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Earnings Call Analysis

Q2-2024 Analysis
J K Cement Ltd

J.K. Cement Q2 Earnings Reflect Strong Performance

J.K. Cement reported a slight decrease in net sales to INR 2,476 crores for the quarter, a 3% decline year-over-year. However, the firm achieved an 11% increase in EBITDA at INR 447 crores and improved EBITDA margins from 15.8% to 18%. Profits rose significantly, with after-tax profits at INR 179 crores, and earnings per share increasing from INR 16.03 to INR 23.10. Gray cement production grew by 22%. The company's net debt-to-EBITDA ratio was 2.08%, and the net debt-to-equity ratio was 0.63%. Upcoming capacity expansions include a 1.5 million tonne facility at Ujjain, expected to commission this quarter, and a 2 million tonne greenfield plant at Prayagraj, slated for commissioning by Q2 FY'25.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Reduction Initiatives

The company is optimizing its operations, targeting cost reductions and efficiencies. They have achieved a utilization level of 75% for one of their units and anticipate further profitability in alignment with existing operations once ramp-up normalizes. Additionally, the introduction of alternative fuels and the full benefits of the Waste Heat plant, slated for commissioning in the upcoming quarters, will drive further cost savings.

Growth in the Putty Business

In line with an approximately 10% growth in the putty market, the company expects to parallel this growth rate. However, margins in the putty business have declined due to stiff competition. The company believes that margins have now stabilized at what they consider an optimal level.

Logistics and Distribution

The company has reported a reduction in lead distance, which has decreased to 418 kilometers. This optimization in logistics could contribute to lower transportation costs and improved distribution efficiency.

Debt Management

The company indicates that they are at the peak level of net debt and do not expect it to increase further. They suggest that while there might be minor new borrowings for upcoming projects, these will likely be offset by repayments, suggesting a stable debt outlook.

Capacity Expansion Plans

With plans to expand capacity to 24 million tonnes by financial year 2025, the company appears confident in achieving an 85% capacity utilization rate from the increased clinker capacity. 3.5 million tonnes of this expansion is already in progress and should be fully online by April, after which the company plans to present its plans for further escalation.

Price and Market Trends

There has been a price increase across major markets with a particular increment of 3% to 4% in the North and South markets. This change is in addition to improvements in central regions and blended average retention numbers. Fuel costs are expected to marginally dip, with varying coal prices influencing future costs. The expected range is between INR 1.80 to INR 1.85 per unit, compared to the INR 1.90 in the previous quarter. Despite an increased fee freight of 15% in Q2 and average transport costs increasing by INR 20 to INR 25 a tonne, these are not expected to continue at the same level in the following quarter. The combination of fuel cost savings and price increases is anticipated to result in an elevated EBITDA per tonne, as long as market conditions, including prices, hold steady throughout the remainder of the quarter.

Subsidiary Performance and Future Outlook

While the paint business is expected to incur an EBITDA loss of around INR 20 crores, this figure is not predicted to rise, and the company could potentially reach breakeven or positive EBITDA by the end of next year. This positive outlook rests on the expectation of improved market conditions and cost savings.

Market Normalization and International Operations

The company witnessed a normalization in markets and significant order volumes including a substantial shipment to Australia. However, it states that such high volume numbers are not expected to be sustained in the current quarter. Meanwhile, improvements in the UAE business are anticipated due to reduced fuel prices and eased container freights.

Expansion and M&A Activities

The company is working on the acquisition of Toshali Cement, which is contingent upon the allotment of a mining lease. Post-acquisition, it will take roughly a year to devise an expansion strategy. Additionally, the company does not foresee any risks related to import duties on clinker from the UAE.

Government Incentives

The company has received INR 69 crores in incentives this quarter, part of an annual incentive range of about INR 250 crores.

Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

from 0

Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to J.K. Cement Q2 H1 FY '24 Earnings Conference Call hosted by PhillipCapital India Private Limited. [Operator Instructions]. Please note that this conference is being recorded. I now hand the conference over to Mr. Vaibhav Agarwal from PhillipCapital. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Vaibhav Agarwal

Yes. Thank you, Nirav. Good evening, everyone. On behalf of PhillipCapital India Private Limited, we welcome you to the Q2 and H1 FY '24 call of J.K. Cement Limited. On the call, we have with us Mr. Ajay Kumar Saraogi, Deputy Managing Director and CFO; Mr. Sumnesh Khandelwal, Deputy CFO; and Mr. Prashant Seth, President of Business Information and Investor Relations. . I would like to mention on behalf of J.K. Cement Limited, and its management that certain statements that may be made or discussed on this conference call may be forward-looking statements related to future developments and based on current expectations. And these statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors, which may cause the actual developments and results to differ materially from the statements made. The J.K. Cement Limited and the management of the company assumes no obligation to publicly alter or update these forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise.

I will now hand over the floor to management of J.K. Cement for their opening remarks, which will followed by interactive Q&A. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, good evening. I'm Saraogi from J.K. Cement. And the Board of Directors met on 4th November to review the performance of the company for the quarter ended 30th September and for the half year of the current fiscal. We have already circulated the investor presentation, giving the salient features of the performance during the quarter. But I will read out the key highlights.

The net sales during this quarter was INR 2,476 crores as against INR 2,541 crores. This was lower by about 3%. The revenue from operations was INR 2,571 crores as compared to INR 2,624 crores, a decrease of 2%. The operating expenses were also lower by 4% at INR 2,124 crores as against INR 2,222 crores. The -- however, the EBITDA during this quarter was higher at INR 447 crores as against INR 402 crores, an increase of 11%. The EBITDA margins during this quarter was 18% as compared to 15.8% in the previous quarter. The profit after tax during this quarter was INR 179 crores as against INR 126 crores and the EPS was INR 23.10 as against INR 16.03.

If we compare the information with year-on-year, then the net sales were -- was lower by about 1% at INR 2,663 crores, while the EBITDA was higher by 14% at INR 467 crores -- sorry, INR 467 crores as against INR 408 crores, an increase of 14%. The EBITDA margin was 18% as compared to 15.2%.

If we look at the performance regarding this quarter, the production of gray cement was higher by about 22%, and that is -- the production gray cement business was higher by 22% if we compare the same with quarter 2 of last year. And the combined operations was also higher by 22%. The net debt as on 30th September was INR 3,036 crores, and the net debt to EBITDA was -- our net debt to EBITDA was 2.08%, and the net debt to equity was 0.63%.

The company's expansion plan is on stream, 1.5 million tonne capacity at Ujjain is in advanced stage of commissioning and should get commissioned within this quarter. The Prayagraj 2 million tonne greenfield plant is on stream and will be commissioned by quarter 2 FY '25. These are the major highlights. If you have any questions, please let me know.


[Operator Instructions] The first question is from the line of Amit Murarka from Axis Capital.

Amit Murarka

So just a couple of questions. First on capacity. So Panna, I think the clinker line debottlenecking was expected to happen with these maintenance seizes. I just wanted to confirm if that has been done.

Ajay Saraogi

So the Panna clinker line debottleneck has already been more or less completed. It is under trial run. And we feel that within -- from next quarter onwards, we should get a regular production from the Panna debottleneck.

Amit Murarka

Sure. Also on CapEx, could you just highlight how much is done? And what is the target of CapEx this year and next year?

Ajay Saraogi

This year's CapEx target was INR 1,400 crores, and we have already spent around INR 500 crores till now. And the next year CapEx target is INR 700 crores.

Amit Murarka

On the quarterly, like, I see that the logistics cost and the freight cost has fallen quite a bit Q-o-Q. So could you just elaborate a bit on that? And how much of that decline is sustainable?

Ajay Saraogi

See, some of the decline is one-off as a seasonal thing. During this quarter, we had a railway freight discount which is an off-season discount. So one that has definitely resulted in saving of freight. The other is, there has been some lead distance reduction. So we have been -- after commissioning of Panna. And we have been working on that. So there has been a lead distance reduction. So that has led to some freight reduction. These are the 2 major areas which led to the freight reduction. The railway freight, again, now the lean season discount is over. And from October, we have to pay the normal freight. So we would see a freight increase on account of the railway freight in this quarter. Lead distance will continue to work, and that will depend upon the customer requirement and some sales mix.

Amit Murarka

Are there some clinker arrangement also done in the quarter, I believe which helped freight as well?

Ajay Saraogi

No, that is -- what clinker arrangement?

Amit Murarka

As in some...

Ajay Saraogi

All quantity of clinker slag which is a normal thing. So that's a one-off thing. That's not -- it's not -- yes, some marginal reduction is there, but it is a one-off thing.

Amit Murarka

Got it. And lastly, on paints, could you just provide the 1H numbers on paint?

Unknown Executive

1H number is INR 70 crores of turnover.

Amit Murarka


Unknown Executive

EBITDA loss of around INR 7 crores.

Amit Murarka

And what's the target that you have for FY '24, '25 in turnover?

Ajay Saraogi

For turnover, as we said, we should be doing anything between INR 150 crores to INR 200 crores. So now we started the new project range in this -- early this -- early April. So we have been now trying to -- I mean more and more dealers are being attached. So you will see a further -- quarter 3 and quarter 4 would definitely be better. So we see a better number in H2. So we should close minimum, I think, INR 150 crores, and it may also -- our internal target is between INR 175 crores to INR 200 crores.


[Operator Instructions] Next question is from the line of Aman Agarwal from Equirus Securities.

Aman Agarwal

Congratulations on a strong set of numbers. Sir, my first question was regarding the Panna plus Hamirpur unit. I would like to know the utilization levels for that unit? And if you can just guide us how the profitability for that is differing from the overall profitability?

Unknown Executive

No, utilization level for that unit was 75%. And profitability, say, with the ramp-up of the Panna means profitability is in line, mean whatever is the difference, the region-wise in the pricing that will remain. Otherwise, it is in line with the other existing operations. .

Ajay Saraogi

And there is a continuous -- when you start a plant, there are some additional costs, but that is ramp-up is still going on at the plant level like we are ramping up the clinker production from 8,000 to 10,000. So once all this gets normalized, there would be further savings that we see a potential and we are able to use -- presently, we are not using AFR at Panna. So going forward, we shall start using AFR at Panna. The Waste Heat is -- we could not get the full advantage of the Waste Heat plant to commission in this quarter. We will get the full benefit now from third and fourth quarter. So there will be further cost reduction at Panna.

Aman Agarwal

Understood, sir. And sir, secondly, on the white business. While the volume growth was pretty strong, we have seen a realization base of around 5% on a sequential level. If you can just explain about that? And how should we look at this business going ahead in terms of volume growth and profitability?

Ajay Saraogi

So see the volume growth, I mean, as we see the putty business, there is a growth in putty market by about 10%. So our growth in putty should be in line with the industry growth. We are confident that we will be able to grow the business. But having said so, since there is a lot of competition in the putty, so that's why the margin has dipped. We feel that it has come to its optimal level. I think there should not be any major drop in the pricing, but still we have to see how the paint companies because they are very aggressive on putty. So how they behave and whether they give further additional discounts. And then if it is so, then we will definitely have to match with the market. But we do feel that now there should not be any major dip, maybe 1% or 2% may be there, but not beyond that.

Aman Agarwal

Understood, sir. And sir, you mentioned about the lead distance reducing during 2Q. So if you just quantify what was the lead distance?

Unknown Executive

418 kilometers.

Aman Agarwal

Okay. And lastly, on the net debt levels, we have seen some increase from the March '23 level. Are we near the peak net debt number currently or...

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, yes. So we are at the peak level of net debt. We should not see the net debt to further increase. There would be some small borrowing which may come up for Ujjain and Prayagraj, but again, to that extent, there will be some -- certain repayments. So the net debt, I feel is that's already peaked out.

Aman Agarwal

Understood, sir. And many congratulations again on good set of numbers, sir.


Next question is from Navin from ICICI Securities.

Navin Sahadeo

Congratulations on a good set of numbers. Sir, a couple of questions. First, I would request a CapEx update. So what is the status of the Waste Heat recovery we were planning at Karnataka?

Ajay Saraogi

So the Waste Heat recovery at Karnataka is also at advanced stage of completion. And within this quarter, this will get commissioned. .

Navin Sahadeo

That is 18 megawatt, right?

Ajay Saraogi


Navin Sahadeo

Okay. Okay. And sir, after -- once we complete the clinker debottlenecking at Panna, which you said is more or less done, what is our total clinker capacity? Total gray cement clinker capacity will be how much?

Unknown Executive

It is around 15 million tonnes.

Navin Sahadeo

Around 15 million tonnes.

Unknown Executive


Navin Sahadeo

Okay. So then in that case, is it safe to say that we can easily, without expansion, we can easily go up to 20 million, 21 million tonnes?

Ajay Saraogi

No, around 22 million tonnes. We see that our capacity FY '25 should be 24 million. So we can see -- safely see 85% capacity utilization can be achieved from the clinker which we have on an average.

Navin Sahadeo

Understood. Sure, sure. Would you also help us with the Toshali update because the acquisition -- I mean, some transaction was there and we were waiting for CPs to be completed. So what is the update there, sir?

Ajay Saraogi

So as we entered the agreement, it was a condition precedent was allotment of the mining lease. So it is still under consideration and once that is -- that gets cleared, we will execute the formal agreement.

Navin Sahadeo

Understood, sir. So sir, a slightly broader question here because I believe as we speak, Panna utilizations are nearly full in the sense, almost 85%, 90% kind of a utilization Panna I think is scaled up. So in the scheme of things, what is the priority expansion CapEx for us? Will it be Line 2 at Panna? Will it be Toshali? Or we are looking at something in Karnataka, how should one look at CapEx? And by when announcement can we expect?

Ajay Saraogi

So I think see we are already reviewing various options. And the Board, I think, should shortly take -- will get back to you very soon what are the next course of action. The Board, the management is aware that, yes, we have reached a reasonable level of capacity utilization. We have about 3.5 million tonnes, which is already -- I mean out of which 1.5 million gets commissioned this year -- in this quarter and balance will get in by April before we will -- by the time we will be ramping up that capacity, we should be able to submit our next plan.

Navin Sahadeo

Understood. But if I may just again slightly build more on this, between Toshali and the Panna Line 2, what would be a priority for us or we can take both of them together?

Ajay Saraogi

See again, you also know the business. Why do you want to put some words in my mouth and I say, no, this is what -- I mean see again, it's a natural thing. At this stage, for me to comment anything which the Board has not decided yet or taken taking a call will not. But definitely, in all probabilities, as you say -- I mean there should -- it could be because, again, new mining lease, you think Panna could be the first option.


[Operator Instructions] Next question is from the line of Sumangal Nevatia from Kotak Securities.

Sumangal Nevatia

Sir, joined the call late. So I just want to get the pricing trends, what we've seen in the last couple of weeks, both October, early November and end of 2Q versus average in our key regions?

Ajay Saraogi

So yes, we have seen some increase in pricing in the latter part of Q2 or so in the North, and then we have seen some price increase also in the southern regions in the month of October. And -- so these 2 regions have definitely seen and the marginal increase is there in the central but not very significant. So there is an increase in price across all of our major markets.

Sumangal Nevatia

Okay. And sir, based on what we are picking up, I mean, any -- 4%, 5% price increase in North and South is that ballpark right? Or lower than that is what we're seeing?

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, around that.

Sumangal Nevatia

Versus 2Q average?

Ajay Saraogi

3% to 4% should be average for us.

Sumangal Nevatia

Got that. And central, you said is more flattish, did I miss...

Ajay Saraogi

That is an improvement trend, but...

Sumangal Nevatia

Okay. Okay. And then on our coal cost, sir, what should we consume in 3Q? What sort of cost change do we expect in the coal cost in 3Q versus 2Q?

Ajay Saraogi

So the coal cost what was in Q2? The fuel cost in Q2?

Unknown Executive

INR 1.90.

Ajay Saraogi

INR 1.90, the Q3 should see some marginal dip, but the coal pricing as we are contracting, there is a lot of fluctuation in the petco pricing. And it really depends on which consignment gets -- so we also have a consignment with -- where the cost is higher. We also have a consignment which is lower. So I think it could range between anything between INR 1.80 to INR 1.85. It should not be higher than Q2.

Sumangal Nevatia

Okay. Understood. And just one last question, sir, on the freight cost, the busy season surcharge, I mean, what sort of delta did we see benefiting 2Q? And what could reverse in 3Q? If you could just quantify a little bit?

Ajay Saraogi

So you see around 13% to 15% of our dispatches are by rail. So the rail dispatches, there is a 15% busy surcharge. So that gets -- that was only available in Q2. And it will not be -- it is not available now. So that 15% of the volume fee freight increase of 15%.

Sumangal Nevatia

Roughly maybe around INR 25, INR 30 on a per tonne basis is...

Ajay Saraogi

Around, yes. Between INR 20 to INR 25 a tonne.


[Operator Instructions] Next question is from the line of Shravan Shah from Dolat Capital.

Shravan Shah

Congratulations on good set of numbers. So sir, as you mentioned, 13% to 15% rail mix. So for this quarter Q2 would be the same, what was the last quarter of 14% rail, sir?

Ajay Saraogi

So Q2, the rail mix was around 11%. Q1, it was 14%. And see, again, it depends on the season, monsoon and other things. So -- and one thing more, even the road freight also gets varied between monsoon and non-monsoon. It's a peak business time. I mean there is a lot of -- I mean see business and movement of various materials from different items. So it affects the...

Shravan Shah

Secondly, sir, in terms of the profitable -- last time we have talked about gray cement, we are looking at close to INR 900 kind of EBITDA per tonne. But considering this quarter, is it fair to assume that this quarter should be our gray EBITDA per tonne should be closer to INR 1,000. And now given, as you are mentioning, 3% to 4% average price increase in the third quarter versus 2Q average? And then also at the same time, we should be seeing per tonne cost should be reducing in the third quarter. So INR 1,100 plus kind of a gray cement EBITDA, is it fair to -- one can look at in the third quarter.

Ajay Saraogi

No, yes, you see. Again, as we see that definitely, if we -- if this price increase which has taken place sustains the whole quarter, we -- I mean we have seen only around 40 days in the quarter so far. So we have to see the remaining 50 days how the pricing, there's a festival, which will have some impact on the business. And if the prices do remain and -- yes, we should also get some operational benefits. So there should be an increase in the EBITDA per tonne.

Shravan Shah

Okay. But combining, as you are mentioning, we will be seeing a marginal dip in the fuel cost of 1.8, 1.85 versus 1.9 and plus some increase in the freight. So net-net on the costing front, broadly, if everything remains the same what we are looking at fuel cost? On the costing front, how much one can look at further savings, considering the green share, WHR coming at Karnataka everything. So broadly from maybe third quarter or fourth quarter compared to the second quarter, how much more savings one can look at on the cost front?

Ajay Saraogi

So sequentially, as we see, we definitely see cost saving of maybe about INR 50 or so in this quarter. And sequentially also, in the coming quarter, around the same amount.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Okay. Got it. And then in terms of absolute level Prashant sir, in terms of the power and fuel average cost would be last quarter, we mentioned INR 11,000-odd. So this quarter would be how much?

Prashant Seth

See, there is a reduction of around INR 100 per tonne.

Shravan Shah

Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Got it. And the paint business though we mentioned the INR 150 crores, INR 200 crores revenue that we are looking at, but EBITDA last time we have talked about INR 7 crores, we have done EBITDA loss, so full year we were looking at INR 20-odd crores EBITDA loss.

Ajay Saraogi

It would be -- this 20 numbers -- INR 20 crores should not increase within that number.

Shravan Shah

And next year onwards, one can look at the breakeven or maybe positive EBITDA in paint also?

Ajay Saraogi

No. Yes. So hopefully, maybe by exit of next year, we could see that, not average, but definitely as an exit, we could.


[Operator Instructions] Next question is from Prateek Kumar from Jefferies.

Prateek Kumar

Sir, my question is on demand trends. So with regards to safety actions in some of your operating states. So is there any particular demand impact which has now started to be visible because of some levered average towards election purpose or otherwise?

Ajay Saraogi

So see, as of now, there is no major dip in the demand. But having said so, the November month maybe a bit low because one of the festival and because in 2 states, we have election. So election itself may have some disruption in supplies and some demand. So we may see some dip in the month of November, but again, we -- it should bounce back in the month of December.

Prateek Kumar

And one related question on -- regarding the sharp price increase, which we saw in South India. So is there an impact on demand post the price hike, which was taken.

Ajay Saraogi

No, no, not really. I mean in the areas where we have upgrade because we do not cover the entire deep south.

Prateek Kumar

Sir what was the range of price increase in your operating markets in South?

Ajay Saraogi

So in our operating market, it was around 5% to 7%.

Prateek Kumar

That would be like INR 30 kind of increase per bag?

Ajay Saraogi

From INR 22 in certain pockets it maybe INR 30, or otherwise, INR 20 average, you could say.


[Operator Instructions] The next follow-up question is from the of Rajesh Ravi from HDFC Securities.

Rajesh Ravi

Am I audible?

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, yes.

Rajesh Ravi

Congrats on good set of numbers. My first question pertains to incentives. How much was booked in Q2 sir, in P&L?

Ajay Saraogi

Yes. So our total incentive -- annual incentive is in the range of about INR 250 crores. So INR 65 crores was the -- INR 69 crores was the total incentive in this quarter.

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And sir fuel costs, you mentioned 1.94 for this year in Q2, a similar number for last year, Q2 was how much?

Prashant Seth

It was 2.4.

Rajesh Ravi

2.4, okay significant savings. And sir, just on the paint revenue. I see the wall putty realization is down 4% Q-on-Q. So consolidated basis, what could have driven that? And also the UAE business numbers, volume number seems to have significantly improved. Any specific changes in the business over there?

Ajay Saraogi

So as I said earlier, the white cement revenue numbers are lower on account of -- mainly on account of the lower pricing of putty. So there is a putty market is quite competitive and balance is through mix. As far as UAE is concerned, yes, we have been -- the entire markets have normalized. There's an easing out of the availability of containers and other things. However, during this quarter, we had some one-off big orders which are not -- so we had a big shipment to Australia. That was a 40,000 tonnes shipment to Australia. So all that has -- again, so there has been some -- I mean one time, so it is not going to -- these volume numbers would not be -- will not have same numbers in this quarter. Having said so still, yes, as we have been working out on the turnaround of the UAE business, so now there has been a lot of easing off due to abnormal circumstances, the fuel prices have eased out, the container freights have eased out. So as a result, we will see an improved performance of the UAE operations.

Rajesh Ravi

That heartening to know sir. Sir, clinker capacity you mentioned 15 million tonnes. So could you split out among the 3 regions how is the capacity now? Because in my understanding, Panna capacity clinker post bottlenecking was 3.3 million tonne, or is it more than that?

Prashant Seth

No, no, fine. It is 3.3.

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, 10,000 TPD per day.

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And Rajasthan and Karnataka how much, sir?

Ajay Saraogi

See, we have around 2.5 million in this house, balance is Rajasthan.

Rajesh Ravi

Karnataka is 2.5 because my understanding was it is 2.1, okay. Sir, lastly, in the capacity expansion project of Toshali Cement, just what is the guidance you have said that this is still work under process in terms of closing the time lines?

Ajay Saraogi

So Toshali Cement is -- it is a condition precedent on allotment of the mining lease. Once the mining lease gets allotted to us, then we firm up the agreement and buy out that company. And at -- after buying out the company we will work out our strategy, then the next step, what steps to be taken to do an expansion at the site because ultimately that's a mini cement plant. It is not that we will be able to stay -- we may continue to operate that for feeding the local market till we finalize all the other parameters of expansion, which itself will take -- finalizing what needs to be done after a formal takeover is done. See, again, any takeover of company also takes time. So once we are able to takeover everything, it will take us about 1 years' time to finalize the action plan for implementing the expansion over there. And then only we can come up with the time line for the expansion over there.

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. And lastly, just realizations you said is 4% improvement in which quarter, on an average versus your Q2 realization so far?

Ajay Saraogi

Q3, we said.

Rajesh Ravi

Q3 versus Q2, you're looking at 4% improvement which is current prices.

Ajay Saraogi

We will definitely look at that price increase.

Rajesh Ravi

Okay. Because 4% will be...

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, yes, please.

Rajesh Ravi

INR 400 means, you are almost INR 200 per tonne incremental realization you're looking at, and costs sequentially may not go up because we will have operating leverage gain quarter-on-quarter and sales and freight cost will set off. So are we looking at close to INR 200 if the current prices were to sustain, margins to look up by INR 200 quarter-on-quarter?

Ajay Saraogi

So as per your calculation, it looks like that. If the prices do sustain and everything remains, it would definitely be.


[Operator Instructions] Next question is from the line of Ritesh Shah from Investec India.

Ritesh Shah

A couple of questions. Sir, first is, can you help us with the UAE volumes? And what percentage of volumes come to India, if it is for Q2 or first half [indiscernible].

Prashant Seth

Yes, UAE volume in this quarter was 193,000 tonnes. And the last quarter, it was 121,000. So overall, we have done like 314,000 tonnes in the 6 months. And in India, you see we are bringing material in 2 forms. One is the direct billing from the UAE. And second is what is -- what material is coming to India and build in the -- build from the Indian company. So the overall material in the first 6 months which has come up is around 60,000 tonnes in both the forms.

Ritesh Shah

Okay. That's roughly 1/3. Sir, is there any risk of potential import duties of both gray as well as white cement large clinker coming from UAE to India. Have you heard anything of the sort?

Ajay Saraogi

No, no, see, again, except for the white clinker which is coming, there is no other clinker which is coming from the UAE, and we have not heard for any import duty or anything.

Ritesh Shah

That's helpful. Sir, second is on the prior question, you indicated a price increase of 3% to 4%, but I think you did indicate cost price increases could be up by 3% to 4%. Sir, would you be -- can you please give some number on a pan-India basis, at least for the regions that we operate in at a blended level?

Ajay Saraogi

So see, again, when we say blended numbers, there are -- when I said total award increase and you come to a retention number, it has a combination of both trade, nontrade and we've to see what is the increase in trade? What is THE increase in nontrade? What are the pending orders of nontrade. So non-trade also has many other things that you may have pending order of nontrade at a particular price for a period. So all those things do play a role in an overall increase in the retention. So on that basis, we said about 4% should be the net increase if we take off tradeoff between trade and nontrade, then it may be -- trade prices may be different, nontrade is different.

Ritesh Shah

Sure, sir. And sir, lastly, on the demand, you indicated that you expect a pickup in demand, say, in December because of election in a couple of states. Sir, how should we look at this particular variable given Lok Sabha elections are not very far, that is one. And secondly, in the near term, because of winters/solution, I think the government is going after a lot of bidders halting construction. Is it having any bearing on the near-term demand because of that? So one was basically Lok Sabha, just prior to Lok Sabha and near-term because for the winter setting in Northern India?

Ajay Saraogi

So for as far as we are concerned, there is election in 2 states, MP and Rajasthan, which definitely affect us. So these are the 2 states where we have elections where we are serving today. And winters also do affect our northern markets. There's already -- but is not very strict, some construction ban in New Delhi. It could be if that is -- becomes stricter, it will lead to some reduction in the volume numbers. However, I mean all these restrictions do not decrease the overall consumption, it is deferring the same, because it is only your stopping our construction activity. And as soon as the situation improves, it will again come up. So it is a timing difference. I don't see it is a loss of cement, which is there. So you may see a temporary some dip in volume numbers, which will subsequently get -- we can ramp it up subsequently. .

Ritesh Shah

Sure. And sir, with respect to Lok Sabha elections historical trends versus how do we see right now because the code of conduct comes in. I'm not sure whether we have seen working capital become a bit tight when contractors do their work. Sir, any color over here?

Ajay Saraogi

As far as the current fiscal year is concerned, what happens is the election are -- Lok Sabha elections will be sometime in the month of May. There are already budgetary -- budgets which are already approved for the whole fiscal. So this year, budget or -- does not get affected in any case. Ongoing projects do not get affected in any case. It is only sometimes the new projects which are announced and which may need approval till you form -- even suppose a project is announced by the government today and it needs certain approvals, subsequent approvals which are not done before the elections. Then that may only get firmed up once the election are over and new government is formed. The departments are allocated and then the budget proposal is -- even the budget itself will come later, there will be a vote on accounts in February for 2, 3 months. But real budget proposal will come sometime in June, July.


[Operator Instructions] Next question is from the line of Martin Lewis, Individual Investor.

Unknown Attendee

Yes. You mentioned that during Q2, we have received some like off-season discount from railway. So what is the percent of that discount? And what is in absolute volume -- like how much amount did we receive -- this will be discount in the freight?

Ajay Saraogi

So railways normally do a 15% discount -- off season discount, which is in the July-September quarter. That is a lean period for the railways, the main monsoon period. So that is on all railway dispatches, but -- which is withdrawn from 1st October.

Unknown Attendee

Yes. So how amount like did we receive as a discount?

Ajay Saraogi

No, it is not received. It is -- the freight is reduced.

Unknown Attendee

No, no. I understand, but how much lesser freight you have paid for the Q2 due to this discount separately.

Ajay Saraogi

There is an impact of around INR 20, INR 25 a tonne on that count, on our freight cost.

Unknown Attendee

INR 20 to INR 25 tonne, so how much did we ship or like -- what is the average said cost?

Ajay Saraogi

So we have done -- our rail dispatches were 11% of the total dispatches. Our dispatches were close to 4 million. So it's about 4.5 lakh tonnes. You can say on that way whatever average rail freight for that. So we may get about say about INR 200 a tonne impact, about INR 7 crores, INR 8 crores.

Unknown Attendee

Okay, not much, not much. Okay. And then regarding Panna this ramp-up, like currently, what is the capacity utilization 2.6 or 2. I think...

Ajay Saraogi

75% is the current capacity utilization. The capacity of Panna is 4 million tonnes, 75%, so on a quarter, it is 7.5 lakhs tonnes.

Unknown Attendee

Right now we are taking it to 4 million.

Ajay Saraogi

It is already 4 million. .

Unknown Attendee

But you mentioned something during the call that they were ramping up, we target to reach to 4 million by the end of next quarter or what?

Ajay Saraogi

No, no, no. Panna capacity is 4 million tonnes.

Prashant Seth

Already -- already ramped up.

Ajay Saraogi

There was a proposal that what is the situation of ramp-up of the clinker capacity at Panna plant, so that we are already ramping up from 8,000 TPD to 10,000 TPD.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. Okay. Okay. Fine. Fine. And you mentioned this incentive, the INR 250 crores, we are getting so INR 1,600 crores was received during this one. So like was it a capital subsidy or...

Ajay Saraogi

INR 69 crores is the subsidy, which was accrued during this quarter.

Unknown Attendee

And the remaining will -- like 181 has already been accrued in the past or will be accrued in the coming quarters?

Ajay Saraogi

It is quarter-on-quarter. It has subsidy. It depends on the sale of cement in that state and then only the subsidy is approved.

Unknown Attendee

Okay, okay, so the subsidy lasts for next few years.

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, the subsidy is there for that.

Unknown Attendee

Okay. Okay. Okay. Great. And like how do you see this like overall performance like demand and kind of thing during this quarter as compared to last quarter?

Ajay Saraogi

So last quarter, we saw a dip as compared to the -- this quarter was a dip as compared to last quarter.

Unknown Attendee

In terms of dispatches?

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, because this is a lean period, as monsoon is a lean period.

Unknown Attendee

No, no. So you mentioned that you are saying that like during Q2, there were lesser dispatches, right.

Ajay Saraogi

Yes, yes.

Unknown Attendee

Because of monsoon, right. So like now the dispatches are picking up because like now normal, right?

Ajay Saraogi



We will take the last question from Navin Sahadeo from ICICI Securities.

Navin Sahadeo

Sir, in paints, I just wanted to check, what are the revenues that get booked in the stand-alone entity?

Prashant Seth

INR 21 crores.

Navin Sahadeo

Understood. But that is on account of what? Because it's paint -- I mean Acro is a step-down subsidiary and J.K. Max is a wholly owned subsidiary, so how can -- just trying to understand the incidence of revenue...

Ajay Saraogi

What happens there is a direct billing, which is done by Acro to -- Acro has its own client customer base. So that billing is done directly in Acro books as in the step-down subsidiary, because the counters for paint and putty assets as we said, the reason for our entering the paint business was the synergy, and we have the common counters. So it becomes difficult for -- to do a 2 billing to the same customer. So the JK Maxx paints, we do lend out the platform to JK Maxx. And it is putty counter, so it's the same customer. So that building is done in J.K. Cement books of paint on behalf of JK Maxx paints.

Navin Sahadeo

Understood. This is helpful. And sir, last question. Have we paid Acro promoter the balance 40% of the...

Ajay Saraogi

20% as per the agreement has already been paid. The last installment I think is due in the month of December. So at that point of time, we acquired -- JK Maxx acquires 100% of the equity. And then as a next step, we propose to initiate merger of JK Acro with JK Maxx.


I now hand the conference over to Mr. Vaibhav Agarwal for closing comments.

Vaibhav Agarwal

Sir, just one question, sir. Did you also highlight any one-offs in your maintenance costs in the Q2 quarter. I just want to reach upon that.

Unknown Executive

Yes, it is actually normal for this quarter because the scheduled maintenance is planned looking to the lower clinker requirement. There was around, say, INR 30 crores, INR 35 crores of additional expenditure on that account in this quarter.

Vaibhav Agarwal

So these recurring maintenance expense or is the one-off in the maintenance is what I was asking.

Ajay Saraogi

We can say additional increment maybe about INR 15 crores, INR 20 crores. There are some maintenance because now we are -- a number of kilns are so many, so there is maintenance comes up actually in -- but most of the maintenance has been done in the first half. Second half will see very few maintenance. So yes, the maintenance cost has been a bit high in the second quarter. There were some maintenance also in the first quarter, but going forward, we will see less maintenance in Q3 and Q4.

Vaibhav Agarwal

Understood. But from a one-off perspective you are saying this INR 15 crores to INR 20 crores is a one-off.

Ajay Saraogi

Is the additional one-off.

Vaibhav Agarwal

Thank you, sir. On behalf of PhillipCapital India Private Limited, I'd like to thank you for the call opportunity, and also many thanks for participants joining the call. Thank you very much. Nirav, you can conclude the call. Thank you. .

Ajay Saraogi

Thank you, everyone.


Thank you very much. On behalf of PhillipCapital, that concludes this conference. Thank you for joining us. You may now disconnect.

Ajay Saraogi

And happy Diwali to all.


Thank you, and wish you the same.