Deterra Royalties Ltd

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Deterra Royalties Ltd
Price: 3.74 AUD 1.63% Market Closed
Market Cap: 2B AUD

Operating Margin
Deterra Royalties Ltd


Operating Margin represents how efficiently a company is able to generate profit through its core operations.

Higher ratios are generally better, illustrating the company is efficient in its operations and is good at turning sales into profits.

Operating Margin
Operating Profit

Operating Margin Across Competitors

Deterra Royalties Ltd
Glance View

Economic Moat
Market Cap
Metals & Mining

Deterra Royalties Ltd, a name that might not immediately ring a bell for many, operates with a business model distinct from digging, drilling, or directly extracting resources from the earth. Instead, it stands as a gatekeeper of sorts, leveraging its strategic asset portfolio to generate consistent income through its royalty agreements. Predominantly tied to the mining sector, Deterra's crown jewel is its royalty interest in the flourishing Mining Area C (MAC) iron ore project in Western Australia, managed by BHP, one of the largest mining companies in the world. This royalty agreement grants Deterra a slice of the earnings derived from iron ore sales, with income linked proportionally to the production output, irrespective of fluctuating market prices. This model enables Deterra to capitalize on increased production without bearing the associated operational risks, cost fluctuations, or capital expenditure burdens customarily shouldered by mining operators. Deterra's strategy hinges on diversifying its portfolio of royalty streams, and its performance is inherently tied to the success of these underlying mining operations. The beauty of Deterra's royalty business is its scalability and focus on long-term contracts that ensure steady cash flow and profitability over fluctuating commodity prices. As the world continues to industrialize and urbanize, the demand for iron, among other minerals, is expected to persist, positioning Deterra advantageously in the market. By carefully selecting royalty opportunities that offer expansive dollops of security alongside growth potential, Deterra can optimize earnings and deliver value to its shareholders, all while operating a streamlined business model that circumvents the direct environmental and financial responsibilities of traditional mining companies.

DRR Intrinsic Value
3.23 AUD
Overvaluation 14%
Intrinsic Value
What is Operating Margin?

Operating Margin represents how efficiently a company is able to generate profit through its core operations.

Higher ratios are generally better, illustrating the company is efficient in its operations and is good at turning sales into profits.

Operating Margin
Operating Profit
What is the Operating Margin of Deterra Royalties Ltd?

Based on Deterra Royalties Ltd's most recent financial statements, the company has Operating Margin of 92.8%.

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