Ecora Resources PLC

Ecora Resources PLC
Ecora Resources Plc engages in building diversified portfolio of royalties and metal streams, focusing on accelerating income growth through acquiring royalties in cash or near-term cash producing assets. The firm's business model is to acquire royalty and streams in commodities that support a sustainable future. The firm has 19 principal royalty and streaming-related assets across five continents, providing diversified commodity exposure. The Company’s royalty portfolio has been constructed to provide exposure to commodities directly required for the decarbonization of energy supply and consumption, as well as commodities that are produced in a relatively more sustainable way. Its commodities include copper, nickel, iron ore, gold, cobalt, vanadium, met coal, and uranium. Its copper, nickel, and cobalt are key materials for manufacturing batteries and electric vehicles. whilst copper also plays a critical role in its electricity grids. The firm invests in both primary and secondary royalties.