AMIORG Q2-2024 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

Ami Organics Ltd

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Earnings Call Analysis


Company Modifies Full-Year Growth Targets

In Q2 FY '24, the company reported a revenue of INR 172 crores, representing a growth of 17% year-on-year, but the quarterly growth was modest at 7.3% compared to Q2 FY '23. The company faced pricing pressures that affected margins, leading to revised full-year growth targets from 20-25% down to 18-22%. Despite challenges, a rise in exports to 54% and positive expectations for H2 FY '24 are noted. First half saw a revenue increase of 7.3% year-on-year to INR 326 crores and CapEx of INR 104 crores, with an additional INR 100-110 crores projected by year-end.

Earnings Call Transcript

Earnings Call Transcript

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Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to Ami Organics Limited Q2 FY '24 Earnings Conference Call, hosted by AMBIT Capital. [Operator Instructions]. Please note that this conference is being recorded.

I now hand the conference over to Mr. Prashant Nair from AMBIT Capital. Thank you, and over to you, sir.

Prashant Nair

Thank you, Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Ami Organics 2Q earnings call. We have with us Mr. Naresh Patel, Chairman and Managing Director; and Mr. Bhavin Shah, CFO of Ami Organics. I'll hand over the call to Bhavin for his opening remarks. Over to you, Bhavin.

Bhavin Shah

Thank you, Prashant. Good afternoon, everyone. We are pleased to welcome you all to our earnings conference call to discuss Q2 FY '24 financials. Please note that a copy of our disclosure is available on the Investors section of our website as well as on the stock exchanges. Please do note that anything said on this call which reflects our outlook towards the future or which could be construed as forward-looking statements must be reviewed in conjunction with the risk that the company faces.

The conference call is being recorded and the transcript along with the audio of the same will be made available on the website of the company and [indiscernible]. Please also note that the audio of the conference call is the copyright material of Ami Organics and cannot be copied, rebroadcasted or attributed in press or media without specific and written consent of the company.

With that, I would like to hand over the floor to our Chairman and Managing Director, Naresh Patel, for his opening statement. Over to you, sir.

Nareshkumar Patel

Thank you, Bhavin. Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you all are doing well. A warm welcome to our Q2 FY '24 earnings call conference call. As we complete the first half of FY '24, the global economy seems to be turning the corner. Despite persistent higher levels of inflation, there are emerging signs of inflation rates cooling in the coming quarters. Regionally, resilience in demand is occurring in our way of growth, which bodes well for the global economic outlook. Even as this -- even as things seems to be [indiscernible] in the direction of the economy, geopolitical tensions continue to cast a shadow of uncertainty, [indiscernible] impacting industry scale.

Turning our attention to the industry landscape. There remains a consistent over supply from China across the [indiscernible] value chain. This drop has led to a decline in retail costs adjustment downward pressure on the pricing of the clinical product, consumer goods across the industry, even as things seems to be improving. Chinese production continues to outpace demand. That has -- we are -- that said, we are starting to see permitting contraction in demand and supply chain.

Consequently, there is a cautious stabilization in raw material prices. These external environments will have some impact on organic performance for the quarter. In Q2 FY '24, we delivered INR 172 crores revenue from operations, which is 17% growth over the same period last year. While we were expecting higher growth this quarter, pricing pace has marginally scaled back the growth. In terms of margins, higher sales, lower-margin products and persistent pricing pressure throughout the quarter adversely affected our margins for the quarter. Nevertheless, with a clear order book in hand, we anticipate a stronger performance in the second half of the year.

I will let Bhavin discuss the numbers in detail later.

Moving to the business update. Let me detail the Advance Pharmaceutical intermediate business. With the pricing pressure that affect the business still, we were able to deliver 8% growth year-on-year. Originally, the launch of one of our key products has been delayed by our customers, thereby impacting this quarter's growth. However, this is only deferred revenue that is expected to realize in either Q4 FY '24 or Q1 FY '25. This is again one of the reasons for lower margin for the quarter as this is a very high-margin product.

On the Fermion deal, we have further extended the partnership with Fermion by adding one more Advanced intermediates to our basket. We now have total 3 Advanced intermediates [indiscernible] products, which increases the total expected revenue considerably from the CDMO contract. For the previously signed Advanced intermediates, we have already received the order and we will start putting them out from Ankleshwar facility from Q4 FY '24. This will gradually uplift the revenue starting from Q4 FY'24.

Coming to the Specialty Chemicals business. We have introduced one more product, UV Observer, for the Paint Industry. I believe we will see revenue from this product coming into the numbers from Q3 FY '24 onwards. For the existing products, the volume growth was good but pricing [indiscernible] have continued to bear. Overall, the Specialty Chemicals business, grew a strong 32% growth in year-on-year basis. Moving on, we continue negotiations with [indiscernible] customers in the electrolyte additives business. We are hoping to convert a couple of prospects in current quarter.

Turning to our acquisitions of Baba Fine Chemicals. We completed the acquisitions of controlling partnership during the quarter. The [indiscernible] is succeeded by the newly incorporated entity, Baba Advanced Materials Limited. It is important to note that the majority of H1 FY '24 was dedicated to completing this acquisition, followed by an integration process that -- to some extent. Impact operations -- which has impacted operations of Baba Fine Chemicals. Despite these operational challenges, we are committed to reserving the company's last year's revenue, and we are poising for exponential growth in the forthcoming years.

Before I conclude, I would like to highlight that in our journey towards becoming a sustainable organization, the Board of Directors have approved 15 megawatts of captive solar power plant project, entailing CapEx of somewhere around INR 65 crores to INR 70 crores. If you recall, we already announced a 5-megawatt solar power plant previously and [indiscernible] work for the same has commenced. This is expected to conclude by the end of this financial year. The new 15-megawatt solar power plant is in addition to the already work in progress 5-megawatt solar power plant. And I believe all these will help us magnifying our electricity expenses, once operational.

Broadly speaking, deferment in products launch in certain markets by customer, coupled with pricing pressure due to oversupply in China, is expected to have some impact on the numbers. And even though we are expecting to deliver robust [indiscernible] FY '24. Overall, we are modifying our growth target from 20% to 25% for the full year -- to 18% to 22% growth from FY '24.

With that, I request our CFO, Mr. Bhavin Shah, to discuss the financials with you. Over to you, Bhavin. Thank you.

Bhavin Shah

Thank you, sir. Good afternoon, everyone. I would like to briefly touch upon the key performance highlights for the quarter and half year ended 30th September 2023, and then we will open the floor for question and answer.

I'll begin with quarterly earnings. Revenue from operations for the quarter was at INR 172 crores, up 7.3% as compared to INR 147 crores in Q2 FY '23. The gross profit for the quarter was at INR 71 crores, which was flat when compared to the same period last year. The gross margin for the quarter was at 41%. There are a few reasons for lower gross margin. Let me discuss them in detail.

Starting with inventory, we had some high-cost inventory, coupled with lower finished good price, and there is a pressure on gross margin. I would like to highlight that this impact was particularly for this quarter and we will see our margins going back to similar levels from Q3 onwards as raw material prices have now stabilized. Another reason of lower gross margin was also a product mix. If you notice, majority of sales for the quarter was to the domestic market, which is always 2% to 3% lower business. Also, if you see Specialty Chemicals business, it is low-margin business, has grown strongly during Q2, which also contributed to lower gross margin for the quarter.

Moving on to EBITDA. For the quarter, was at INR 25 crores, down 11.8% as compared to INR 28 crores in Q2 FY '23. EBITDA margins for the quarter were at 14.4% compared to 19.1% in Q2 FY '23. The degrowth in EBITDA margin was driven by gross margin as well as higher employee cost due to annual internalized [indiscernible] costs and hiring of employees for Ankleshwar factory. There was also one-off costs due to machinery breakdown during the quarter and this has led to a pressure on EBITDA for the quarter.

Tax for the quarter was negative INR 17 crores. Please note that JV with Ami Oncotheranostics was fully impaired on the ground that it would take significant time to generate revenue due to its inherent long-term nature of its research activity and uncertain success rate, which resulted in negative rate for the quarter. Adjusting for the impairment paid for the quarter Q2 FY '24 would be at INR 14.7 crores.

Moving on to H1 FY '24 update. Revenue from operation for H1 FY '24 was at INR 326 crores, up 7.3% as compared to INR 278 crore in Q2 FY '23. Gross profit for H1 FY '24 was at INR 134 crores, up 7.3% on Y-o-Y basis. The gross margin for H1 FY '24 was at 44.3%. EBITDA for H1 FY '24 was at INR 59 crores, up 15.2% as compared to INR 51 crores in H1 FY '23. EBITDA margin for H1 FY '24 were at 18%. Tax for H1 FY '24 was at INR 5 crores, whereas adjusting the exceptional item for H1 FY '24 is INR 37 crores. Export for the quarter was at 54%, whereas domestic business was at 46%.

Coming to the balance sheet, we have cash and cash equivalent of around INR 104 crores on consolidated basis as of September 30, 2023. CapEx outlay for H1 FY '24 was INR 105 crores. We are on the track to operationalize block 1 in Ankleshwar unit from early part Q4 2024, and we hope to get CapEx of remaining 2 block by end of Q4 FY '24. Therefore, from FY '25, we are expecting the full Ankleshwar block to come online.

Coming to working capital for half year, improvment in [indiscernible] debt and better payable [indiscernible] with our working capital, leading to net working capital days of 100 days, an improvement of 15 days over March 31, 2023. Overall, as Naresh mentioned, we have a strong order book for H2 FY '24. And therefore, we should see strong recovery on sequential basis in coming quarters.

With this, I conclude my remarks and request moderator to open the floor to question-and-answer session. Thank you.


[Operator Instructions] The first question is from the line of Sudarshan Padmanabhan from JM Financial PMS.

Sudarshan Padmanabhan

Sir, my question is to understand a bit more of what is happening in the industry. You had mentioned in the presentation and as you have talked about, with downward pricing pressure in China coming and dumping the prices, in our expectations, do you see this to be more transitional in nature? Or does it change something beyond in the transition for the next couple of quarters? Just want your opinion.

Nareshkumar Patel

Thank you very much for your question. It's really -- I would like to speak on that. So basically, Chinese in model of Ami Organics business, it's not that much great impact of Chinese competitors. But the problem here will be that our product competitors got cheaper raw material, and that has quoted in a lower price to the customers. So domestic, the export business are there based on the current price. Whereas we have the long-term -- at least 1 or 2 quarter stock stored. That has impacted us to get the orders at a lower price compared to our cost. So that is how the -- our top line is compromised with that.

This happened in last quarter and before that quarter. But now we understand that, and also we already informed the customer the same thing. And from here onwards, we see that it will not be impacted us longly to us, and we will be recovering in our positioning in the market with our own margins as well as price. So we are reducing our inventory in terms of domestic requirement.

Sudarshan Padmanabhan

Sir, in terms of gross margin impact, you said there has been a mix impact and high cost inventory. How much of high cost inventory are we still left with? And how do we see the recovery? I mean, should it be sharp recovery back to the 48%? Or would it be more gradual over the next couple of quarters?

Nareshkumar Patel

So high cost inventory is not related to the cost, right? But it is not -- it is related to the port business as well as the short-term only. So it will be -- very drastically will go back to 48% in the next couple of quarters. So that is already in line and it is implemented like that.

Sudarshan Padmanabhan

Sure, sir. And finally, before I join the queue, on the Fermion contract. I mean, now that we have signed a new U.S. product, I mean, we are expanding our relationship there. So how do we see the launches and the scale up happening, say, in FY '25 and beyond? And are we also looking at more such contracts with Fermion or even with, say [indiscernible] client on which we want to [indiscernible]? Give more visibility to us.

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes. So in our business plan and whatever the differences we have with the innovators, out of that, one is Fermion. And we have already -- you can see also in last 1 year, we have signed 3 contracts with them for multiple supply of different intermediates, and it is ongoing and we are expecting a few more in the pipeline. And in that sense, only our new project, which we are establishing in Ankleshwar, we are supposed to -- we are going to be inaugurating mid of December of this facility. And once it will be ready, then we have another few contacts with other client as well in the pipeline in the discussion, it will be also coming to in the market.

Sudarshan Padmanabhan

Sure, sir. One final question, if I may, please. Now that Baba Fine Chemicals is [indiscernible] and basically the advanced material is also going to be formed. Sir, on this exciting platform of electronics, I mean, how do we see the shape up happening here? I'm talking about more so from a 2 3 years perspective.

Nareshkumar Patel

Baba Fine Chemicals is a strategic acquisition. This is in 2 ways, the niche market, very strong position in the market in photo-resistant chemicals as well as it can be also helpful for us, for our other electronic chemical business where we can use Baba Fine Chem technology. So it's a both two way, we have acquired Baba Fine Chem. So it has a strong position. It has a multiple product which is already developed in the system. And we have not commercialized. So with the new joint venture, we will be trying to promote these molecule in [indiscernible] market, and this is how we are targeting to grow the business in Baba Fine Chem semiconductor business.


The next question is from the line of Mr. [ Dhara ] from...

Unknown Analyst

Sir, I have one question on where is this pricing pressure specifically on our Advance intermediates portfolio? If you could throw some more light, where are we facing problems here?

Nareshkumar Patel

See the pharma, our main business is only in the Advanced intermediates for pharma applications. So it has overall pricing pressure was somewhere around from 30% to 10% based on the commodity, or it is very -- say, from an [indiscernible], like that. So overall, it has been our EBITDA margin per share of somewhere around 6% to 7% on total because of the long-term -- the long-term supply contract is also related with the key raw material price variation. So that has also impacted on a current price of the raw material and that has revised the purchase order. So this is how it was happened like that.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. And what would be the margins for both the segments, Pharma intermediates and Specialty Chemical for this quarter?

Nareshkumar Patel


Bhavin Shah

So Specialty, it was 9.5%, and Pharma, it is 11.21%.

Unknown Analyst

Sorry for the Pharma intermediates?

Nareshkumar Patel

11.21 -- 11.25%.


The next question is from the line of [ Karthik Iyer ], who is an individual investor.

Unknown Analyst

I just wanted to know the jump in the cost of RM and the change in work in progress is. Because it's gone up maybe 2x, 2.5x Q-o-Q and Y-o-Y. So is that because of the acquisition of Baba Fine Chem? or is it just pricing pressure from China and headwinds that you experienced this quarter?

Bhavin Shah

So Karthik, we didn't exactly get your question that you are mentioning 2.5x.

Unknown Analyst

Because if you look at your cost of materials consumed, right, it's gone up to about INR 150 crores from INR 71 crores and INR 58 crores Q-o-Q and Y-o-Y.

Nareshkumar Patel


Bhavin Shah

Yes. So RM, when we compare on Q-o-Q basis, so it is moved from INR 78 crores to INR 100 crores. So this was -- as we explained, this is mainly due to change in the product mix, higher in [indiscernible] power, low margin specialty product. There is a pricing pressure in the pharma. So cumulatively changing product mix, higher sales of specialty and there is a price increase. This has changed our raw material cost.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. How much CapEx have we done for the year? And how much is still left for the balance of the year?

Bhavin Shah

Till now, we have done around INR 104 crores of CapEx and another INR 100 crores is left. INR 100 crores, INR 110 crores will be coming by year-end.

Unknown Analyst

And sir, has there been any traction with regards to the electrolyte business? And where do we stand on that?

Nareshkumar Patel

The electrolyte businesses, we are now in a good position. In this quarter, we will be going to begin our production. We already placed an order for the raw materials. And we are looking for supply start from Q4. Once we do start beginning our production, we will announce on the [indiscernible] and then supply as well we will announce on that. So we are -- all the audits and everything is finished by the customers. And now we are -- we got in line to go ahead for the production. So first tile orders are already confirmed, but production will start once we get the raw material in our warehouse.

Unknown Analyst

Okay. And it will start ramping up from March, I assume? Would that be...

Nareshkumar Patel

No. Ankleshwar will be inaugurated by December mid, and it will be ramping up by January. So first we will start with products, which is qualifying -- it is a valuation of the facility. So we will start production by January, so the very decent batches. And then fuel [indiscernible], it will be started by Q1. But Q4 will start contributing some revenues from our preshow.


The next question is from the line of Rikin Shah from Omkara Capital.

Rikin Shah

So I just wanted to ask like in the last 3 months, what impacted the base business of Advanced intermediates so drastically? I know you expanded on the RM pressure. But did we lose market share by any chance in some of the products?

Nareshkumar Patel

If we lose the market share, we will have not have growth. So to avoid [indiscernible] the market share, we're compromising the top line and this is how we remain till the market leader. So the volume is already there. Only we -- to remain in the market leader, we have to compromise on the top line. And that is the reason why this is a base -- the raw material prices, you can see a bit higher.

Rikin Shah

Okay. Got it. My second question is in terms of the UV Observer product, which you have mentioned, can you please give some details into the size, nature of the product and margin profile? Like how different is the margin profile from your parabens and salicylic acid?

Nareshkumar Patel

So the UV Observer are paint -- It's not in the paint -- the regular paint, which we are using the household. It's using the painting for the metallic paint, which is for the automobile. And it is a new product which is developed by [indiscernible] scientists and we have a collaboration with them. So base applications used by worldwide automotives, and they have a very good base. These [indiscernible] are well known in this industry. So we had finished the validation bases, and we already supplied the 2 quantities planned for distribution. Once it will be -- it is approved by [indiscernible], we will be expecting somewhere around 600 to 1,000 metric tons of the business of this. And it will be -- the margin is, which is what we are seeing in the Speciality Chemicals segment of 19%, 18%.

Rikin Shah

Okay. In terms of your Fermion contract, your basket of products has increased. So if -- I mean, I know you cannot comment in terms of value. But if in percentage comes with 2 molecules, you had x amount of value. So with the 3 products coming in, how much would the percentage of value would have increased?

Nareshkumar Patel

It will be increased, but exact number I can't discuss because both are listed company, and it is a part of the contract. So I can't disclose the number. But definitely, it will be higher than what we have today.

Rikin Shah

Yes. But percentage-wise, if you can share?

Nareshkumar Patel

I have not actually worked on that. So I'm sorry about that.

Rikin Shah

Sure, sir. So in the electrolyte business, sir, you mentioned about Q4 being the start of the supply. So I think what I'm trying to understand is we have [indiscernible] the LOI mode in electrolytes. Is that what you alluded to?

Nareshkumar Patel

I didn't get your question. Can you repeat that, please?

Rikin Shah

I meant that the LOI was signed much before. And now the execution will start. Is that what you said earlier for electrolytes?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes, LOIs, we have signed so many LOIs, but LOI is not very huge so that's why we don't disclose it. So once it will be valued, some affirmative or valued quantity realized, then we disclose that. So now we are in stage of converting these LOI into the form contract. So that is where -- we first came into the form contracts to customers. We take an audit of our asset in the last 3 months or 2.5 months. We were having a lot of inspection in the facility and [indiscernible]. So now we are -- we got a green light to go ahead for the production. So that's how we order the raw material from the supplier. And once it will be in our warehouse, we'll start the production.

Rikin Shah

This is a trial -- first trial production, is what you're saying.

Nareshkumar Patel


Rikin Shah

Okay. And sir, the Fermion contract in the presentation, you have mentioned it will start from Q4 FY '24. So just how would that scale up gradually if your'e contracted for, like, let's say, 100 tonnes, for example, so then how do you scale from Q4 Fy '24 onwards?

Nareshkumar Patel

So the first is the qualification in Q4, where we do some very different batteries, which will be used by Fermion to make further synthesis and then find a formulation. And -- so my -- once this approval will come from the final regulatory authorities, then we ramp up in, say, FY '25 will be the year where we will have the all qualification stage everywhere. And then FY '25 half -- second half, it will be fully ramp up.

Rikin Shah

Okay. full utilization in that part -- in the second half of FY '25?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes, yes.

Rikin Shah

Okay, sir. And lastly, sir, now that Baba Fine Chemicals is integrated, so now what do we see? I mean, we have the long-term guidance of sticking it to INR 200 crores. But just sort of a myopic question, for H2 of this year, are we seeing any scale-up over there?

Nareshkumar Patel

This year is the consolidation and integration year where we do all the integrations, transferring our [indiscernible] in there, digitalization and all and also customer approvals because there is management changes. So customers will need to have approvals for management changes and all. So that's the reason why this year is a little bit in a [indiscernible]. But from next year, we'll ramp up very exponentially.


The next question is from the line of Nilesh Ghuge from HDFC Securities.

Nilesh Ghuge

Sir, firstly, congratulations for signing one more contract in CDMO for Fermion. And sir, if I look at the chemical business performance in first half of FY '24, so it has shown very robust performance this quarter. And so if I knock off your subsidiary performance, the Y-o-Y growth was 32%, 1Q, it was 25% Y-o-Y. So do you think that this kind of growth will sustain for next few quarters in chemical business, excluding the subsidiary performance?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes. So you know much better than me, you are an analyst and economist. When the base is small, the growth is very high. You can see that when the base is becoming sizable, the growth will be reduced. In any way, we are targeting to at least 2.5x our Specialty segment in the next couple of years, and that is where we are marching towards with.

And you can see also the performance is coming in Speciality Chemicals, and now every assessment is recognizing and approving us. We are having some big numbers under negotiations with big buyers, if it will be happening next couple of weeks or maybe -- we will make an announcement. Then you can see that, yes, it will be really a good movement in Speciality Chemicals as well.

Nilesh Ghuge

Okay. And still, you had reduced your revenue growth target for this year to up from 2022 -- to 25% to about 20 -- in the range of 20%. So is it only because of the Advanced intermediate? Or also that because of the, you can say, the muted performance in your subsidiary company?

Nareshkumar Patel

No. So thanks for this question here. It's a really important for me to tell to everyone. This is nothing to do with anything about our projections or our growth or our volume. This is really because of the top line result. We do not see -- at the end of the day, your revenue growth is big place in the top line. And this is where the price is eroded and on the sell side. So that is the reason why these charges is revised. Our volume will be [indiscernible] grow at 20%, 25%. And it will remain like that. It will be only because of the value of the sales is eroded. That is the reason we revised the number. It mainly go up. If the situation will go from the -- right size then it will be go up as well.

Nilesh Ghuge

Okay. Sir, in your opening commentary, you did mention that the volume growth was very strong in FY '24 first half. But the prices -- because of the prices, there is a decline in top line. But can you quantify to some extent how much was the volume driven growth and how much deep impact because of the realization?

Nareshkumar Patel

Do you have that? It's not -- right now, it's not on my hand, but I can give you one on one as well whenever you are free.

Nilesh Ghuge

And just one last question to Bhavin. Sir, last quarter, our exports were about 39% of our top line. And I believe, in last quarter, that number excludes the export bit from the Baba Fine Chemicals. Now you have restated your numbers for the previous quarter. So if you could help me out and get the exports for the last quarter, it will be of a great help, Bhavin.

Bhavin Shah

So exports last quarter, without Baba was INR 37 crores. So again, I need to work with Baba. So I can come back to you with that number separately.


The next question is from the line of Jason Soans from IDBI Capital.

Jason Soans

So my first question, just want to know that -- I mean, of course, majority of our business would be contracted for our Advanced Pharmaceutical intermediates. So -- but just as a percentage, how much is contracted? Or do we do some kind of spot business as well?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes. Thanks. So our most of the export business is contracted and the [ Baba ] business is fully spot business. So -- and not only that some of the new molecules, which we are working in export as well as spotlight. So our regular business like the business with [indiscernible] and Americans, these all are the contract signed, but with the relation with the price of the raw material.

Jason Soans

Okay. So as a percentage, how would it be, I mean, roughly?

Nareshkumar Patel

It will be somewhere around 40 -- 30%, 40%. 40% is [indiscernible].

Jason Soans

30% would be spot.

Nareshkumar Patel

30% to 40% depend on product mix.

Jason Soans

Yes, 30% would be spot of the Advanced Pharmaceutical intermediates,right? And 60% contract.

Nareshkumar Patel

No, no. 40% is contract and around 60% is spot.

Jason Soans

Okay, of the Advanced Pharmaceutical intermediates. Okay. And sir, just would want to know -- so of this business, how much is exposed to the Chinese competitors? Of course, we know that the Chinese also are very large players in intermediates as well. So how much of your portfolio is basically exposed to Chinese competitors? As you have mentioned that you're facing price erosion due to pricing pressures. So how much of this is exposed to Chinese competitors?

Nareshkumar Patel

[Foreign Language] There is no Chinese competitor issue. It's our local competitors who knows what price we are selling from the data available in the exports, which is a very [indiscernible]. And then they don't have a contract, they have a spot price. So that's based on that, they put a reduction in the price of our customer. They were qualified -- so customer using as a platform to negotiate with us.

Jason Soans

Okay, okay. So just to simplify, just my understanding, I mean, you mentioned in the call before, so pricing pressure was 10% to 30%. That's led to an EBITDA decline of 6% to 7%. So whatever your long-term contracts are, due to the prevalent spot prices which are reduced, they have been renegotiated and hence, there's a pressure on margins. Is that right? That would be right, right?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes. So in the next quarter, it will be already discussed during this 1, 1.5 months. And it has recovered everything in that.

Jason Soans

Okay, okay. So okay, sure. And sir, just one thing. I mean, I just want to mention, your Ankleshwar capacity is around, I believe, you [indiscernible] on INR 190 crores [indiscernible]. Would that asset turn target of around INR 3 crores to INR 3.5 crores. Now I just wanted to know in term of breakup, this Ankleshwar facility you had acquired from Gujarat Organics. Now I just wanted to ask you, just to clarify, I understand the certain portion is allotted to the Fermion block. And there is a certain portion probably will be doing Specialty Chemicals as well. So could you just give me a break up as to what can -- I mean, what revenue can you generate and in what segment, what are you looking? What's the total plan for the Ankleshwar capacity?

Nareshkumar Patel

So it is not for Specialty, first of all. It is only for Pharma. There are 3 bocks, out of the their 33% capacity we have relocated to Fermion, which is already fully booked. And we have [indiscernible] capacity free for us, which will be fulfilling our future demand into FY '27. Okay.

Jason Soans

Okay. And that's totally for API, right, for the Advanced Pharma business?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes. The focus of full facility is only for Pharma.

Jason Soans

Only for Pharma, okay. Okay, sure. Sure, sir. And just one last thing, just want to confirm you said, your business in terms is 40% is contract and 50% spot in your Advanced Pharma intermediates, right?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes. This is a product mix. We have a lot of products. So it's varying. So this quarter is like this, next quarter maybe changed.


Next question is from the line of Dharmil Shah from Marcellus Investment Managers.

Dharmil Shah

So firstly, on the Fermion contract, I believe we are -- we would be supplying 3 intermediates to Fermion, one we are already. And if you could just give some time line on the other 2 intermediate products? When could we start commercially supplying these 2 remaining intermediates?

Nareshkumar Patel

So we are going to start validations of other 2 intermediates in FY [indiscernible] in December 2nd part. And it can be supplied for validations to Fermion in Q4 FY '24.

Dharmil Shah

Okay. So both the 2 intermediates or just the second one?

Nareshkumar Patel

Both. It is a program like that. So it will be validation, then commercial deployment will be starting in H2 FY '25.

Dharmil Shah

Got it. And as far as your domestic business is concerned, you mentioned there were some price cuts by the domestic competitors. But just wanted to understand more on that. I mean, the customers would have gained in the business, right? And how would they switch to you [indiscernible] your peers?

Nareshkumar Patel

It's very simple. It's a buyer and seller -- the reference price is used to negotiate. That's it.

Dharmil Shah

So just wanted to understand, were any stocking in domestic business we are presenting? Or is it purely based on price?

Nareshkumar Patel

We are part of the [ P&L ], but we don't know who is other part of the [ P&L ], right? So they use the reference price. And we -- what we have done is that we have not lost a business. We had -- though we compromise a little bit in the margin, but we get the business. That is what we have done in last quarter.

Dharmil Shah

Okay. Got it. A few bookkeeping questions for Bhavin? [indiscernible]

Nareshkumar Patel

Can you speak a little bit loud because we are not able to hear you properly?

Dharmil Shah

So Bhavin, if you can explain how are we accounted for the Baba Fine Chem acquisition, I can see some INR 35 crore goodwill acquisition. But -- how much is the product in [indiscernible] increase? If you can just explain the time line?

Bhavin Shah

No, I didn't exactly got your question. How did we account -- if you can...

Dharmil Shah

How did you account for the Baba Fine Chem acquisition? So there is some goodwill increase in the balance sheet. And how much would be the corresponding asset increases?

Bhavin Shah

See, so if you see for Baba Fine Chem, our investment is around INR 68 crores. And after getting that real asset from there, our goodwill is around INR 54 crores.

Dharmil Shah

Okay. Got it. So asset increases would be around INR 68 crores, right?

Bhavin Shah


Dharmil Shah

And if you can just break up for this INR 68 crores, what would be the FX?

Bhavin Shah

What would be the?

Dharmil Shah

Breakup of this...

Nareshkumar Patel

We can't hear you properly. Because it's very, very deep voice coming.

Dharmil Shah

I was just asking what would the breakup of this INR 68 crores?

Bhavin Shah

Yes. So see, we have paid INR 68 crore as an investment value, and there is a corresponding goodwill of INR 56 crores. And see, after removing asset and liability from their existing balance sheet, this goodwill has been created. So it includes fixed assets, it includes some of the data over there, minus traders and other liabilities.

Dharmil Shah

Okay. Understood. And lastly, what is our revenue recognition policy for the export business? Do we recognize once we ship the products from here? Or do we recognize on the date when the customer receives your products?

Bhavin Shah

Primarily, we completely follow IndAS 115. And it will depend FOB, CIS [indiscernible]. So when we pass on the liability, at that point in time, we recognize it according to Ind AS.

Dharmil Shah

Got it. Got it. And lastly, if I see the inventory days have almost increased from 100 days to 145 days. Any possible reason why is this the case?

Bhavin Shah

So see, inventory we have now stock up inventory specifically for Fermion contract. So there is a strategic inventory buildup for the upcoming supply the Fermion. So that's why this -- you can see rise in the inventory days.

Dharmil Shah

Got it. So this 145 days would not come down significantly or would remain same for coming quarters?

Nareshkumar Patel

So strategically, we need to because validations can be start in on time and it has to be -- otherwise, you will miss the qualification window in the authorities. Window is open for a very short time. So we have to be ready for everything.


The next question is from the line of Nirali Gopani from Unique PMS.

Nirali Gopani

Most of my questions have been answered. Just a question on the write-off that we have taken. So why is sudden decision to write off? And just a little bit of more background would be helpful.

Nareshkumar Patel

See, thanks for asking this question. In the early stage of evaluation, we had one-off investments we have done [indiscernible] and partnerships with [indiscernible]. The focus of this really was to work because of the -- to work on -- sorry, I'm sorry, I got some call. So focus on the JV was to walk on to small oncotherapeutics. And it was done very well. We -- JV has done good things [indiscernible] and it moves to Phase II now, 1 molecule and 1 is Phase I. But our main focus is in our chemistry area and the drug [indiscernible] organics. And once we see that, okay, it's moving very sluggish, so we decided not to have more carryover of this investment.

And during the public offering also, we said that we have considered this company as just a side investment. So we decided to focus more on our current chemistry and what the investments, which we are focusing more to grow that. We decided to write off this investment.


The next question is from the line of Kalpit Narvekar from EFG Asset Management.

Kalpit Narvekar

So my first question was on inventory levels. It's not the API manufacturing and [indiscernible] then the elevated inventory levels, how are you seeing that in your customers?

Bhavin Shah

So Kalpit, as I already answered earlier that our inventory levels for the current quarter on the high-end side,because there's specific buildup of inventory for upcoming Fermion contracts.

Kalpit Narvekar

Sorry, I mean, are you seeing elevated inventory levels at your customers side?

Bhavin Shah

No, I didn't get you exactly.

Kalpit Narvekar

So the customers who you sell the Pharma intermediates to, right, are those customers having elevated inventory levels? Are they having high inventory on their end?

Nareshkumar Patel

There, we didn't know that.

Kalpit Narvekar

Could lead to some [ sluggishness ] in demand, maybe.

Nareshkumar Patel

No, no. If demand is a issue, then we should not be a top line incremental. Demand is not an issue for us from our customers. Yes, there is a request of price negotiation. The demand is still there.

Kalpit Narvekar

Understood. And my second question is on -- so your manufacturing cost versus the manufacturing cost of Chinese suppliers. What is the difference in some of the key molecules?

Nareshkumar Patel

I'm sorry, I couldn't able to hear you properly. I think there might be something -- can you switch...

Kalpit Narvekar

Sir, my question is basically, what is your manufacturing cost difference versus Chinese suppliers in some of your key molecules?

Nareshkumar Patel

Okay. Yes, the manufacturing cost, the technology and our approvals, these always 3 factors which is usually making us different in the Chinese manufacturer. Most of the products, which is contributing around our top 10 products, which contributed to our revenue, we are dominated with China. And that is a cumulative of our production capability, our documentation and approvals and, above all, our [indiscernible] as well.

Kalpit Narvekar

Understood, sir. And one more follow-up on this, right? In your 10 products -- like top 5 molecules, are you seeing a lot of Chinese supplier coming into the market? And can you talk a little bit about near-term trends on this? Is it increasing in the last month or so? Or is it getting worse?

Nareshkumar Patel

So our top 5 product is mainly [indiscernible]. So there, we all are consistently we are performing at a growth, and it's in the same situation. So we don't see any seasonally final product. But there are some patients from the raw material side because raw materials are common and maybe some competitor or Indian competitor may be using this raw material as a cost, and it will be backing on a final for the price.


The next question is from the line of Nilesh Ghuge from HDFC Securities.

Nilesh Ghuge

Just one follow-up on Baba Fine Chemicals. So as you said that in the next 4, 5 years, our top line may go to INR 200 crores to INR 250 crores. But looking at the current assets and the current chemistries, so when do you expect that our revenue will go to normalize level of FY '23, in maybe for second half of FY '24? Or it will take more quarters to reach to that level, at least FY '23 level?

Nareshkumar Patel

FY '24 will be better than FY '23 level -- sorry, FY '25 will be better than FY '23 level. FY '24 will be the muted one. FY '25 will be better than FY '24.


The next question is from the line of Suraj Navandar from Prithvi Finmart.

Unknown Analyst

Sir, are we in talks with our customers for the rest of the 56% capacity that we have at Ankleshwar facility?

Nareshkumar Patel

Yes, we have some part-time discussions with other customers for [indiscernible] manufacturing program.

Unknown Analyst

When can you see any concrete agreements regarding that capacity?

Nareshkumar Patel

It will become one when it will mature. We are talking with them. We are in process of qualifying our [indiscernible] and everything. Once it would be won through, then we will announce on that. But we are working on that.

Unknown Analyst

No, I was just asking for a very rough time line 4 to 6 months, maybe 6 to 8 months. Like any ballpark time line you can give.

Nareshkumar Patel

Our ballpark is not on the contract basis, but we are targeting to complete fully operating full capacity by FY '27.

Unknown Analyst

Okay, okay. And then just last question. How big is the opportunity in our new product that we have launched UV Observer? How big is the opportunity over there?

Nareshkumar Patel

It will be equivalent size of current days of [indiscernible].


The next question is from the line of Gagan Thareja from ASK Investment Managers.

Gagan Thareja

First question is on the impact of the delay in the launch of products from one of your customers. Can you enumerate on what is the impact for the quarter and by how much has the delay -- has the product been delayed?

Nareshkumar Patel

I knew this question, okay. I think that one of the -- we were one of the products which is going to be operating by '26. And one of our [indiscernible] generic players with whom we are working, we have qualified to 1 year tenure back. We started supplying this molecule expecting that they will get the approval in several geographies. But they only see them and they won one territory but they lose second territory. And because of this, they lose the battle, the flow which has to be retarget, and it will be postponed by next year. So by FY '25, call me once again in the future. So these 3 quarters, Q3 -- Q2, Q3 and Q4, we have a little bit of a mixed side of the sale of that product.

Unknown Analyst

Is it possible to tell what -- which product is this?

Nareshkumar Patel

I can tell you but I'm not allowed to do that because we have some long-term supply agreement with them. It is a very good product for us and important product for us.

Unknown Analyst

So is it in the anticoagulates area?

Nareshkumar Patel


Unknown Analyst

Okay. All right. And secondly, I think you also mentioned that there was an impact of machinery breakdown. How much was the impact of the machinery break down?

Nareshkumar Patel

See, it is this material breakdown in terms of waste management area. Because of this breakdown, we should -- we have to -- other than -- we have an approval from government of Gujarat Positional Board that if we have a breakdown, we can dispose it the common equipment plant. So that some quantity, we have to treat at outside territories. So because of that, some cost, incremental cost is impacted in the manner.

Unknown Analyst

All right. And lastly if I look at your Q1 numbers, I mean, when you reported Q1 last quarter and now reporting Q1, there's the restatement for Baba Fine Chemicals. Can you give the contribution of Baba Fine Chemicals, the top line and net profits in both Q1 and Q2?

Bhavin Shah

See, for Baba, Q1 top line was INR 11 crores and for Q2, it is INR 9 crores.

Unknown Analyst

And net profit?

Bhavin Shah

For Baba Fine Chem, net profit is around INR 14 crores?

Unknown Analyst

Sorry, can you repeat the number?

Nareshkumar Patel

INR 1-4 crores.

Unknown Analyst

For 1H?

Nareshkumar Patel


Unknown Analyst

INR 14 crores net profit on INR 20 crores top line.

Nareshkumar Patel


Unknown Analyst

Okay. Also, if I look -- if I adjust for the exceptional that you have reported in this quarter and look at your effective tax rate, it seems high, both for second quarter and for 1H. Have I understood it correctly? Has the tax rate gone up for you? And if so, what is the reason for that?

Bhavin Shah

See, tax rate remains the same. Q2 --this is for standalone or for consol?

Unknown Analyst

Consol, And I'm saying if you keep the nonrecurring fees -- so I'm saying if you adjust for the write-off that you have taken, right, and just look at the recurring profit without the write-off, and you look at the tax rate both for the quarter and for 1H, it seems that the tax rate is higher year-on-year. And I'm just trying to understand. Have I got it correct? And if so, then what is the reason for the higher tax rate?

Bhavin Shah

Tax rate is same. We'll not get any deduction for this write-off. On consol basis, if you are saying that, that is different [indiscernible] for Baba?

Unknown Analyst

Okay. What is the tax rate for Baba?

Bhavin Shah

It is currently a partnership form. So it will be done based on the -- if you [indiscernible] partnership. It is in a little higher side.

Unknown Analyst

Okay, okay. All right. And is it possible to understand the impact on the top line? I mean, breakdown of the top line growth in terms of volume growth and what in the price impact on the top line. Just to understand volume versus how...

Nareshkumar Patel

In a broader way, it is a 6% -- between 6% to 7% on the EBITDA margin. On a retail breakdown, we can provide you one-on-one when we meet.


Thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, due to time constraints, we will not be taking any further questions. I would now hand the conference over to the management for the closing remarks. Over to you, sir.

Nareshkumar Patel

Thank you, AMBIT team, for hosting our conference call. Thank you, everyone, for your questions, and we hope we have been able to answer most of them. If we have missed out on any of your questions, kindly reach out to our IR adviser, E&Y, and we will get back to you offline. Thank you very much, and have a good day. And happy Diwali and happy new year for everyone. Thank you, everybody.


Thank you so much, sir. On behalf of AMBIT Capital, that concludes this conference. Thank you for joining us, and you may now disconnect your lines.

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