eBay Inc

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eBay Inc
Price: 68.19 USD -3.29% Market Closed
Market Cap: 32.7B USD
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eBay Inc
Investor Relations

In the bustling early days of the internet, amid a rapidly evolving digital landscape, eBay Inc. emerged as a pioneering force in online commerce. Born from a simple auction website founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995, eBay transformed the way people bought and sold items. By connecting individuals and small sellers with potential buyers over the internet, eBay created a vibrant online marketplace that transcended geographic boundaries. Fast forward to today, and eBay operates as a global e-commerce behemoth, facilitating transactions through its platform where items can be bought and sold in a fixed-price format or through an auction model. This dual approach allows eBay to cater to a diverse range of sellers, from hobbyists and small businesses to larger enterprises, leveraging its vast marketplace to offer everything from vintage collectibles to brand-new consumer electronics.

At the heart of eBay's business model is the collection of fees related to this marketplace activity. It earns money primarily through listing fees, final value fees, and optional promotional services. Sellers are charged a percentage of the sale price when their items are purchased, and may also pay additional fees to increase the visibility of their listings. eBay has evolved beyond its original auction-based structure, integrating payment processing through its acquisition of PayPal (which has since been spun off) and, more recently, through its partnership with Adyen. This integration ensures a seamless transaction experience for users. Moreover, eBay invests significantly in technology and customer experience to maintain a safe and trusted platform, understanding that trust is essential for both its buyers and sellers. In leveraging a robust network and a trusted brand, eBay continues to thrive as a versatile player in the e-commerce arena, adapting to the changing needs and preferences of the digital shopper.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Cornelius Boone
Senior VP & Chief People Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Julie A. Loeger
Senior VP & Chief Growth Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Eddie Garcia
Senior VP & Chief Product Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Pierre M. Omidyar
Founder & Director Emeritus
No Bio Available
Ms. Rebecca Spencer
VP, Chief Accounting Officer & Principal Accounting Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Mazen Al-Rawashdeh
Senior VP & CTO
No Bio Available
Ms. Samantha Wellington
Senior VP, Chief Legal Officer, General Counsel & Secretary
No Bio Available
Ms. Gigi Ganatra Duff
Chief Communications Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Jordan Sweetnam
Senior Vice President of Global Markets
No Bio Available
Ms. Eve Williams
VP & GM of UK Business
No Bio Available


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