Compass Pathways PLC

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Compass Pathways PLC Logo
Compass Pathways PLC
Price: 3.54 USD -5.35% Market Closed
Market Cap: 242.2m USD
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Compass Pathways PLC
Investor Relations

Compass Pathways Plc functions as an investment holding company. The company is headquartered in Altrincham, Cheshire and currently employs 116 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2020-09-18. The firm is focused on treatment-resistant depression (TRD). The company is developing COMP360, a psilocybin formulation that includes its pharmaceutical-grade polymorphic crystalline psilocybin, optimized for stability and purity. Its COMP360 psilocybin therapy comprises administration of its COMP360 with psychological support from specially trained therapists with specific professional and educational qualifications. The psilocybin administration session lasts approximately six to eight hours, with patients supported by therapists in a non-directive manner. Psilocybin administration sessions are preceded by preparation sessions, in which patients are given a thorough orientation, and followed by integration sessions to help patients process the range of emotional and physical experiences facilitated by COMP360 administration.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Kabir Kumar Nath M.A., M.B.A.
CEO & Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Matthew Allen Owens
General Counsel & Chief Legal Officer
No Bio Available
Dr. Guy Goodwin
Chief Medical Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Teri Loxam M.B.A.
CFO, Principal Financial Officer & Principal Accounting Officer
No Bio Available
Dr. Greg Ryslik Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Stephen D. Schultz
Senior Vice President of Investor Relations
No Bio Available
Mr. Christopher Williams
Chief Communications Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Anne Benedict
Chief People Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Lars Christian Wilde
Senior Advisor
No Bio Available
Dr. Susan C. Stansfield Ph.D.
No Bio Available


3Rd Floor, 1 Ashley Road, Altrincham