DOM Q3-2022 Earnings Call - Alpha Spread

Global Dominion Access SA

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Global Dominion Access SA
Price: 2.94 EUR 1.2% Market Closed
Market Cap: 435.1m EUR
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Earnings Call Transcript

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Good afternoon, and welcome to the presentation results of Dominion. [Operator Instructions] Before starting, I would like to remind you that once the presentation is over, as usual, we will move on to the Q&A session. You can leave your question in writing under the Q&A section of Zoom or you can speak by the telephone by raising your hand in the Zoom menu. We have today with us Roberto Tobillas, who's the Director General; Patricia Berjon, who is the Director of Corporate Development.

Patricia Berjon

Hello. Good afternoon, and thank you for coming to this presentation of the third quarter of 2022. And the figures that we published this morning show how good results, the good results we obtained in the first part of the year have not only been maintained, but they have sped up with more growth in terms of sales and operating margins. And in parallel, we've also maintained a clear focus on the generation of value for shareholders with a repurchase program for more than EUR 13.5 million divided in this year and our usual financial management. My reading of the results is that an unfavorable context, we've obtained some very good results in the business, which means that the year is going to close very well, and we have impacts in the low segment of our accounts. In other words, we have observed a very positive development of the operation now that we've made the margins grow in a context with lots of inflation. And we also have seen how the increase in interest rates and the depression of dollar and the current prices have increased our commercial costs and have had negative effects for the balance sheet. But if we move on now to our figures in these 9 months of the year, we can see that there's been continuity in terms of growth, and there's been very good behavior of the B2B segment both in the case of Project & Services, B2C is more affected by consumer trends, but we hope that with the recent approvement side with Repsol will be able to recover the trends that we saw previously as regards to growing in the energy vertical.

The business figure has grown 7%. And in these 9 months, which means that it's 7.3% in organic growth above the commitment that is established by our strategic plan, which is 5%. And the influence of ForEx is of plus 19% accumulated. Well, it has increased in the third quarter and has been counteracted with inorganic growth of minus 2.1%. And then mainly, well, this refers to the reclassification of metal structure activities and which is currently for sale. And this 7% growth that we can see in terms of sale is bigger in margins and has been reinforced by the different levels of leverage we have. Because on the one hand, we have a structure that we reduced down to 2.4% over sales, and we also have controlled levels of CapEx and amortization.

So we have double-digit growth of EBITDA and EBIT 17% compared to the same period of the previous year, which means that we have an EBITDA EUR 52 million. So we could also observe the influence of the market dynamics in other segments of the account, as I said, in the balance sheet expenses that affect the financial results because of the interest rates and also the valuation of the equity swap and other financial assets, including different foreign exchange variables. So these market variables have a negative impact of about EUR 9 million. In other words, with the same conditions that we had last year, the result would have been EUR 9 million better. So this means that we have a net profit of EUR 33.2 million, which is 10% higher than the figure reported for the same period in 2021. And this figure, that is the non-attributable profit.

We have the results of renewables, that is EUR 5 million and we also have the results of interactive activities, which is another EUR 5 million approximately. But if we were to analyze the management of the different businesses, I believe that we should underscore the very good behavior of the contribution margins, which if we look at the total of the contribution margin, growth has reached 8%, which means that we have a figure of EUR 107.5 million. And this evolution of the contribution margin is positive. If we take into account the inflation that affect costs. And this also shows that we can absorb or transfer these increases, maintaining our margins. And we've even grown, although it's becoming more and more complex and it applies more pressure to our customers. So it's much more important than ever before to improve the efficiency of our operations. And as you know, B2B accounts for -- well, if you bring together project and services accounts for 85% to 90% of the business and shows that strength once again with a high level of organic growth in terms of projects and services and organic growth is very, very high because we've seen 10% of growth in quarter.

I'd like to mention that industry recovers its growth trend compared to the same period of 2021 and that technology and telecommunication has grown exponentially. Thanks to the contracts in Colombia, for instance, meaning that the downward trend has been reversed because of some of the investments that have been made in this field activity. Energy plays the same role it has the same importance. And then we have the maintenance contracts for electric grid contracts. Well, with regards to contribution margins of B2B services, B2B services recovers levels above 12% in quarter, thanks, among other things to the stabilization of some of the contracts, though, we're in a ramp up for a year. And the project margins continue at levels of 18.5% to 19% for the year, with profitability levels far above the minimum of 15% established by our strategic plan. So as we can see, there's been a B2B evolution that is exceeds our expectations. B2C is being affected by consumer trends. And this has to do because of the slump in the energy portfolio. And as we've mentioned on previous occasions, it's to be expected that with the new agreement signed with Repsol, this trend will be reversed over the next months. And then on the other side, we have more customers in telecommunications.

We have more than 250,000 services, although this doesn't compensate the sales figure because an energy bill is 3x higher than Telephone bill but in the case the margins are being increased. As regards to the agreement with Repsol, we've already spoken about how difficult it was to make better use of our phone house channel because of the high energy prices. But this agreement means that Repsol will provide a much more competitive and attractive offer for our customers, which means that we'll be able to go back to the levels we have reported in the past. This agreement means that we're going to share customer management, therefore, compare the margin of those that already exist and those that we can attract in the future. So subsequent to implement this agreement, which we expect will be approved by the CNMV, which we hope will take place in November.

We will include in the business figure, the margin that applies to us as part of the agreement, whereas the contribution margin, what we expect that is it a bit similar figure. And we also expect that there's going to be a bigger margin of sales. And as regards other agreements and other corporate operations. I'd like to say that during the month of October. In other words, we don't have the figures of the third quarter included, but we've acquired an environmental service company in Colombia. And although this is a bolt-on operation that is not very big. It does offer lots of opportunities as regards providing our services connected to sustainability in the Latin American region. So with this acquisition, we are consolidating a competitor with an excellent position in a country like Colombia, a country where we have grown a lot in recent years, and we have our own structure that we're using for leverage purposes, and we have integrated supplementary capabilities. And we've included our technologies.

There are different stores available in the region. We've included this or offering them to our customers, to their customers, and we're also going to enter new markets, and we're going to sign bigger contracts. So with regard to the balance sheet, well, you know that we don't publish it in 9 months, but there are no big effects in relation to what we've published at 6 months. And you probably have read the reclassification of the assets and liabilities associated with these activities that are for sale. And the main changes would refer to the payment of EUR 13.5 million for the dividend on July 6, what we invested in our own shares, which was EUR 23.2 million at 9 months. So these expenditures with operating cash flow generation means that our net cash position isn't really playing an outstanding role. And we've also mentioned that we've finished the second repurchase program or buyback program, but as you probably remember that we started sometime well, a year ago, and we've acquired another 5% of the company, 8 million shares that we will advertise over the next few weeks.

Therefore, this is a direct remuneration to the shareholder, and which together with the previous buyback program represents another 11% in profitability to what we already provided by the dividend. So we are creating value, and we are paying our shareholders according to the market listings. But before moving on to your questions, I would just like to stress the solidity and resilience that our company has because although in spite of the very complex environment in which we're operating. And the company, we believe that with our financial discipline and without diversification, we will manage to overcome difficulties as has been demonstrated by our figures that delivered every quarter. Thank you very much for your attention, and now we're going to move on to your questions. [Operator Instructions] So let's start off with the Q&A, and we're going to give the floor to the people that have raised their hands. So it's Carlos Javier from Santander first.

Carlos Javier Treviño Peinador

Good afternoon, everybody. Can you hear me clearly? Yes, perfect. One is easy with figures. Patricia, could you give me the value of the backlog on the closing date at 9 months, the exact value, please? Now I would like to ask you about the current context. Do you think that there are any risks involved as regards finishing below your objective of growing above the levels stated in your strategic plan? Or do you think there are any risks in this regard? And I would also like to ask you what you think about the current situation in relation to Q4 and in relation to 2023. And more specifically, I have another question that is related to inflation. And to what extent do you have enough capacity to transfer the increase innovation that we're all experiencing. And is there going to be a certain amount of growth in that area next year? And then what about projects? What kind of repercussions are that? Do you believe there can there be any risk with regard to margins that are being penalized or affected by these cost increases over the next few quarters. Could that happen? Thank you very much.

Patricia Berjon

Thank you very much, Carlos. Well, let's kick off with the question -- the first question, the backlog, we still are above EUR 606 million in portfolio. It's a complex environment, but the truth is what we have seen is that we are still adding on more projects to the backlog at a very good rate because if you've noticed our turnover now has a high level of consumption. But in the case, we're still talking about EUR 600 million. So you can see that our commercial activities are producing results. And so our project activities. You were also asking us about expectations for the year with regard to sales of EBITDA. I think that the figures we've just given you now in a way, I think that what they do is demonstrate that, although it's a complex environment. And the operation of the business is going very well. And in that regard, we don't really see any reasons to not fulfill our yearly commitments. We are at the end of October so we have a very high level of visibility. And then you were also asking us about the situation of the business, the current situation for Q4 of '23. But it's obvious that the context is complex and that there are all kinds of situations starting off with inflammation that affects our operating costs that have to be managed, which is no easy feat, but we've done things very well, and that has been demonstrated by figures.

As I pointed out in my introduction, there are more and more pressures. And this has to do with your final question, how can we transfer this increase in costs because in some cases, this has not been materialized but in the next month, it is to be expected that this will happen. So this is very important to improve the efficiency operation. That's something that we do very well, but we have to do much more in this context, and we have to adjust all of our costs, and then we have to negotiate things with our customers. And as regards services, these contracts allow you to transfer costs easier, but that's, in theory, of course, because then you have to negotiate things with the customer. You have to look into the possibilities of transferring the costs and seeing what kind of benefits have to be established and the situation for us is difficult for our customers and for ourselves. And in the case of projects, we are working with open books in many instances. And we've also done our homework with regard to those things in which we believe we were going to have difficulties, and we've anticipated things. And the truth is that this is what we are going to do over the next months. I'm not sure if my colleague wants to say something about it as well.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

Well, yes, it's the same thing. It's a recurrence and resilience. And this is what Patricia was talking about. I think what we are in October, and we have very good inertia from an operating perspective, and you were talking about the transferring costs and projects and so on and so forth. But I can see that the world is going back to the previous price levels and then logistic costs are reducing, and we managed to control that perfectly well. I think that the very bad times belong to the past. And I subscribe what Patricia has just mentioned in the B2B services and B2B projects, I believe that we're going to be seeing improvements in efficiency, and we are working very hard to increase this recurrence and this visibility. So we have a very healthy project portfolio that is very profitable, and the figure was 18.9%. I think we always say that we stand above 15%. And I fully subscribe that we could even have some tailwinds, and this is what's going to happen in the future. This is going to be our approach. Thank you very much. Thank you, Carlos, for the question.

Patricia Berjon

Okay. We can continue with Miguel Gonzalez from JB Capital.

Miguel González Toquero

Can you hear me now?

Patricia Berjon

Yes, perfect now.

Miguel González Toquero

Great. I'm sorry, yes, I think I was muted. I have several questions for you. The first question has to do with the discontinuous activities because it's been another EUR 2 million this quarter related to the metal structure business. But could you give us an update on how the sales process is going and to what extent could this affect your net profits? And the second question is that you've given us some details on the Repsol transaction. Could you give us some information on what the cash in this operation has been like? And are you going to consolidate this activity because according to what you've said this is going to be the case apparently. And then a more strategic question because I always ask you the same thing. I think that now we have the maturity of the BAS participative loan coming along. But do you know what it is you're going to be doing? Or do you expect to consolidate the BAS business? Or are you perhaps looking into the sale of shares to avoid consolidation? I don't know. I think that any information that you can give us is going to be very useful in that respect.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

This is Roberto speaking, and then Patricia can say something if she wants to. As regard to the manufacturing of metallic towers, well, that's the only production activity we had. And we're going to receive this information very soon because we are currently negotiating this operation now. Very little more could be said, let's say that we've reached the final mile and that in the next 2 months or perhaps order that walk before the closing of the year, we're going to have visibility. But what has happened is that what we had in Denmark, there's been a closing down. There were restructuring costs, et cetera. So I would say that what has been included in the book is the cash out that we've had. So there shouldn't be any other more cash impact, and we still have the final assessments to be made regarding the goodwill, and there had been some impairment there, and that was included in that figure and then see how we could adjust the final figures. And as I say, we're going to have visibility and transparency in the next one or two months. And you were talking about the Repsol issue. Repsol yes, fine. Well, we've mentioned this on several occasions.

That is the agreement with Repsol. There has been no cash in yet. The agreement with the Repsol has to be validated and has to be approved, and that is supposed to be happening if not next week, the week after that with the CNMC's approval. And then after that, what we will do, we will consolidate [indiscernible] operation. And as Patricia pointed out, we started off with them well, we shared lifetime value. We're going to receive a little initial cash in and upfront. So this will have a certain amount of impact that we can't fully measure. We have to evaluate this together with the amortization of the catchment costs for those customers. But in any case, we believe that we have a completely competitive and strategic offer, and we have to go back to the part of growth again this year.

Patricia Berjon

And yes, well, this has to do what you said about consolidating. Yes, we are going to continue with the consolidation because we are sharing our customer management, and we have shared margins, and we're going to continue with those activities, and we're going to consolidate. But it's not going to be the entire invoice only that particular item.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

And I think, well, there's an issue here that has to do with T&T. Let's say that this is what has to do with all of those asset elements that we had in the BAS subsidiary. And I'm not sure if it's the Chairman or the CEO. But what is going to happen is very simple, but we don't know when. So the idea is that in this strategic irritation of Dominion in terms of sustainability and the energy transition and so on. And according to what [ Miguel ] said with in relation to management actions, the road map as regards incorporating BAS or having them in the perimeter is has been tabled. It's a rivet and we're currently looking to the stages and when we're going to do this. I don't think that this will have an impact on our financial statements, but we are looking into when we are going to take that step. We are focused on the sustainable world and the green world, and we also are focused on resilience and recurrences. We have to recover businesses with that pays lots that consider infrastructure is very important, and we consider that's a positive and a very strategic move for the company right now.

Patricia Berjon

Okay. Well, here, we have some questions. [indiscernible] says that as it seems that the interest rate increase is going to have an impact on your bottom line, are you considering reducing your gross debt?

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

Well, it is true that you know that with all of this proliferation of different bad marks, we have about EUR 100 million in debt because it's true that our net debt was maintained constant with a positive cash position. And as Patricia has pointed it out before, we don't stand at the same levels we had when the semester closed, although yes there is in the past, yes, we could have that cash that was not being remunerated. But now, although it's not being remunerated, the cost of liabilities has been increased. So we're going to have to do some optimization there. And obviously, we need to have a much better financial discipline and we'll do that. But as we see the business now, if what we see is that we invest and we see projects and investments whose exceed the cost of debt of the gross debt, I think it would also be possible to maintain that gross debt and for it to stand that those levels will even increase it. So everything has to do with visualizing suitable investment options and that returns be above the cost of leverage, of course.

Patricia Berjon

Juan Pena from GVC asked about the company that we have acquired. Could you give us some more information, please, quantitative information on this company.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

Well, look, well, this is a small company, and they are going to provide us with specific expertise in environmental issues that have to do with oil and gas in Colombia, and they have a turnover range of between EUR 10 million and these EBITDAs are approximately 10%. And I think that these are your typical companies that we like were three managers, and they're going to stay with us, and we have purchased the majority of shares. And what we're going to do now is you unite our forces so that we can bring together all of our synergies. Their contribution is going to be very important. They know what's going on in the country. We are going to provide a digitization capabilities. Well, we should reach 3x the levels of EBITDA by year 3.

Patricia Berjon

Well, if you have any further questions. We have another one from [indiscernible] who's asking us about renewables and how many megawatts or we going to have in operation by the end of 2022 and '23. And what about the CapEx of this division and the situation of the shareholder base.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

Well, we are building 350 megawatts in the Dominican Republic. And here, what I'm saying is that we will have to give you more information and more disclosures. So well, in relation to what I mentioned before, we'll try to give you as much information as we possibly can. We are making progress in this 360 concept that we want to apply to the Renewable division. And we will take further steps, of course. But the portfolio we are constructing and developing in Italy is very interesting and very healthy and very attractive too because we're seeing things in different countries that are happening, but these are things that you will see and we will be telling you about this, too. But in this case, this is a division where we believe that we have not yet been able to show the value that we believe we have. And little by little, we will be giving you more disclosures. And I think that you were asking us about the new buyback, if I'm not mistaken. Is that true? Yes. Well, okay.

Patricia Berjon

Well, now we're going to cancel those 8 million shares.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

Well, basically, the Board meeting took place yesterday. And we finished and we're going to amortize our own shares. We will have bought back 10% as Patricia has just mentioned, and we'll be opening up a new buyback, although it's not going to be 5%. It's going to be less than that. And we do want to focus a little bit on the target of furthering the participation of our directors and executives in prediction to the company's capital. So we'll let you know more about this. We want to be much more creative and participative and we believe that it's the right moment to get this done.

Patricia Berjon

Okay. We have Carlos Javier.

Carlos Javier Treviño Peinador

Yes. Can you hear me now? Yes. Okay. Well, I have another question because what I understand that once the agreement with Repsol is up and running and the way you report the figures of that business is going to change. Could you give us some references now or perhaps in the future with regard to the impact this is going to have on your figures? In other words, what is the current turnover of the business? What is the contribution margin like? And obviously, well, so that we can estimate what the impact of this new contract is going to be like in the future.

Patricia Berjon

Okay, Carlos. Well, what's going to happen is that the turnover of the B2C segment will see that turnover is going to be reduced. We will make somewhat more detailed disclosure once the agreement is set into motion so that we can have some guidance on the current B2C figures. But I'd say that what concerns energy has a weight of about 50%. So therefore, this turnover, this would no longer be in our accounts, but what we would include is the margin that we have for each one of these customers. So the figure we'd have in the contribution margin and turnover would be very similar with the operating costs, of course. And therefore, the profile of the margin over sales of B2C, well, it could be expected to grow, of course. But what we really expect is a decline in the turnover figure, but not in the contribution margin.

Roberto Tobillas Angulo

Not in terms of absolute value, but we believe that in this operation, and considering the nature of the agreement, we believe that in the next two years, it should make a contribution greater than what we already have. So in other words, in the Smart House project, there would be no businesses where you are involved or that you're going to include. And that is the total invoice that you sent to the customer rather than what you would be doing is you'd just be saying transferring the part of your business or the part that has to do with your business well accepted to the communications, of course.

Patricia Berjon

Yes, we would be register or be the invoice itself. But in any case, what we are seeing, we're looking into this right now, and we'll see what the reporting looks like, and we'll give you more details on the future about what's going on. Thank you very much. Okay. There are no more questions. So we are going to close the presentation here. Thank you all very much for following this presentation. Thank you very much, and we'll see you at the next disclosure. Thank you very much. Goodbye. [Statements in English on this transcript were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call.]

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