more than this number at 0.45 million or 0.5 million. I think that is definitely achievable there.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Got it. Got it, sir. I mistakenly took the number for Jajpur.

Manish Valecha

The next question is from Rajesh Ravi. Rajesh, do you have the question.

Rajesh Ravi

Sorry, my questions are all over.

Manish Valecha

So as we don't have any further questions, may I hand over the call to Mr. Reddy for his closing comments.

Sammidi Reddy

Thank you, Manish. We would like to once again, thank you. Thank you all for joining us on the call. I hope you have got all the answers you are looking for. Please feel free to connect with us at our team in Sagar  or CDR, if you need any further information or if you have any further queries, we will be more than happy to discuss with them. Thank you, again. Happy Dushera, and Happy Deepawali. Thank you, sir. Have a good day.

Manish Valecha

Thank you, sir. We now conclude the call. You may now disconnect. Thank you.

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