RITES Q2-2024 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread


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Price: 365.5 INR -46.49%
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Earnings Call Analysis

Q2-2024 Analysis

Revenue and Profit Outlook Positive

The company aims to reach prior revenue levels of INR 90-100 crores per quarter, with the recent trend showing progress towards this goal. They face significant challenges, particularly in the IR business, due to increased competition and reduced rates. Despite these hurdles, the company is on track to surpass last year's revenue and profits in REMCL due to growing electrification and traffic. The company maintains a low CapEx strategy, traditionally ranging around INR 100-150 crores, and intends to keep it below INR 100 crores. Dividends have increased substantially, reflecting a strong consultancy business strategy with clarity on its core vision and returns to stakeholders.

Strategic Adaptation Amidst Challenges

RITES Limited, a consulting firm offering services across various infrastructure verticals, has witnessed a challenging yet promising second quarter of FY '24, adapting to the shifting landscape of its business environment. The management, including the newly appointed Director of Finance K.G. Agarwal, aimed to mitigate the decline in revenue from the export stream and the reshaped dynamics in the inspection consultancy sector. With this in mind, they implemented a threefold strategy: boosting project consultancy revenue, diversifying inspection business clientele beyond Indian Railways, and aggressively pursuing export opportunities. This approach has shown progress, with substantial increases in project consultancy revenue year-over-year, growth in non-IR client base for inspection services, and potential export order wins totaling over INR 1,500 crores. Despite the hurdles, the management remains committed to sustaining gains across these strategic fronts.

Export Business Prospects

The company's export side of the business has seen new developments with order wins in Zimbabwe (INR 850 crores), Mozambique (INR 500 crores), and Bangladesh (INR 900 crores). As they progress towards finalizing these deals, the management looks forward to beginning work on these projects and expects them to contribute significantly to the upcoming quarters' revenue.

Margins Under Pressure

Across the business segments, RITES is experiencing margin pressures due to an industry-wide shift toward competitive bidding as opposed to nomination-based contract awards. This has affected all four revenue streams, although the company is making an all-out effort to maintain margins as close as possible to historical levels. This includes the project consultancy segment which, despite these pressures, has still been able to maintain margins of around 40%. The overarching sentiment is clear: sustaining historic margin levels will be challenging.

Consultancy Growth and Order Intake

The consultancy division obtained approximately 78 new orders in the quarter, compared to 70 in the previous one, signaling a trend that could reach an average of one order per day in the ensuing quarter. This trajectory aligns well with the company's aspirations for steady growth in its lease segment, with healthy margins and a stable turnover in the limited turnkey projects due to their low-margin nature. Project consultancy maintains a critical role, however, perceiving significant competitive bidding influences, making the sustenance of historical margins difficult.

Competitive Bidding Trends and EBITDA Margins

Addressing queries on future EBITDA margins given the increasingly competitive bidding process, the company acknowledges the complexity of the situation, with varied margin impacts across business streams. While providing a specific number is challenging due to this evolving situation, the company conveys that maintaining margins at previous levels in any stream—consultancy, turnkey, leasing, or exports—will be a tough goal to achieve.

CapEx and Dividend Strategy

Historically, RITES has not been a CapEx intensive company, with an estimated CapEx of INR 145 to 150 crores, which should continue in the same range of about INR 100 crores or slightly less. Reflecting on the dividend payout ratio trend, which has dramatically increased from 20% to nearly 100% in recent years, the management reiterates the company's core identity as a consultancy, not a construction or infrastructure CapEx entity. This clarity in their core business strategy is why they've been returning earnings to stakeholders through dividends, emphasizing RITES's consultancy-focused direction.

Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

from 0

Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to the RITES Q2 FY '24 Earnings Call hosted by Elara Securities Private Limited. [Operator Instructions] Please note that this conference is being recorded. I now hand over the conference over to Mr. Harshit Kapadia from Elara Securities Private Limited. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Harshit Kapadia

Thank you, Malcolm. Good morning, everyone. On behalf of Elara Securities, we welcome you all for the Q2 FY '24 and H1 FY '24 conference call of RITES Limited. I take this opportunity to welcome the management of RITES represented by Shri. Rahul Mithal, Chairman and Managing Director; Shri. B P Nayak, Director Finance; Shri. A K Singh, Director Projects; and Shri. Dr. Deepak Tripathi, Director Technical. We will begin the call with a brief overview by the management followed by Q&A session. I'll now hand over the call to Rahul, sir, for his opening remarks. Over to you, sir.

Rahul Mithal

Good morning, everyone. Just a slight correction. My current Director of Finance is Mr. K.G Agarwal, who took over from first August, Mr. Nayak vacated on 31st July. So I go ahead with the opening safe harbor statement. The presentation and the press release, which we uploaded on our website yesterday and all discussions during the call today may have some forward-looking statements. These statements consider the environment we see as of today and obviously, carry a risk in terms of uncertainty because of which the actual results could be different, and we do not undertake to update those statements periodically.

In my opening comments, a brief overview of the Q2. The satisfying for us, it's been a tough quarter, but be satisfying for the entire team is that it is in line with the strategy we had envisaged at the beginning of the FY to tackle the twin challenges of revenue from my export stream of business and for the changed dynamics in the inspection consultancy stream of business. It was a threefold strategy: one, to give more and more stress on the project consultancy revenue, which has seen a substantial increase, both sequentially as well as Y-o-Y as well as getting fresh orders in consultancy.

The second was to try and diversify the client base in the inspection stream of business from more and more non-IR clients to minimize the impact of the changed dynamics that also has seen a substantial improvement sequentially. There has been a growth in the client base and an increase in the revenue also. And third was to aggressively pursue export opportunities so that the major dent in both top and bottom line from the export stream of revenue, that gets mitigated.

We are quite happy that we have been declared L1 in 3 locations. So a minimum of about INR 1,500-plus crores and we are looking forward to them being converted to finite orders in the coming weeks, which we will pursue for generating revenue in the coming quarter.

So all in all, a tough quarter. But yes, satisfaction that all 3 fronts have seen a substantial progress, and we will continue to work in that direction. With those opening comments, I'll leave the field open for questions.


[Operator Instructions] The first question is from the line of Dixit Doshi from Whitestone Financial Advisors Private Limited.

Dixit Doshi

My first question is regarding the export business. So in the last quarter, we had 2 order wins of Zimbabwe INR 850 crores in Mozambique INR 500 crores. And recently, we have one order in Bangladesh of INR 900 crores. If you can update on all 3 of this where it is by when you expect to sign the agreement and find we can start working on these projects and how much time it will take for the execution?

Rahul Mithal

Dixit. So yes, in terms of all these 3, we were declared in the Mozambique tender and the Bangladesh tender, we were declared L1. And the DC proceedings are on I am -- we are looking forward to them getting rectified as soon as possible in the coming weeks that they get converted into an LOI. We have not yet added any of these to our order books. When only we get a finite LOA only then we will add it to our order books, but we are looking forward to them getting converted soon. They are -- the Bangladesh is for 200 coaches and Mozambique could be for locos could be wagons or both. So that would depend on what the LOA finally comes, what quantity comes.

All these 3 types have different delivery scheduled based on the production cycle. But our efforts would be to at least start generating revenue from them latest by Q1 of the coming FY and then stabilize it on a steady basis quarter-on-quarter and the coming FY. So definitely, next FY these orders should generate revenue.

Dixit Doshi

Okay. And update on Zimbabwe?

Rahul Mithal

Yes. So the Zimbabwe one was an agreement signed about 4 months back when the Zimbabwe delegation came here, it was an agreement signed for locomotives and wagons. Subject to their funding being approved by their funding agencies, they are still under the process of taking all requisite approvals from the government. We are ready with all necessary steps to be taken as soon as the agreement is signed. Again, we are looking forward for that to get signed in the coming months. But all 3 of them are progressing parallelly, they could mature as I said, in the coming weeks and months, definitely sometime in this quarter.

Dixit Doshi

Okay. I have a question.


Mr. Dixit, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but if you could just join the queue because we have other participants. The next question is from the line of Shreyans Mehta from Equirus.

Shreyans Mehta

So during this quarter, we've seen issues or, I would say, pressure across segments in terms of margins, except for one. So fair to assume this is the new normal or this is just a one-off?

Rahul Mithal

No, very correct. You see all the 4 schemes of revenue are more and more getting opened to the competitive mode. You saw that in the inspection stream from the IR. Consultancy across all my 13 verticals across all areas of infrastructure are getting more and more coming in the competitive mode rather than the nomination mode. While our efforts are still on to continue with clients who are being traditionally giving some orders and nomination.

However, that's the new normal as you correctly said. And obviously, when you have competitive mode whether both in the domestic bidding or international bidding margins are definitely going to be lesser than what traditionally they have been in the pure nomination era. So for sure, moving forward, in all streams of revenue, all by 4 streams of revenue, margins would definitely be under continued stress.

Shreyans Mehta

All right. Any number you would like to assign in terms of guidance, say,[ '22 to '24 ] something?

Rahul Mithal

You see each of the 4 streams of revenue have wide ranges of margins, right? And from turnkey to the consultancy. Even within consultancy, they keep wary. So it would not be proper right now. This is evolving over every quarter, the mix is changing between competitive to nomination. I can only say that all efforts are there to secure margin as close as possible to the historic levels, but we tell continuously under stress.


The next question is from the line of Rohit Natarajan from Antique.

Rohit Natarajan

Sir, if you could tell me what was the QA number booked in this particular quarter? And what was the kind of margins attributable to that?

Rahul Mithal

You see, I can tell you that QA if you compare Q2 Y-o-Y, we got a dent of about INR 25 crores. On an average QA used to be about INR 90 crores to INR 100 crores a quarter. And this took a dent of about INR 25 crores starting from Q1 this year. However, as I said in my opening comments, the AM was right from last few months to diversify our client base. And that is why Q1 to Q2 saw about a 7% growth in the QA revenue from about INR 73 crores to about INR 78 crores. So this is going to continue, margins are still in my consultancy overall. So I have been able to balance out the dent in the margins in the competitive mode of QA vis-a-vis getting revenue in higher streams of project consultancy, and we could see an overall consultancy margins of about 40%.


The next question is from the line of Yash Gupta from ThinkSight Advisory.

Unknown Analyst

Sir, my first question is on the QA. Clear you're saying that currently, we are at INR 75 crores on a quarter-on-quarter basis. So what the expectations for the second half of the year? Are we expecting on the same line? And as we have already said that margin that QA has always did this. So we are expecting further dip in the margin in FY '25 also?

Rahul Mithal

Yes. You see very correct. Yash. As I mentioned, average, the quarter revenue in QA used to be made or INR 90 crores to INR 100 crores. That's been the trend. Last Q2, last FY was about INR 98 crores. So we are aiming to go reach back that level by diversifying by client base. As you see, the trend is already moving towards that INR 73 crores in Q1, INR 78 crores in Q2. We are aiming to reach back those levels in the coming quarters.

It's a tough challenge to come back to those levels, especially since the IR business, now you are 1 among 4, including the reduced rate. So the hit is both in terms of the quantum as well as the rate. So to come back to those levels, it's going to be a tough challenge in the coming quarter. But as you correctly said, the margins also will be constantly under stress in this stream of business. So our aim is to come back to those levels in the coming quarters. But as you see, the upward swing is already there, 73% to 78%, about 7-odd percent, and we would continue to aim for that.

Unknown Analyst

So we expect a normal edge too also on the QA business.

Rahul Mithal

Let me now [indiscernible] to our expect. We would say that the aim for coming back in the coming quarters, in the coming few quarters to the levels of revenue of QA that we were in the previous FY.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Viraj from Jupiter Financial.

Viraj Mithani

My question is regarding QA only, we had some joint venture with some international companies. Can you give some color on that? Like what is the update? How it's going to be planning in future? Any update on that would be helpful.

Rahul Mithal

Yes. In fact, that was initiated a few months back as part of many such initiatives which we are taking. So what we are trying to do in QA is, one, as I said, expand on the client base. So we are starting to get orders from non-IR both government as well as private clients.

Two, we are exploring opportunities in the international QA, which was the reason for partnership with the company or we are trying to also look into areas of application of AI into QA who for which we have recently partnered with IIT Roorkee, working under IIT Roorkee. So all of these are aimed at giving the client another level of QA, increasing the client base and coming back to the levels of QA, which we work even in this changed ecosystem.

Viraj Mithani

Is it going in the right direction? I mean what's your sense I understand the business takes time, but is it going in the right direction?

Rahul Mithal

Yes, we can say with satisfaction that it's moving in the right direction. You see coming from 73% in Q1 to 78% in Q2 at least the number of lines have also increased. I see a positive movement in response from a number of new clients including our ISO certification, which we got, which is giving us a number of new prospects of inspection like metros, et cetera. So we are going in the right direction.

Yes, it's going be a tough call in the coming quarters if we come back to previous levels of revenue. And then at those levels, margin obviously to get those on the margin would be wait out, but it is getting back those levels of revenue and then substantially building up on the part of the EBITDA and profits from the [indiscernible] .


The next question is from the line of Dixit Doshi from Whitestone Financial Advisors Private Limited.

Dixit Doshi

On the export front, so once we signed the agreement, typically, how much time goes into the designing and how much time it will take to start recognizing the revenue in the P&L and the margins will be similar of the historic export orders of 24%, 25% and lastly, on the export, is there any more large ticket export in the pipeline?

Rahul Mithal

So let me -- you asked 3 questions. Let me quickly break down into 3 parts. First, you see these types of stock in these L1, which we have come coaches, locomotive and wagons. Now each one of them, as you can appreciate a different time frame. The shortest is the wagons followed up by coaches and then followed up by locomotives. So our aim is that blended mix between the 2 -- from the time that we get the formal LOA agreement, we are aiming of atleast 6 to 9 months time maximum, we start generating some revenue from the wagons, locomotives as early as possible.

The second part of the question was that in terms of margins, I would appreciate, like, for example, the Bangladesh we have [ commit a lot ] that is a competitive global tender open to the entire world...


Mr. Mithal, I'm so sorry to interrupt, sir, this is a slight breakup could you speak at a distance from the mic a little.

Rahul Mithal

Can you hear me now?


But it seems like it keeps cutting off like.

Rahul Mithal

Is it better now?


Mr. [indiscernible] can you hear?

Unknown Executive

Yes, I can hear. I think there's some problem in your line then. You can connect back again.


Now I can hear it, clearly. Go ahead, sorry. Sorry to interrupt.

Rahul Mithal

So in terms of the second thing about margins, which you asked, as you can see, the Bangladesh tender, as I said, was an open global tender on a competitive mode, which is open to all the countries, the suppliers in the world. Vis-a-vis this is the first in the last so many odd years, maybe 20, 30 years, may be the first one vis-a-vis most of them which were either through the line of credit or a G2G basis.

So obviously, the margins moving forward where you're competing and trying to get orders in global tenders in a competitive mode cannot be the same level. Definitely, margins in the export stream also will be definitely comparatively lesser than what they have been there in the past.

In terms of the third part of your question, in terms of big ticket orders anymore, we have been continuously aggressively bidding across the continents, both Southeast Asia and Africa and Latin America they have started yielding results, as you can see. It would be premature for me to preempt anything, but as soon as we get something, we will definitely declare to the exchanges. But I can only say that a number of opportunities are being bid for literally on a weekly and monthly basis.


The next question is from the line of Rohit Natarajan from Antique. Mr. Rohit, I would request you to get back in the queue. We cannot hear you. The next question is from the line of Shreyans Mehta from Equirus.

Shreyans Mehta

Sir, my question pertains to our top line. So assuming the export orders, as you've been guiding would be probably 6 months, 9 months down the line. So is it fair to assume or probably are you confident that we'll be able to meet the last year's numbers as far as the top line is concerned?

Rahul Mithal

Well, as you've seen from the numbers and the mix of the revenue vis-a-vis what it was last year, it's not an apple-to-apple comparison because the mix is totally different. While our aim is to reach back to those levels, the first aim is to reach back to as close to levels of EBITDA and profit to last year. And then, obviously, parallelly working on reach back to levels of revenue last year. This is a new consolidation and holding on and trying to make as many in all the 3 fronts, which I mentioned at the outset, substantial progress in a quick manner so that we are able to use them and start generating substantial revenue and profits in the coming FY.

Shreyans Mehta

Got it. Got it. And secondly, sir, in terms of our investments in the ISR DC, any updates out there?


The next question is from the line of Yash Gupta from ThinkSight Advisory.

Unknown Analyst

Second question is on your consultancy business. So consultancy used to do around to be like INR 300-plus crores of revenue. And in the QA business, you are getting head-off around to be like INR 25 crores to INR 30 crores. So my question is that what about the other business, the other part, other in the consultancy other than the QA business, how that particular business performing? Are we expecting like 10% to 12% growth there and marginal stagnant? Or there also we are hoping submitting the margin as well as the growth.

Rahul Mithal

You see, in my core streams of revenue, as you correctly pointed out, my core stream of revenue is consultancy and consultancy both in terms of the revenue consultancy includes the inspection fee also, both in terms of revenue, we saw a 20% growth Y-o-Y and a 10% growth sequentially. There is substantial growth, both in the project consultancy revenue as well as the QA revenue sequentially, which you saw. So you could see an overall growth in the consultancy revenue of about 5% Y-o-Y.

And you take the project consultancy, which is a substantial portion of the consultancy, that, as I said, saw 20% growth Y-o-Y and a 10% growth sequentially. So the key factor is that consultancy, which is our core strength is substantially growing not only in terms of revenue realization, but in terms of getting fresh orders also.

So this quarter, we have got about 78 orders, which is on an upward trend from about 70 in Q1 which is currently at the rate of 0.85 orders a day. And the way we are progressing, we are aiming for a milestone of reaching 1 order a day in the coming quarter. So consultancy is progressing well. I've already explained to you about the prospects in export tax. Leasing is another about 5% of my pie which is substantially growing margins have been healthy. So that's quite a steady growth. Turnkey is our listed area, which we are not really a construction company, but we've got an order book of INR 2,500 crores and turnkey revenue would keep on being maintained at a steady level. These are very low margin, and this is not primarily our main line of business.

Unknown Analyst

Sir, in the project consultancy as you've told that 20%. So the margins are constant there? Or there is some special margin there also.

Rahul Mithal

No. So because the mix from inputs because of the inspection, as I said, have taken a hit on the margin. And even within project consultancy, as I said at the outset, because of more and more competitive bidding, certain sectors that definitely in consultancy, project consultancy also are under strain. So maintaining margins at the historical level, whether it is for inspection stand-alone or consultancy overall, which includes project consultancy, is always going to be a tough call. However, we have still been able to maintain overall consultancy margins at about 40% which is going to be a tough call, but we are aiming to be as close as possible to the historical margins moving forward.

Unknown Analyst

Small suggestion toward the moderator, if you can allow 2 questions for participants, it will be much easier for us.


I would request if you could because we have a lot of participants in the queue, if you could join the queue back then we will definitely management will definitely answer your question. [Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Vishal Periwal from IDBI Capital.

Vishal Periwal

My question is on the margins. I think you did highlight a little distress on the margins in this particular year. But in this quarter, if you look at, there has been a weakness in margin in consultancy as well as there was a loss at export level, at EBIT level. At turnkey also, there has been a decline. In all 3, you expect the same kind of trajectory going ahead? Or probably there is one-off in turnkey and export in this quarter?

Rahul Mithal

No. As I said, in all core streams and for the reasons as I said for export tech because now it is more and more of competitive global tenders, which we are aggressively bidding lesser contribution from [indiscernible] LOC type G2G contracts because those are much lesser. Now more and more around competitive bidding on global tenders. So export margins definitely not be at the same levels historically.

Consultancy since inspection itself is a part of the consultancy revenue and for the reason explained as well as project consultancies, some of the sectors in project consultancy with more and more being opened up to competitive bidding will definitely also see a stress in margins. So see, by nature itself are in the range of about 2%, 3%, which on a steady basis on an annual basis will even out in about 2%, 3%.

So maybe a quarter wherein there see a fluctuation in the turnkey margin. But on overall in project or the milestones get achieved in construction, they will be out on an average about 2%, 3%. Leasing is the good level of business of 5%. We are planning to expand the client base also leasing so that even putting forward some margins do take it in leasing, we would gain or getting more revenue and more profits in leasing so that the historical level turnkey. But overall, yes, in terms of the overall core EBITDA, blended core EBITDA for the entire company for all the reasons in all 4 streams of revenue that I explained definitely maintaining margins to the level that they were is always going to be tough in moving forward.

Vishal Periwal

Okay. So basically then it's basically change in the guidance earlier, like revenue growth will be flattish, margin improvement will be there. So there's a change in the guidance on that front. Profitable growth. So that at least in FY '24, it looks challenging, FY '25, whenever the export moves up, then only the traction could come? That's broadly one can summarize.

Rahul Mithal

So basically the change in challenges this year started with the same 2 challenges and the strategy of trying to hold on and maintain levels of revenue and EBITDA to last FY. And that is what our aims are going to be, that we're moving forward in the coming 2 quarters, even with the strength in margins because of the mixed blend both inspection and export our high-margin contributors to the overall pie. So definitely, margins comparable to last year will be tough. But the aim of trying to reach the levels of revenue and EBITDA or PAT at last FY that aim will always still be there for this FY we are holding on and consolidating and next FY, growth in both the top and bottom line with even the stress from market.

Vishal Periwal

Even the stress on the margin in FY '25?


Mr. Periwal, I am sorry to interrupt you. I would please request you to please join the queue since we have more participants for more questions. If you could please join the queue back again. The next question is from the line of Viraj from Jupiter Financial.

Viraj Mithani

I wanted a color on REMCL. How are things progressing there? And what are your feelings about it?

Rahul Mithal

Thank you for asking that. In fact, REMCL is actually to our happiness and satisfaction moving forward aggressively. The revenue grown substantially. If you compare Y-o-Y, Q2, both revenue and profit, a growth of about 17% in revenue, a growth of about 16% in PAT.

It is successively for quarters now it is staying dividend to both the rise in IR, it has paid the highest ever dividend quarter, Q2 also about 100% of its profit, 99% plus of its profit, it is distributing a dividend REMCL is moving forward very aggressively, both in terms of its traditional line of business as well as the net zero emission of Indian Railways is already finalized the first tender of RTC a few months back, and it's on the part of processing other similar RTC tenders in the coming quarters.

Viraj Mithani

Is it fair to grow at double-digit margins, double-digit revenues, I mean high double-digit revenue.

Rahul Mithal

It will go at a steady pace after because electrification is increasing, the traffic is increasing in IR. So it will grow at a steady pace. It's trying to -- it's obviously garnering all possible growth that is happening in IR, both in electrification as well as traffic. However, after a certain stage, coming forward, we'll give you depending on when a certain entire level of electrification is reached. By that time, definitely, there will be a substantial growth.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Parimal Mithani from Credential Investments.

Parimal Mithani

I just wanted to know, sir, REMCL last year, there was almost INR 95 crores in revenue and INR 45 crores in PAT. And current year, we almost come to INR 79 crores and INR 42 crores in PAT. And this is just for the existing electrification using. Do you think we can surpass last year's revenue in this current year itself with the same margins?

Rahul Mithal

Yes, for sure. We are already moving in that direction. As you are currently saying the figures compared to last year has been a substantial growth. And even, as I said, Q2 Y-o-Y has seen a 16%, 17% growth both in revenue and profit. So with the increase in electrification and traffic growth in IR we are on path for definitely exceeding last year's revenue as well as profits in REMCL.

Parimal Mithani

This was out for a second year, sir? The revenues from that is included in this REMCL or not yet.

Rahul Mithal

The voice break, I'm sorry.

Parimal Mithani

The dedicated third quarter or do we do any part in the volume here of right now, sir?

Rahul Mithal

No, not for the dedicated third quarter. The only IR is a client right now.


The next question is from the line of Sampat Nayak from Tiger.

Unknown Analyst

My question was on the margin...

Rahul Mithal

Your voice can be little louder Sampat?


Mr. Sampat Nayak your voice is not audible. Could you speak, I would request you to speak from the headset. You're not audible to us.

Unknown Analyst

Yes. I'm audible now?


Yes, you're audible right now. Go ahead, sorry.

Unknown Analyst

Yes. So all our future projects will be on a competitive basis, right? So the bidding will be on a competitive basis, right?

Rahul Mithal

I mean, it's unfair to use the word all. I can only say that the trend is moving towards more and more competitive bidding across all streams of business. That's the trend now, and that is across sectors.

Unknown Analyst

Right. And can you give a ballpark number on this sustainable EBITDA margins going ahead?

Rahul Mithal

So as I said, it's not fair for me to give a number, considering it's an evolving situation. There are 4 blends, 4 deals of revenue. The fact of the streams are the same margins across all 4 stream of revenue for the reasons that exchanges [ from that ] are definitely going to be difficult to maintain at the historical level. But yes, they are. The dip or the variations in the margins in each of the 4 streams will be different. Overall, also on a blended mix, the margins maintaining at the previous levels is going to be a tough call.


The next question is from the line of Rohit Natarajan from Antique.

Rohit Natarajan

Sir, I see that you're doing a lot of collaboration with state-owned entities like PFC, IRFC. What is the scope of adding up consultancy order inflows through that kind of collaboration? Can we assume, like, for instance, PFC fit mix incrementally a loan of INR 1 lakh crore, is it possible that INR 1,000 crores could possibly come as consultancy revenue for potential pipe for RITES. Could you elaborate on those aspects?

Rahul Mithal

You see, not only IRFC and PFC, we are very aggressively trying to collaborate and partner across various sectors with our goal of trying to be a 1 order a day company. We have already reached about 0.85 orders a day in quarter 2 and moving forward, we feel that 1 order a day is reachable in the coming quarters. Specifically an IRFC and PFC type of collaboration.

It is more for projects or infrastructure projects which they plan to invest as they are both diversifying from their core sector like power and IR they're diversifying into other sectors also. So they want to use our experience of doing due diligence for their various investment opportunities, which they plan to invest in. So these are the initial deals where collaboration started as they grow and as they invest more in various sector, depending on the scope of work for each consultancy that we get from them, I see a good opportunity of getting orders from both of them.

Rohit Natarajan

Sir, just to follow up on that. The conversion of this 1 order a day in terms of ticket size, what would that number look like?

Rahul Mithal

So you see consultancy is a wide range you could have an order of INR 50 lakhs, you got an order of about INR 30 crores, INR 40 crores, depending on which portion of the value chain that you enter in. So it's very difficult to give you number of 1 order, you can have the historical trend, which will give you an order and average. For example, 78 orders we got in quarter 2 this year, totaling to INR 329 crores. So these are the average consultancy range of order that we get.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Shikha Doshi from Axis Securities.

Shikha Doshi

Could you give a guidance on the CapEx for this year?

Rahul Mithal

So we are a low CapEx company. We really don't -- our average CapEx has been in the range of about INR 100 crore, INR 150 crores traditionally. This quarter, we did a CapEx of INR 28 crores bringing the cumulative to H1 to INR 63 crores. And we would end up ending up somewhere around about INR 145 crores, INR 150 crores. That's the historical trend that we have. We are moving forward also we're not going to be a major CapEx company, we range in that about INR 100 crores or maybe less.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Mehul from Amwell.

Unknown Analyst

Observing the dividend payout ratio over the last decade, there has been increased substantially from 20% to about like nearing 100% now. So is there -- if I look at like in the business segment, seems like it's not that significant change like over the period. So how should we look at what is driving that like?

Rahul Mithal

Yes, I'm glad you asked this question. It is a reiteration our 4 business strength moving forward without any lack of clarity, but we are a consultancy company, we are not a construction company. We are not an infrastructure CapEx company. with that clarity, long-term clarity in our core business, region and our core business strategy, once we are very clear and as a reconfirmation and reiteration of that, we don't see any reason of holding back on dividend and that is why we are flowing back the earnings that we get to our stakeholders and that's why you are seeing a steady dividend payout ratio of 90% to 93%.


The next question is from Harshit Kapadia from Elara Capital.

Harshit Kapadia

Sir, a question from my side on the export front. So we have already seen the 3 orders probably you'll be getting in a few weeks and month time. But beyond that also, do you see a reasonable amount of pipeline which you could be working on? Because if I remember from last year onwards, we have been saying that every year, you will see some orders which will be coming up. So beyond these 3, is there a pipeline that you will be looking at? Or probably there could be some amount of lumpiness again, which has been the case.

Rahul Mithal

Mentioned that. Glad you asked this question because, again, this is reconfirmation of our strategy, which we started last year post-COVID as the world was opening up to reach out aggressively to all possible clients across the 3 continents, whether it is Africa, Southeast Asia or Latin America. And we did not rely purely only on G2G or line of credit type of tenders. We are now building, as you see from a live example of this Bangladesh coaches tender. This is a EIB-funded tender. And so we are now bidding aggressively literally on a week or a month basis, not only in LOC G2G type contracts. But global tenders of export. So with that, this to my mind, is just the beginning and our aim will be not to see any lumpiness leading to this being some challenging quarters for us in terms of export tech revenue. So our aim is that we have enough orders coming on a regular basis in exported, so that the contribution from this stabilizes over a period of time in the coming quarters on a steady basis.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is again from Harshit Kapadia from Elara Capital.

Harshit Kapadia

Sir, just a question on the turnkey construction. We saw a decline by 6% in this quarter. Now was that because of normally Q2 is generally a weak quarter because of monsoon. So in fact, activities are slow or is it because some of the projects have not reached the threshold level have you not able to book the revenue portion. If you can give us some sense on that.

Rahul Mithal

Yes. There was a slight dip in the revenue in turnkey in this quarter, not on very major substantial reason for RITES, except that we still have an order book of INR 3,500 crores and various projects are at various stages. So it's a question of some reaching, some particular stages in their completion and booking of the revenue. Moving forward, normally traditionally Q3, Q4, things pick up more in construction contracts. And I see this trend going forward in the turnkey stream of revenue in Q3, Q4 to increase substantially as these projects progress at a faster pace.


The next question is from Rohit Natarajan from Antique.

Rohit Natarajan

Yes. This is just a follow-up on the IRSDC investment, which will probably get transferred to RLDA. Your investments of INR 48 crores, I see that you have mentioned you don't see any impairment risk in that business. But could you clarify us in what are the future plans or RLDA has? Would there be a further equity participation in future projects for RLDA where the company will allocate some capital to these particular segments.

Rahul Mithal

See, Rohit, it's not fair for me to comment on RLDA plans. I can only say that our investments, as I've been saying earlier, it is safe and it's in the process of being round up and the necessary processes are leading to a logical conclusion timely. We are pursuing it, watching it very closely. We don't expect any hit or impact at all. And that is what we can -- I'll limit my comments.


The next question is from the line of Vishal Periwal from IDBI Capital.

Vishal Periwal

Now I think you mentioned that as the competition is increasing and how the P&L changes could happen. From a balance sheet point of view, does this differ, will that increase in the working capital requirement or things like that, that you can provide a color.

Rahul Mithal

No, not really, Vishal. Our model, traditionally, as you've seen, our working capital requirements are very minimal. We are a debt-free company also. So this change of mode of awarding contracts is not really going to change the working capital requirements moving forward.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Rahil Shah from Crown Capital.

Unknown Analyst

So the first half has seen a degrowth in terms of top line consolidated level. So do you think by the year-end, you'll be able to make up and at least reach FY '23 levels or that EBITDA from the revenue front?

Rahul Mithal

Yes, as I mentioned some time back, that are in, even with 2 major contributors being not there, compared to last FY. And even if these few export opportunities fructify into finite contract agreements in the coming weeks as you saw from my detailed explanation regarding the time frame for export revenues, the earlier that we could expect revenue would be Q1 in the next FY.

So yes, coming back to levels of FY '23 is going to be a challenge. But having said that, our efforts are on to compensate and minimize the impact as much possible by the growth in the project consultancy range, which, as I mentioned, this quarter also saw a 20% growth Y-o-Y compared to Q2. So with that, we are trying to compensate levels of reaching back both in terms of bottom line and top line comparable to last FY.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. Got it. So then from that perspective, FY '25 should see a substantial growth overall?

Rahul Mithal

Yes, for sure.

Unknown Analyst

Any ballpark percentage you can attached to it right now or then be typical?

Rahul Mithal

Not fair right now to preempt, but you see the direction in which we are moving. Even with 2 streams of revenue, having taken a hit if we are able to touch back the base of FY '23. And with these orders generated of exported generating revenue in Q1 onwards, we definitely would like to see a substantial growth both in top and bottom line vis-a-vis this base level.


[Operator Instructions] The next question is from the line of Harshit Kapadia from Elara Capital.

Harshit Kapadia

Just on the clarification, what we are hearing is that there has been some amount of ordering deceleration or other railways that can run up to election. Are you able to also see the similar thing for your turnkey construction projects as well, sir?

Rahul Mithal

So we are still getting a lot of consultancy. I mean we are bidding primarily for consultancy works for IR. Turnkey itself, we have got a lot of work in consultancy, which is our cost strength 2 sections we got for semi high-speed surveys and consultancy for DPR, we have got some orders for development of rail sidings, the consultancy, final location surveys. We are continuously getting orders, and I don't see any slowdown in that at all.

Harshit Kapadia

What about the turnkey part, sir, on the consultant you clarified, how turnkey is there something also.

Rahul Mithal

We are bidding very limited, as I said, turnkey is not really our main source of revenue. We still have about INR 2,500 crores as our order book. We would like to limit it to very limited strategic opportunities, not only in the railway sector, but some buildings or some metro construction or some -- these are the 3 broad areas station development, which we have been getting few construction orders in turnkey. So we don't see any major slowdown in that. Wherever we feel to balance our optimum turnkey requirements by phasing it out, we are bidding and getting some orders in turnkey business also.


Thank you very much. As we have no further questions, I now hand over the conference to Mr. Harshit Kapadia for closing comments. Please go ahead.

Harshit Kapadia

Thank you, Malcolm. We would like to thank Shri. Rahul Mithal, Chairman and Managing Director; Shri. A K Singh, Director Projects; Shri. K.G. Agarwal , Director Finance; and Shri Dr. Deepak Tripathi, Director Technical for giving us an opportunity to host this call. And we also thank all investors and analysts for joining for this call. Any closing remarks Rahul, sir?

Rahul Mithal

Thank you, Harshit, and thank you to all my stakeholders who have the confidence in us. And as explained, we are on the track for the consolidating our position. We see progress in all the 3 areas which we have strategized as our way forward for this FY. All key fronts, as I explained, are moving in the right trend, if you see sequentially also. With that and our recent being accorded the Navratna status a few weeks back, which is a feather in our cap in our 50th year as we reach 50 years in April. And the fact that we are currently at 0.85 order day, aiming to be a 1 order a day company, I see interesting quarters moving forward. Thank you very much.


Thank you. On behalf of Elara Securities, Private Limited, that concludes this conference call. Thank you for joining us, and you may now disconnect your lines.

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