Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV

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Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV
Price: 11 MXN Market Closed
Market Cap: 7.6B MXN
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Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV?
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Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV
Common Shares Outstanding

Last Value
3-Years 3-Y CAGR
5-Years 5-Y CAGR
10-Years 10-Y CAGR

Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV
Common Shares Outstanding Peer Comparison

Competitors Analysis
Latest Figures & CAGR of Competitors

Company Common Shares Outstanding CAGR 3Y CAGR 5Y CAGR 10Y
Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV
Common Shares Outstanding
CAGR 3-Years
CAGR 5-Years
CAGR 10-Years
Arca Continental SAB de CV
Common Shares Outstanding
CAGR 3-Years
CAGR 5-Years
CAGR 10-Years
No Stocks Found

Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV
Glance View

Market Cap
7.6B MXN

Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV is a holding company, which engages in the sugar production business. The company is headquartered in Mexico City, Mexico, D.F.. The firm has license from Pepsi-Co Inc to produce, distribute and sell mainly the Pepsi Cola, Manzanita Sol, Mirinda, Kas, Gatorade, Lipton, Be Light, Mountain Dew and Seven Up soft drink trademarks. The firm also produces and distributes bottled water under the Trisoda, Santorini and Junghanns brands, among others. In addition, the Company is involved in the production of cane sugar and molasses. The firm owns such subsidiaries as Geusa SA de Tala Electric SA de CV, Agroestevia SA de CV, Geupec Administracion SA de CV, Ingenio Rosales SA de CV and Embotelladora Valle de Oaxaca SA de CV, among others. On August 31, 2013, Cultiba incorporated Grupo Azucarero Mexico SA de CV (GAM) and Controladora de Negocios Azucareros SA de CV (CONASA).

CULTIBAB Intrinsic Value
12.11 MXN
Undervaluation 9%
Intrinsic Value

See Also

What is Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV's Common Shares Outstanding?
Common Shares Outstanding
686.7m MXN

Based on the financial report for Sep 30, 2024, Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV's Common Shares Outstanding amounts to 686.7m MXN.

What is Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV's Common Shares Outstanding growth rate?
Common Shares Outstanding CAGR 10Y

Over the last year, the Common Shares Outstanding growth was -3%. The average annual Common Shares Outstanding growth rates for Organizacion Cultiba SAB de CV have been -1% over the past three years , -1% over the past five years .

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