Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO

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Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO
Price: 26.92 TRY 0.07% Market Closed
Market Cap: 266.9B TRY
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Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO
Investor Relations

In the bustling financial landscape of Turkey, Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO, widely known as VakifBank, stands as a formidable pillar of the banking sector. Established in 1954, the institution carries a unique heritage, deeply rooted in the principles of social responsibility and public service. Its ethos is ingrained in its origin, formed as an entity to manage and optimize the revenues of historical Ottoman charitable foundations. Over the decades, VakifBank has evolved into a comprehensive financial powerhouse, extending its services beyond traditional banking. It offers a holistic array of products and services that cater to individual, small business, and corporate customers, encompassing retail banking, corporate finance, commercial loans, leasing, and investment banking. With a strong physical presence through extensive branch networks, coupled with a progressive digital orientation, VakifBank adeptly navigates between honoring its historical mission and embracing modern banking innovations.

The bank's operations are not solely confined to mundane financial transactions; they incorporate strategic portfolio management, foreign trade financing, and insurance services—diversifying its revenue streams with precision. Its corporate banking division works intricately with diverse sectors, including energy, construction, and agriculture, facilitating substantial economic projects across Turkey. Meanwhile, VakifBank harnesses advanced digital platforms to capture the expanding digital banking market, accommodating convenience while adhering to robust regulatory standards. The bank thrives on its adept ability to balance traditional revenue sources with emerging opportunities in investment and retail services, ensuring a dynamic growth trajectory and reinforcing its position as a key player in Turkey's banking industry.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Abdi Serdar Ustunsalih
CEO, GM & Executive Director
No Bio Available
Mr. Korhan Turgut
Head of Accounting & Financial Affairs
No Bio Available
Mr. Ali Tahan
Senior VP and Head of International Banking & Investor Relations
No Bio Available
Mr. Ramazan Siryol
Head of Compliance and Regulation Department
No Bio Available
Mr. Mikail Hidir
Executive Vice President of Legal Affairs & Credit Risk Liquidation
No Bio Available
Mr. Ferkan Merdan
Executive Vice President of Digital Banking, Customer Experience & Corporate Communication
No Bio Available
Mr. Muhammet Lutfu Celebi
Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development
No Bio Available
Dr. Metin Recep Zafer
Executive Vice President of IT Technologies and Operations
No Bio Available
Mr. Alaattin Simsek
Executive Vice President of Corporate, Commercial, SME & Micro SME Banking Marketing
No Bio Available
Mr. Suayyip Ilbilgi
Executive Vice President of Financial Management, Strategy and Subsidiaries
No Bio Available


Saray Mahallesi Dr. Adnan Buyukdeniz Caddesi No: 7/A-B Umraniye