Cypark Resources Bhd

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Cypark Resources Bhd
Price: 0.715 MYR -2.05% Market Closed
Market Cap: 588.3m MYR

Operating Margin
Cypark Resources Bhd


Operating Margin represents how efficiently a company is able to generate profit through its core operations.

Higher ratios are generally better, illustrating the company is efficient in its operations and is good at turning sales into profits.

Operating Margin
Operating Profit

Operating Margin Across Competitors

Cypark Resources Bhd
Glance View

Market Cap
588.3m MYR
Commercial Services & Supplies

Cypark Resources Bhd.is an environmental solution and renewable energy company. The company is headquartered in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. The company went IPO on 2010-10-15. The firm operates through four segments: Environmental Engineering & Solutions, Renewable Energy, Construction Engineering and Green Technology. The Environmental Engineering & Solutions segment provides services in contaminated ground assessment, remediation, restoration and information system. The Renewable Energy segment is engaged in producing energy in the form of electricity from renewable resources. The Construction Engineering segment is engaged in the construction of wastewater treatment plants, sanitary landfills, waste management facilities, waste-to-energy plants and solar farms, and it provides services ranging from construction of infrastructure, waterfronts, parks, landscaping, residential and commercial buildings, schools and colleges, resorts and specialist hospitals. The Green Technology segment is engaged in providing technologies and solutions.

CYPARK Intrinsic Value
0.753 MYR
Undervaluation 5%
Intrinsic Value
What is Operating Margin?

Operating Margin represents how efficiently a company is able to generate profit through its core operations.

Higher ratios are generally better, illustrating the company is efficient in its operations and is good at turning sales into profits.

Operating Margin
Operating Profit
What is the Operating Margin of Cypark Resources Bhd?

Based on Cypark Resources Bhd's most recent financial statements, the company has Operating Margin of -5.2%.

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