Bankwell Financial Group Inc

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Bankwell Financial Group Inc
Price: 30.09 USD 0.3% Market Closed
Market Cap: 238m USD

Profitability Summary

Bankwell Financial Group Inc's profitability score is 50/100. We take all the information about a company's profitability (such as its margins, capital efficiency, free cash flow generating ability, and more) and consolidate it into one single number - the profitability score. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.


We take all the information about a company's profitability (such as its margins, capital efficiency, free cash flow generating ability, and more) and consolidate it into one single number - the profitability score. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.

We take all the information about a company's profitability (such as its margins, capital efficiency, free cash flow generating ability, and more) and consolidate it into one single number - the profitability score. The higher the profitability score, the more profitable the company is.


Past Growth

To be successful and remain in business, both growth and profitability are important and necessary. Net Income growth is often seen as a sign of a company's efficiency from an operational standpoint, but is influenced heavily by a company's goals and challenges and should therefore be assessed in conjunction with other metrics like revenue and operating income growth.


Profit margins represent what percentage of sales has turned into profits. Simply put, the percentage figure indicates how many cents of profit the company has generated for each dollar of sale.

Profit margins help investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are being contained.

Margins Comparison
Bankwell Financial Group Inc Competitors

Return on Capital

Return on capital ratios give a sense of how well a company is using its capital (equity, assets, capital employed, etc.) to generate profits (operating income, net income, etc.). In simple words, these ratios show how much income is generated for each dollar of capital invested.

Return on Capital Comparison
Bankwell Financial Group Inc Competitors