Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd

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Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd Logo
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd
Price: 4 808.45 INR 1.06% Market Closed
Market Cap: 244.8B INR
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Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd?
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Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd
Investor Relations

In the bustling corridors of Indian finance, the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) stands as a pioneering institution, weaving its influence across the nation’s extensive commodity markets. Established in 2003, MCX quickly evolved to become the country’s foremost commodity derivatives exchange. The exchange plays an instrumental role by providing a robust platform for the trading of a diverse range of commodities, from the shimmering allure of gold and silver to the robust utility of base metals, and even extending to the essential agri-commodities. This trading hub facilitates the transfer of risk from those who are eager to avoid it, such as farmers and producers, to those who are willing to take it on, like speculators and fund managers. Such transactions are executed through futures and options contracts, providing participants with the price discovery mechanism and a tool for risk management.

MCX generates its revenue primarily through transaction fees levied on the trades executed on its platform. Each time a future or options contract is traded, the exchange earns a fee, essentially taking small cuts of the multitude of transactions flowing through its system daily. This revenue model benefits from the volume of trading, positioning MCX to thrive when market participants are active and engaged, particularly during times of volatility when hedging activities tend to surge. Moreover, the exchange also benefits from data sales and annual subscription fees for its technological solutions that cater to a gamut of stakeholders, including brokerage firms and financial institutions. Through continued innovation in technology and products, MCX remains an essential architect of the financial architecture that supports and buffers the vast landscape of India’s commodity markets.

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Mr. Manoj Jain
Chief Operating Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Manisha Harshad Thakur
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Dalvani Ganapathi Praveen
Chief Risk Officer & Interim Chief Information Security Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Rishi Nathany
Chief Business Officer
No Bio Available
Dr. Rajendran Narayanan
Chief Digital Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Kavita Ravichandran
Chief Regulatory Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Praveena Rai
MD, CEO & Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Chandresh Shah
Chief Financial Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Sunil Gianchand Batra
Chief Technology Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Kaushal Ashok Mehta
Head of Department - Legal
No Bio Available


Exchange Square, Suren Road chakala, Andheri (East)