Bper Banca SpA

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Bper Banca SpA
Price: 7.322 EUR -0.76% Market Closed
Market Cap: 10.4B EUR
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Bper Banca SpA
Investor Relations

In the heart of Italy's banking landscape, Bper Banca SpA stands as a testament to enduring evolution amidst a financial landscape characterized by both challenge and opportunity. Originating from its Italian roots in Modena, it has grown from a regional cooperative bank into one of the country's leading banking institutions. The bank navigates the financial waters through a well-rounded portfolio of services that encompass retail, corporate, and investment banking. Centered on the principles of cooperative membership, Bper Banca's model benefits its clients and stakeholders by emphasizing community integration, strong customer relationships, and a deep understanding of regional markets. Its widely branched network facilitates the distribution of traditional banking products such as loans and savings accounts, while also seamlessly integrating modern digital banking solutions to serve a diverse clientele.

Bper Banca's profitability hinges on its ability to balance traditional banking revenue streams with innovative financial solutions. Interest income remains a cornerstone, generated through the prudent extension of credit to individuals and small-to-medium enterprises – a sector that continues to be the backbone of the Italian economy. Fees and commissions from a robust suite of services, including asset management, insurance offerings, and transaction processing, further bolster its income. In recent years, Bper Banca has also adjusted its strategies to harness prevailing market trends, including digital transformation initiatives aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and customer engagement. Through a combination of thoughtful strategy and market adaptability, Bper Banca continues to contribute significantly to Italy's economic fabric while pursuing sustainable growth paths.

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Earnings Calls

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Dr. Gianni Franco Giacomo Papa
CEO & Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Simone Marcucci
Chief Financial Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Elvio Sonnino
Vice GM & COO
No Bio Available
Mr. Marco Mandelli
Chief Corporate & Investment Banking Officer
No Bio Available
Massimiliano Baga
Chief Information Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Nicola Sponghi
Head of Investor Relations
No Bio Available
Carla Gardani
Chief Compliance Officer
No Bio Available
Advocate Paolo Mazza
Chief General Counsel
No Bio Available
Andrea Merenda
Chief Human Resource Officer
No Bio Available
Matteo Bigarelli
Head of Equity Investments and Special Projects
No Bio Available


Via San Carlo, 8/20