AIA Engineering Ltd

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AIA Engineering Ltd
Price: 3 128.3501 INR -0.29%
Market Cap: 291.9B INR
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AIA Engineering Ltd
Investor Relations

AIA Engineering Ltd. stands as an intriguing player in the industrial landscape, primarily renowned for transforming the world of grinding media. Born out of a vision to revolutionize the foundry business, AIA leverages its engineering acumen to design and manufacture high-chrome wear-resistant parts. These are indispensable components in the crushing and grinding processes found in the cement, mining, and thermal power industries. The company's technical prowess has enabled it to replace traditional materials with high-chrome mill internals, a shift that significantly enhances performance and durability. This expertise is not just about engineering but engineering efficiency, providing substantial cost savings and productivity boosts to its clients.

The financial heartbeat of AIA Engineering echoes through its robust business model, which is deeply rooted in strong customer relationships and a commitment to innovation. Revenues flow from the sale of these high-performance grinding solutions, underpinned by contracts with major companies in sectors that demand reduced downtime and maximized output. Furthermore, AIA Engineering’s strategic diversification across various geographic regions helps stabilize its revenue streams against market volatility. In essence, the company thrives by not merely selling a product, but by offering comprehensive solutions that optimize operational efficiencies, outpacing traditional competition and building a narrative of consistent, sustainable growth.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Bhadresh Kantilal Shah
MD & Executive Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Yashwant Manubhai Patel
Whole-Time Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Viren K. Thakkar
Chief Financial Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. S. N. Jetheliya
Compliance Officer & Company Secretary
No Bio Available
Mr. Kunal Dilipbhai Shah
Executive Director of Corporate Affairs
No Bio Available
Mr. Paryank R. Shah
Executive Officer
No Bio Available


11-12, Sigma Corporates,B/h.HOF Showroom, Sindhubhavan Road, Bodakdev