Northern Star Resources Ltd

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Northern Star Resources Ltd
Price: 17.405 AUD -1.16%
Market Cap: 19.9B AUD
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Northern Star Resources Ltd
Investor Relations

Northern Star Resources Ltd., a prominent player in the gold mining industry, embarked on its journey from humble beginnings in 2003, evolving into one of Australia's largest gold producers. The company's strategic vision and adept management have facilitated its growth through a combination of organic expansion and well-calculated acquisitions, such as the highly significant purchase of the Jundee and Kalgoorlie operations. This approach allowed Northern Star to bolster its production capabilities and resource base, positioning itself as a leader in the gold mining sector. The backbone of its operations lies in extracting gold from its carefully managed and environmentally conscious mining projects spread across prolific mining regions in Australia and North America.

At the heart of Northern Star's business model is its commitment to efficient and sustainable gold production. The company harnesses advanced mining technologies and methodologies, which optimize ore recovery and ensure cost-effective operations. By strategically reinvesting profits into exploration and development, Northern Star continually rejuvenates its resource pipeline, securing its future production potential. In addition to mining, the company benefits from vertical integration through its ownership of processing facilities, allowing it to refine and sell high-purity gold products directly to the market. This end-to-end production capability not only enhances Northern Star's margins but also strengthens its resilience against market volatility, anchoring its reputation as a robust and forward-thinking enterprise in the global mining industry.

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Earnings Calls

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Mr. Ryan P. Gurner ACA, B.Com., B.Comm, B.Sc.
Chief Financial Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Simon A. Jessop
Chief Operating Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Steven Paul McClare
Chief Technical Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Sophie Spartalis
General Manager of Investor Relations
No Bio Available
Ms. Marianne Dravnieks
Executive Manager of People & Culture
No Bio Available
Mr. Michael Geoffrey Mulroney BAppSc Geol., M.B.A., MAusIMM
Chief Development Officer
No Bio Available
Mr. Daniel Howe
Chief Geological Officer
No Bio Available
Ms. Sarah Reilly B.A., L.L.B.
Senior Legal Counsel & Joint Company Secretary
No Bio Available


The Colonnade Corporate Centre, L 1 388 Hay St