Deoleo SA

Deoleo SA
Deoleo SA engages in the production, process, and sale of bottle olive oil. The company is headquartered in Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid and currently employs 642 full-time employees. The Company’s activities are structured in one area: vegetable oils. The company specializes in the production and sell of bottled olive oil under a range of brands, such as Carbonell, Bertolli, Carapelli, Koipe, Koipesol, Hojiblanca and Sasso. Furthermore, the Company distributes seed oils, table olives, vinegars, sauces and confectionary products. Deoleo SA is a parent of Grupo Deoleo, a group which comprises a number of controlled entities with operations established in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, as well as North and South America.