Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd

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Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd
Price: 980.5 INR 0.84% Market Closed
Market Cap: 72.1B INR
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Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd
Investor Relations

Nestled in the intricate tapestry of India's industrial landscape, Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd. has carved out a robust niche since its inception in 1933. The company, born out of a collaboration with the British, began its ventures into sugar plant machinery, a venture that catapulted its reputation in engineering excellence. Over the years, Isgec has morphed from its humble beginnings into a diversified engineering conglomerate. Today, it stands as a formidable entity, deeply embedded in manufacturing heavy engineering equipment that powers industries across the globe. Its diverse product portfolio, spanning boilers, turbines, foundry equipment, and presses, demonstrates Isgec’s commitment to innovation and adaptation. Through strategic joint ventures and an acute focus on quality, it has managed to balance tradition and technological advancement seamlessly.

Isgec's business model hinges on leveraging its engineering prowess and production capabilities to cater to a wide array of industries, including power, oil and gas, cement, and sugar. The company has mastered the art of crafting tailor-made engineering solutions, satisfying client requirements with precision and reliability. It draws revenue through a blend of high-margin projects and long-term service contracts, servicing both domestic and international clientele. By fostering long-term relationships with its clients and actively engaging in research and development, Isgec ensures a steady influx of projects and continuous improvement of its service offerings. This strategic vision has not only fueled its financial growth but also sustained its reputation as a behemoth in heavy engineering, underlined by an unwavering commitment to ethical business practices and customer satisfaction.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Aditya Puri
MD & Executive Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Kishore Chatnani
CFO, Head of Corporate Accounts & Treasury and Whole Time Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Sachin Saluja
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Sanjay Gulati
Head of Manufacturing Units & Whole Time Director
No Bio Available
Mr. D. V. Satyanarayana B. Tech, M.M.S.
President, Head of Industrial Boiler division and President of EPC Group
No Bio Available
Mr. R. D. Madan B.Tech. (Mech.)
President and Head of Machine Bulilding Division
No Bio Available
Mr. Bhupinder Kumar Malik
Chief Accounts & Taxation Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Gharde
Chief Information Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Kalyan Ghosh
Chief Legal Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Radhika Arora
Chief Human Resources Officer
No Bio Available


A-4, Sector- 24