Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV

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Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV
Price: 543.86 MXN -0.57% Market Closed
Market Cap: 163.2B MXN
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Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV?
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Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV
Investor Relations

In the heart of the Yucatán Peninsula, Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV, commonly known as ASUR, orchestrates the symphony of air travel, a critical cog in the machinery of Mexico’s transportation infrastructure. Founded in 1998 as part of Mexico's efforts to privatize its airport operations, ASUR swiftly became a dominant force in the sector. Its network of airports, including the bustling Cancun International Airport, serves as a gateway for millions of tourists visiting the vibrant beaches of the Mexican Caribbean. The company thrives on the rhythm of its operations, strategically managing nine airports in southeastern Mexico while expanding its wings to include operations in Puerto Rico and Colombia. By providing smooth and efficient airport services, ASUR ensures a seamless journey for passengers—whether they're embarking on a relaxing vacation or returning home from a business trip.

ASUR’s financial engine is powered by a multifaceted revenue stream, comprising both aeronautical and non-aeronautical sectors. The company earns significant profits through the fees airlines pay for the use of airport infrastructure and through passenger charges, touching every aspect of the traveler's experience from landing to takeoff. However, ASUR’s financial ambitions stretch beyond runways and terminals. By cultivating lucrative non-aeronautical revenue streams, including retail concessions, parking services, and car rentals, ASUR wisely diversifies its income. The retail spaces in their airports are not just transit points but strategic marketplaces that capitalize on the traveler’s downtime, enticing them with shopping and dining options. This synergy of services not only sustains ASUR's growth trajectory but secures its role as a linchpin in the global travel and tourism industry, while bolstering the economic vitality of the regions it serves.

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Earnings Calls

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Lic. Fernando Gerardo Chico Pardo
President & Chairman
No Bio Available
Mr. Adolfo Castro Rivas
CEO, Director of Finance and Chief Financial & Strategic Planning Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Claudio GĂłngora Morales
Chief Legal Counsel
No Bio Available
Mr. Alejandro Pantoja LĂłpez
Chief Infrastructure & Compliance Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Manuel Gutiérrez Sola
Chief Commercial Officer
No Bio Available


Mexico City
Bosque De Alisos No. 47-A Piso 4 Bosques De Las Lomas